
"Lin Sisi!"

Su Yu turned around and saw Lin Sisi's evil smile. Her heart sank.

"It's too late now. I'll burn some paper for you next year." Lin Sisi smiled charmingly before turning around and whispering a few words into his ear before she left.

Lin Sisi wanted Su Yu. She wasn't interested in her assistant, so she just let Li Biao beat her up and throw her aside.

Su Yu looked at the approaching man warily. As the moonlight fell on his face, he looked particularly crazed.

" work for Lin Sisi?" Su Yu tried her best to stop her voice from trembling. The fear in her voice made her swallow her saliva.

She had no time to care about Xiao Yu. After all, she couldn't even protect herself.

Luckily, the man did not seem to be interested in Xiao Yu. Otherwise, if something really happened, she would probably die of guilt.