Chapter 162

"Oh no, that means we are going to idie?" shouted the prince and went in hyperventtilation.

"What happened to him?" sadi a dwarf. "Is he doing to die?" asked another dwarf.

"What a relief, now this earth has to carry one less idiot." said SNow WHIte.

"You have way oo much dark adn tainted soul for such a young age." commented a dwarf.

"Thanks." said SNow WHIte "WHy don't you seven follow that prince on deeath bed? That be your greatest contribustion for the human socity."

"Oh he revived." sadi the queen pointing att eh prince.

"What? Why are you alive? You can't possibley kiss yourself." said SNow WHite.

"I was in hypervantilation and yet you instead of helping saying I would rather die?" said the prince.

"Why are you so shocked of me wanting you to die as if we were lovers."s aid SNow WHIte "Besides my real mother didn't even care indue to her married life with my father and her infant born, few minutes prier."