The Mastermind

There wasn't time to hesitate. Just as Fu Yunian was about to leave to unveil the truth behind Li Biao's death, a gentle hand stopped him.

"We should focus on what's in front of us now." Su Yu turned to Wu Xuan, gesturing to him that they had a witness.

After the doctors spent hours keeping her alive, Wu Xuan was finally out of the woods. She came clean about everything she knew. Once the truth was made public, Su Yu and the gang came to Lin Sisi's residence.

It was too easy pushing the door to her bedroom open, taking Su Yu by surprise. Was she waiting for anyone's arrival, or had she fleed?

She remained tense until she saw Lin Sisi in the corner of her room. Lin Sisi had her back facing Su Yu as she leaned against the window sill, her eyes fixed on the distance.

Su Yu came forward, eyes with fury as she stared into Lin Sisi's. She asked, "You knew we'd come, didn't you? That's why you're waiting for us here?"