Disasters Don't Come Alone

Lightning suddenly flashed in the sky. It didn't take long before it started raining cats and dogs.

Disasters did not come alone, but Su Yu couldn't care less. All she could do was run as fast as she could.

After all, Li Biao and the woman were chasing after her. She wondered if they had come to a deal.

"Help, help!" Su Yu yelled at the top of her lungs.

It didn't take long for her throat to go hoarse. She was exhausted and her footsteps became heavy.

But, the yelling behind her seemed to have subsided. Su Yu panted heavily as she turned around to look.

Not only were the two people nowhere to be seen, she also didn't know where she was.

She had run from the forest behind the villa, but now, she was in a completely unfamiliar place. The surrounding area looked like a park.

It was raining torrentially and the road was already flooded.