Morning Coffee

Something was echoing. I listened closely with my eyes under the covers avoiding the sunlight. It was a knock. It was soft. I raised the blanket off my eyes. The bright radiations of the blue sky burned my eyes. I squinted. There light filled my room splashing on the pillow and sheet on the floor. It's already morning, I thought. It felt like I didn't even sleep. My body was aching.

Another two knocks. Wait. What was that? I bolted up the bed as my back cracked. ''Ouch,'' I quietly said. Another knock. '' Who is that?'' I looked at the clock on my dresser. It was eight thirty.

Who would be banging at my door at eight thirty? I slowly moved towards the window. I saw a black hoodie move on our front door. Another soft knock. My heart skipped a beat. Who was that? What does he want? We don't get mail, and no one bought anything online. Oh no, oh no, what do I do? My mind was racing. I rubbed my eyes and looked again. He was still there. Brown skin, I see a huge triceps under a white shirt.

I decided to go down the corridor, get to the door, and look through the peephole to see who it is. I slowly opened the bedroom door and tiptoed towards the living room. I took a right and tiptoes passed the dining room where we used to sit with guest.

I quietly moved my eye towards the peephole. I tried not to push the door or fall on it. I stood on my tiptoes and looked through the circular tunnel.

''No!'' I whispered. ''I completely forgot.'' I slapped my fore head and opened the door. A muscular, brown skinned body with a clean black hoodie and matching sweatpants was at my door. That smile was shining brightly and the brown curly hair was perfectly twirled. It was Alex, the demidude. I mean demigod.

''Good morning,'' he said.

I stumbled on my words and stuttered,'' I'm… I'm really sorry. I… I had a hard day and I…I completely forgot…''

He let out a sweet laugh and said, ''Nice outfit.''

NOOOO, my mind screamed. I turned red, then green, then yellow. OH HELL NAH, my inner panicking voice screamed. I was wearing a crop top with really thin shorts and pink fluffy monster slippers! Please, sometimes I wish my mind would function well in the morning. Or anytime in the day, my conscious whispered through the thousand screams.

He was smiling with eyes in his shoes. ''The backyard!'' I quickly said,'' Jump over the fence. I'll… I'll meet you there and get some coffee for you. No, I mean us. Uhh. Bye.'' I slammed the door shut and collapsed on the ground. Hands covering my eyes. I stood up and looked through the peephole. He was gone.

I had no time to even panic or strangle myself to death. I ran to my room. First, I quickly brushed my teeth and combed my hair. Then, I opened my closet.

''Choices,'' I said to the closet. ''I need choices.'' I dug out the clothes and put up an outfit with a silver necklace Grandma got me. I paused and stared at it smiling for half a minute getting all the memories back.

I kept the slippers because they matched my shirt. It had little pink stripes on it.

Then, I bolted to the kitchen and turned the coffee machine on. I prepared two white mugs and filled them up with boiling coffee. Then, I placed then on a black tray. Matching his outfit, I thought with a smile. No Eleanor. Focus. Be careful, first not to spill the coffee, second of him.

The kitchen was filled with the scent of fresh caffeine. I wobbled all the way to the backyard door wobbling with the tray in my hand. I opened the door with my elbow. I saw him sitting on the edge of our wooden bench staring at the thick trees.

I tried walking steady towards him. I got to his right and handed him a mug with a simple, ''Hey.''

''Hey,'' he replied. ''I bought some cookies. They're fresh from the bakery.''

Please, that's cute, I thought, but my mouth quietly whispered,'' Thanks. That's sweet.'' He smiled back while smelling is black coffee.

I sat on the edge of the bench. The tray and a box sat between us. You're too far, my brain whispered to my two brain cells. Yes, I thought we are in many ways, not just by distance.

Gosh, I hate the poetic me. I held the mug up to my nose. I smelled the black liquid, imitating him. I closed my eyes dreamily. The hot vapor crawled into my nostrils. I breathed in the spicy aroma. I smiled at the sensation. It was just me and the warm vapor. No one else in whole world.

Again, I forgot his presence. He cut off my simple, happy thoughts, by saying,'' Its good right?'' I nodded with a smile. ''It's probably the best thing that happens in my day. It's like just me and that refreshing scent, no one else in the world.'' He took a sip.

''I felt that,'' I replied while taking a sip with a smile in the corner of my mouth.

Wait, what? Wasn't that what I just thought of? Wait, can he read minds? Oh no. Eleanor do not try and move those stupid thoughts. Think white. White clear space. No one nothing.

''It's really beautiful here in your backyard,'' he said breaking my focus thread.

''Yes, it's really peaceful in the morning,'' I replied.

''Is that how spend your morning?'' He asked. I was unsure what to answer. I don't know. Is it? Man! Why does he ask complicated questions? I'm too busy diving in my own shit to have a peaceful morning. Should I say that? No.

''No, not exactly. I love sleeping even though I miss many things by doing that, but it's worth it,'' I took a sip and smiled at the trees.

''I'm kind of an early bird. You know practice and stuff.''

I nodded with an awkward smile. Man, that topic, I thought. I really can't handle anymore shit. My hand twitched. Pain rolled through my brain. Oh no, not now, please, I thought. I gently pressed my brain with my left hand.

''If you love sleeping that much, I'm sorry for having to wake you up early,'' he said while staring at his shoes. He was wearing the same black n white Jordans that were on his profile.

''No, it's totally okay. It's worth it.'' I turned red and sipped on my coffee saying,'' I mean I think it's time for a change.'' I wish I didn't say that, but I made him smile. The tray and the box of cookies was still a border between us. He opened the cookie box and he lent me one. I accepted it with a smile and took a nibble.

Wow, I thought as I tasted the first nibble. I took a bigger bite. This is delicious. I smudged the whole thing into my mouth. I could feel a tingle of warmth on my tongue. Chocolate chips were melting under my lips. I tried to swallow. ''Can I take another?'' I blurted out with my mouth half full. He was nibbling slowly on his cookie as if moving the nibble on to every single taste bud he has.

He laughed and said,'' You can have them all. I bought them for you, you know.'' I smiled with my cheeks glowing pink with heat. I took another cookie, dipped it coffee and swallowed it whole. It was the best thing I tasted since chocolate ice cream.