She Drank It

After hearing this voice, Su Yu turned around and was shocked to see that Lin Sisi was the one speaking.

Lin Sisi walked up to her and nodded at her.

Su Yu froze for a moment before she nodded back.

Why was Lin Sisi here?

Or, was she actually speaking up for her?

Su Yu found it hard to believe, but she suddenly remembered the evidence she had sent her. It was understandable; she must have found out the truth by now.

"This is a socialite's ball, not a place for a nouveau riche. How vulgar."

"That's right. The bodyguards around her are so cruel. How could they do this to a beggar?"

"A person like that doesn't deserve to be here. I think we should vote on her to leave."

The crowd discussed amongst themselves, but no one knew who started it.

Su Yu looked at them with disdain. She didn't want to lower herself to their level, so she turned around and prepared to walk in.