Committing Suicide in Prison

"Ah!" Lin Qingqing stumbled backward, her voice trembling, "It wasn't me, Yu! I hardly nudged her."

Something flickered over Su Yu's eyes. She instructed the guards to page the doctors. If anyone were to ask about the unconscious woman, they'd explain they met her in need of medical attention on their way here.

After the guards nodded, they went for the doctors. It was a good thing Wu Xuan collapsed on hospital grounds, so the doctors managed to save her from flatlining. When she opened her eyes again, she saw Su Yu and Lin Qingqing standing in front of her bed.

"I—" There was only fear in Wu Xuan's eyes—she just had a near-death experience, and she barely made it.

Su Yu twitched her lips. "You were poisoned. Someone's afraid of your apprehension, and they want you permanently silenced."