
God didn't have brown hair or a beard. He had black hair with pitch black eyes. He was also tall and muscular wearing a combat uniform. Was god in war? I thought.

″Okay Alex, just chill,'' combat god said. Alex? Hot sauce is named Alex? Please hot body and name. Too bad we're in hell.

The rain stopped pouring instantly. I exhaled with relief. What next asteroids? I thought.

''Man, that attitude of yours is just,'' he made a face of distaste at hot sauce as if swallowing salt. '' Yeah, I don't like it. One hundred and eight pushups for that. And what did I say about being late? Are you deaf? That'll cost you training at three in the morning till nine for two weeks starting from tomorrow. Hopefully you can see in the dark.''

Is that a gym coach? Wait, is god into gym? Are we here for some angel vs demon fighting? I'm on the devil's side? Hot sauce Alex was staring at the combat god waiting him to finish. His back was turned at me so I could see the look on his face. I was expecting him to bow or something, but he stood straight… and….. Tall… and… muscular… Eleanor focus, I said to myself.

''And I'm in a bad mood today,'' combat god looked again in distaste at hot sauce. I mean Alex. '' That's running for an hour and a half.''

'Now I get punished according to your mood? Really Ares?'' Alex snapped at god. Man that bible. Combat God is named Ares? Are you kidding me? I thought it was Jesus. Or was that his son?

Ares that name rang a bell in my mind, but I just couldn't get it, maybe I heard it somewhere in church. Alex, on the other hand, crossed his hands. His biceps were huge. Now my heart was still but my brain was racing. I stood still behind that tree staring carefully. Partially at the Ares God and mostly at that sculpture called Alex.

Ares twirled is finger in the air as if beckoning him to start running. '' What? 'Alex sarcastically said, ''I'm soaking can't you see? Did you blind yourself with that lightning? Wasn't that Zeus job?''

Zeus? Is this an act? Isn't Zeus that god. No, he's a god. Assuming god of thunder. I think its Greek mythology. Yeah, history book the fourth chapter, I thought.

Wait what? I inhaled. Gods are not real. There is defiantly only one god. Right? My heart and mind started pounding. I'm definitely dead.

''That attitude is a problem. Don't get on my nerve boy, you know the consequences, 'Ares flashed Alex a look and twirled his finger once more.

'' If I get a cold I'm not coming tomorrow.'' Alex started running in circles. Then he stopped. He looked at Ares. He held his hands at him

'' What?'' He yelled. 'Continue we don't have all day.''

''If I beat you,'' he said. ''No more punishments and everything goes back to normal?''

Ares stared at Alex then bellowed laughing. He put his hands on his knees to support himself he seemed to die from laughter, '' you beat me?'' The laughing continued, but Alex's angelic face is serious. '' Okay sugar cube, but if I beat you we'll make it at three for a full month. I'd like to see you try and sleep then.''

'' Don't call me that.'' Alex charged at Combat God.

Alex jumped at Aries. He snapped his fingers. Through thin air, a one meter sword appeared in his hands. Ares took his sword from his back. These were real swords. Blades, handles, and everything. At this point I got scared.

As I thought of making a run for it, the fight begun. Swords clamoring with their legs firm on the ground. I stood there watching with my eyes wide.

Ares' eyes turned red. He pushed his sword at Alex's with full force. It's like he was switched to dark night mode. Ares showed no mercy. Alex stumbled. He stood up and charged again.

Ares laughed, '' you're no match to me kid.''

'Oh yeah,'' Alex said. '' I'm not done yet.''

Alex jumped at Ares. Their swords met again. Sweat dangled from Alex's face as he pushed his sword at Ares. He put his hand on Ares' handle twisted his sword. Ares' sword flew through the air.

It fell next to the willow tree. Ares was turning to make a run for it to get his sword; Alex held the sword next to Ares' neck threatening to cut it off. The fight was over. Hot sauce won.

Ares laughed a psychotic laugh. Alex took off the sword from his neck breathing heavily. ''I taught you that,'' Ares said.

'' Yeah,'' replied Alex. ''And I used it against you.''

''It was a fair fight,'' Ares said. '' I was easy on you.''

Alex was smiling. ''Yeah kid rub it in my nose go on,'' Ares said. Alex was hardly breathing. Sweat was pouring from his back.

Alex laughed and shook Ares' hand. ''Everything back to normal?'' Alex said.

'' You won so yes, but if you come late again. Your butt is gonna get staked. And breath through your nose will ya? ''

Alex laughed and said,'' Man wait till mom finds out. My first victory against the war of god himself. Not too bad for a demigod huh?'' He was swinging his sword playfully. Then he threw his sword in the air. It disappeared into thin air.My hand was blue from pinching myself. I thought I was in a dream. A sword out of the air? Demigod? What next the dead will rise from the ground? ''I'm out of here,'' I whispered as the two psychos were still talking.

