
Currently, a few police cars stopped by the street. A couple of police officers helped Han Yuan escort Niu into the police car. Then, another group of police officers entered Niu's barbecue grill to search it for any remaining evidence. 

It was already past noon. It was too late to go back to the Han family to eat lunch. Han Yuan stretched his muscles and called out to the two of them, "Are you hungry? I'll take you out to eat." 

"Ying, will you come with us?" Han Xiang asked softly. 

Before Chang Ying could say anything, Han Yuan smiled and said, "Of course, we'll eat together." 

While sitting in the car, Chang Ying kept winking at Han Xiang. Han Xiang could not understand what he meant and rolled her eyes several times. 

Han Yuan, who was driving, asked, "How did Xiang Xiang get to know Chang Ying?" 

It seemed like he did not mean anything by it, but in fact, he was secretly observing Chang Ying's every move. 

"Ying is also from the Welfare Institute. He was the one who took care of me when I was young," Han Xiang replied sweetly. 

Chang Ying was almost disgusted by Han Xiang's tone. When did the usually hot-tempered Han Xiang become a delicate little princess? He mouthed, "You're acting. You really know how to act."

"Oh, I see. Chang Ying, thank you." 

"It's okay. Xiang Xiang is my sister. It's my duty to take care of her." 

Why did the atmosphere between the two of them suddenly change? Han Xiang did not understand. She looked at the two of them in confusion and interrupted, "What did big brother say to that person just now? He was suddenly arrested." 

"About that, I told him that I was from the anti-triad office, and he immediately panicked. He was arrested and brought back to the station." 

Then, Han Yuan threw Han Xiang an ID from the driver's seat. The S City government anti-triad office had a seven-character gold-plated cover. She opened the cover and saw a photo of Han Yuan and a name: Liu Zhao. 

"Oh, did you get a fake id?" Chang Ying was amused when he saw it. 

Han Yuan also laughed, but he did not explain to Chang Ying. 

"No, this is his alias. My big brother is super awesome," Han Xiang explained. 

Chang Ying understood and immediately felt a wave of respect for Han Yuan. 

However, this respect did not last long. When they arrived at the barbecue grill that Han Xiang wanted to eat, the two of them were staring daggers at each other again. 

"Xiang Xiang, this pork belly is ready for you." 

"Yo, come here. This squid is delicious." 

"The steak is 70% cooked. Xiang Xiang, you can eat it now." 

"C'mon, open your mouth." 

"..." Han Xiang was already full before most of the food was even served. 

After she was full, Han Xiang rubbed her stomach and suddenly looked at Han Yuan pitifully. "Hey, can you not tell mom and Dad about this? Only you know about it for now." 

Han Yuan was eating when he stopped moving his chopsticks and asked, "Why?" 

"I don't want them to worry." 

Han Yuan thought for a while and agreed, "Okay. I'll keep it a secret for you, but you have to protect yourself. If you need anything, just call me." 

Chang Ying was still secretly picking up Han Yuan's roasted meat, but when he heard this, he quickly added, "Call me when I'm free as well." 

At this moment, Han Yuan's phone rang. He looked at the two of them and answered the call. After a brief exchange, his expression was very calm, but his words shout out like a bolt of lightning. "This is very strange. The police found drugs in Niu's freezer." 

Initially, he thought that it was just a simple case of premeditated kidnapping. However, once drugs were involved, the case immediately became complicated. 

Han Yuan still had to rush to the police station to ask for information, so he said to Chang Ying, "It's been hard on you, but may I please rely on you to send my sister home?" 

Chang Ying was very unconvinced and retorted, "You don't have to ask. She's my sister too." 

When he sent Han Xiang to the main entrance of the Han family's villa, Chang Ying stopped her. He did not look at the Han family's luxurious villa. Instead, he stared at Han Xiang. 

The little girl in front of him was frail and thin. Her facial features were delicate and sweet. She looked like a fragile doll. 

Her temperament had also changed a lot. She was no longer playful and mischievous like before. Instead, she was more reserved and obedient. 

Then, Chang Ying paused for a moment and said softly, "My area isn't good..." 

Han Xiang still wanted to comfort him to show that she did not dislike it. In the end, she heard Chang Ying say, "Don't come again back there again in the future, understand?" 

Don't come there again in the future? 

Han Xiang was still digesting the meaning of this sentence when she heard Chang Ying explain again, "I'm a big part of the responsibility for you being kidnapped and sold. It's my fault for not taking good care of you. If it weren't for your intelligence, perhaps something worse might have happened. 

"So don't come to that place anymore. That place isn't something a little princess like you should go to. The name of the Han family is too valuable. Anyone could have their sights on you." 

Without waiting for Han Xiang to speak, Chang Ying got on his motorcycle and sped off.