
8 pm, Penghu Villa.

After Lin Sisi had dressed up to the nines, she rushed over in the car Chu Yaoyao had arranged for her.

Despite her beautiful appearance, the pain in her private parts was getting stronger and stronger.

She had already applied medication, but there was still no improvement. Lin Sisi felt resentful and aggrieved.

The thought of Li Biao made her want to vomit.

The banquet was filled with young and beautiful women, all of them rich and powerful.

If it was before, Lin Sisi would have approached them to chat, but this time, she wasn't in the mood.

She found a corner and sat down while sipping on a cocktail.

Halfway through the banquet, Su Yu walked in wearing a light blue dress.

Originally, she didn't want to come, but she couldn't resist Lin Qingqing's urging.

But when she arrived, she didn't see Lin Qingqing at all.

Did she stand her up?