Chapter 163

Soon the cutural fastival was over with the class 1-A being on the top. They gathered the most costomers adn had the highest collections through the fastival. 

The class was also praished for using the least budget from the school. THough it weas a whole other story that cause of them, the school had some havey loss. THe school had to give permission for the two story building that was made on the school boundry.

Among the prises some were teased also. Liike Takoka sensei, all the faculty member teashed him to no bounds. Many only called him 'leader'. For a few days he had to douget everyone to reach his destination in case people starts with those teasings again.

Even the parents of his studnets were smilling at him, hiow he wished that he had rejected those five's offer of playing a role in their drama. Why didn't he hoguht it before that nothing good comes out with associating with thsoe five trouble makers.