
Su Yu's heart skipped a beat. Her face went white as she looked at her brother. She was about to act cute and dismiss the subject, yet Su Lingan looked daggers at her.

For sure, she had driven him up the wall. So she gave him a played-down description of the event that day, skipping the chase as a whole.

All sorts of feelings welled up within Fu Yunian, his brows creased—did he mean so much to Su Yu that she couldn't stand watching him being worried?

"If you would please come with me real quick, we'll be done and over with this as soon as possible if you have nothing to do with it," Officer Qi laughed.

The cop must have gotten the whole idea wrong because Su Yu saw the eagerness to know all about the juicy details in his eyes.

She didn't want her brother coming along to the station, for she could handle it alone—she was innocent, after all. But when Lingan threatened to inform their parents, she reluctantly gave in.