Keeping Secrets

Before anyone could react, Mr. Lin had raised his hand and swung it towards Su Yu. Thank goodness Su Lingan was there to stop it before it could land on her face, or it would swell for days.

"Don't push your luck," Su Lingyun gritted through his teeth.

Su Yu jumped. "Are you okay?" She checked his arm.

Inappropriate laughter came out of Mr. Lin as she shook his head in disdain. He then spat on the floor. "Do you think you can evade the statute and punishment if something's happened with Sisi just because you're rich and influential?"

Su Yu was amused. Why brought up law now, but not then when their daughter had committed a crime?

"Of course not, but the same goes for your daughter. There's solid proof that she's hired a hitman to murder someone. Sure, I wanted to let it slide. But since you brought it up, I changed my mind. You're right about something, though—as adults, we should all pay for our mistakes."