I turned my back and took a few quiet steps avoiding any dead leaves. Looking back to make sure no one notices me, I bumped into a cobwebbed tree. The cobweb was all over my face and hair. I shrieked loudly. My hands were wiping my face. Behind me I heard someone say, '' There!'' It was Combat God.

If I wasn't dead, I surely will be in a few seconds.

I ran blindly with cobweb on my face. It felt like spiders crawling on my cheeks. It smelled of tree bark.

Hands rubbing my face I saw nothing but the darkness from my closed eyelids. I bumped my head on what felt like a metal door. I partially opened my eyes.

It was Ares.

I bumped into a combat uniform of what tasted like a thousand years of rusting metal. I felt rust and cobweb in my tongue. I retreated. My heart was thumping in my throat. I bet they could hear it.

Alex was next to me sword in his hands. His face up close was even better! But I didn't have the time to appreciate his angelic face.

Ares was in front of me, arms and eye brows crossed.

'' Who are you?'' he bellowed. His voice was deep. He was huge, tall, with pitch black eyes like a black hole in the galaxies. They twinkled. His hair was dark as soot. His muscular body covered me whole. He crossed his arms.

My mind was racing what would you do in hell with Combat God? My eyes were frantically moving looking for an escape. Alex was staring at my cobwebbed face.

''Little girl. You do not want me to repeat that question I assure you,'' Ares was sternly looking at me like he was going to melt me with his eyes.

''Little girl?'' I gasped. My mind was racing I opened my mouth and stuttered words without even thinking. My drama lessons in school thumped up my brain. It was the only solution. Act crazy like they do. I acted offended. '' How could you insult me like that? I shall report this immediately to Lord Zeus.''

Ares and Alex exchanged looks. '' He sends me on a duty in a stupid dark forest to make sure Alex is having his perfect training and this is how you greet me?'' I shook my head at Aries. ''Lord Ares. You must do better for Lord Zeus, don't you think?''

Ares was confused. '' Zeus sent you here?''

''Sure he did. I saw that victory of Alex. Good job boy I like it,'' I acted impressed. I felt my heart sink in my stomach while I was looking at Ares' two black holes. I continued, ''While I was on my way you invaded my personal bubble.'' My mind was racing. Will they believe this gibberish? My fingers were crossed behind my back. I was determined to get past these psychos alive, get back to bed, and pretend this was all a dream. Let's hope this would work.

'' You go to Olympus?'' Alex's voice was deep. I looked at him trying not to melt at his hot radiation. His eyes were lit with excitement. I tried to keep cool, but I bit my lip. I looked away. He was too gorgeous to look at. Psycho, but gorgeous.

As I was opening my mouth to speak, Ares cut off my words. His eyes lit up . ''Zeus doubts my training?'' He smoldered at my face.

I casually looked at him and said,'' Maybe.'' Ares breathed heavily.

He frowned at me and said,'' Go to Olympus and give him your report. And you,'' He pointed at Alex. ''No training today. Go home. And make sure she doesn't come back here.''

Ares started to glow brightly. Suddenly a burst of light blinded my eyes. I opened them and he was gone. I turned to look at Alex. He was rubbing his eyes. I made a run for it.

Leaves splashed in my face. I thought I swallowed a bee and chocked on it. All of this didn't matter. My brain was panicking. All I could think of was Combat God's eyes and running. I felt the lighting change before my eyelids. The light was dimming. I'm on the right track, I thought.

I ran quicker. A few more paces home, I thought. I saw better now. Low branches were brushing my hair. One of the branches splashed into my face. Hard wood struck my forehead. I stopped. Pain swelled through my skull. I pressed my brain with my hands. Moved a few paces forward.

The world turned underneath my feet. I closed my eyes. One more step, I said aloud. My foot slipped. My body rolled on what seemed like a hill. Rocks shredded my skin. I felt leaves in my hair. Soil punched my tongue as I lied on my face. Then, darkness.

My ears were buzzing. My feet were swelling. I felt every vein scream with pain. My skull was heavy. I partially opened my eyes all I could see was clear blue sky. I moved my hand. Dead leaves crackled underneath my palm.

I closed my eyes and opened them again. My eye sight was blurry. I looked to my right. A figure from the dark was coming towards me. I opened my mouth no scream. No words came out. I felt fresh earth between my teeth.

The figure got closer. It kneeled on top of me. I was beginning to move, but nothing was functioning. I was numb. The figure stretched a hand at my face. I closed my eyes.