Choosing a Dress

Han Xiang was very depressed when she returned home. Her elder brother, Han Yuan, was busy with her case at the police station, but Chang Ying suddenly stopped Han Xiang from looking for him again. 

When she looked at the system panel, the progress bar of the mission, "Investigating the truth of Han Xiang's abduction" was only 20% complete. 

How could it be? Was this matter so important? 

Han Xiang was a little upset at being led on by the mission.

If she could, she really wanted to avoid just living for the sake of completing the missions. 

Seeing that she had returned home, Grandpa Han walked over from the sofa with a bright smile on his face. 

Han Xiang hurriedly helped Grandpa Han to the sofa and sat down together. Grandpa Han asked her about school. 

"Yes, yes, I'm working hard. I still have to participate in the Olympiad Math Competition Tomorrow. I heard that if I win the prize, I can represent the city in the competition." Han Xiang told Grandpa Han about what happened in school in detail. 

At that moment, Han Zheng walked over with a stack of documents and asked the old man, "Dad, there's a charity banquet on Wednesday. You are invited. Do you want to go?" 

"No! I'm already so old. Why would I want to join in the fun?" The old man was very disdainful. He had never cared about such an undeserved reputation. 

"Yes..." Han Zheng pondered for a moment and was about to say something when he was interrupted by Grandpa Han. 

"Bring Xiang Xiang along and let her experience it." 

When Han Zheng heard this, he was a little hesitant. He remembered that Han Xiang had always hated high society gatherings. She always refused to go. 

Hence, he asked tentatively, "Xiang Xiang, are you willing to go?" 

A charity banquet between wealthy families? Then would they know how to dance? Han Xiang was curious. She had never seen such a thing in real life. She really wanted to go. 

"I'm willing to go. I'll listen to your rules, dad," Han Xiang answered obediently. 

"Okay, then I'll pick you up after school on Wednesday afternoon." Han Zheng heaved a sigh of relief when he saw that Han Xiang had agreed. He then proceeded to prepare for other matters. 

Han Yuan was still not back by dinner time. When the family was having dinner together, Yang Su heard that Han Xiang was going to attend the charity dinner with Han Zheng, she was a little annoyed. "Ah, I've been quite busy recently. After dinner, I have to go back to the research institute. I won't have time to accompany my baby to buy her evening gowns." 

"It's okay, I can do it myself..." 

"You've bought her so many before, but I've never seen her wear them before," Han Qi suddenly muttered. Yang Su used to buy all kinds of dresses for Han Xiang, but once she arrived at the dinner party, Han Xiang would stand her up and run away, she had never worn a dress that had been meticulously prepared for her before. 

"What are you talking about? Just for that, you, Han Qi, can accompany your sister to buy a dress later." Yang Su scolded Han Qi and told him what to do. 

"Ah? me? Alright..." Han Qi said reluctantly. 

After eating, the two of them took a car and arrived at the most popular shopping mall in S City. 

Han Qi had his own opinions on how to dress. He was very interested in the designs by the K family brand, so he brought Han Xiang straight to the K family's special counter. 

Looking at all kinds of colorful gowns, Han Xiang's eyes were almost blinded. She finally picked two black ones and one light green one, but Han Qi dismissed them all. 

"Although it looks good on the outside, it doesn't bring out your personality." Han Qi touched his chin, and his eyes locked on a pure white dress on the display cabinet. 

"Give me that one." Han Qi commanded the shop assistant, wanting to give Han Xiang the white dress. 

"Uh... This one is for display here, it's not for sale." The assistant was in a bit of a dilemma. 

"What do you mean it's not for sale? The shop belongs to our family." Han Qi could not understand. 

After some minor twists and turns, the dress finally ended up on Han Xiang's body. 

When Han Xiang came out of the fitting room, Han Qi's eyes were wide open. 

The girl's hair was gently draped over her shoulders, and the dress was tailored to reveal the curves of her body. The vine-shaped shoulder straps adorned the girl's snow-white shoulders, and the long skirt that reached her ankles made her figure seem longer and lither. 

She was stunning. 

Han Xiang looked at herself in the mirror and happily spun around in a circle. 

"Your taste is really good," Han Xiang praised sincerely. 

"That's true." Han Qi was very pleased. After swiping his card, he brought Han Xiang to buy shoes that matched the dress. 

Even when she lay in bed at night, Han Xiang's mind was only thinking about that beautiful dress. 

Rich children really had it all, from looks to fashion sense. Even the original Han Xiang, who was in her mid-twenties, could barely keep up. 

It was the power of money. 

The next day, Han Xiang welcomed the Olympiad Math exam. 

On the surface, it was the school's small Olympiad math competition, but in fact, it was a chance for the school to participate in the city-level Olympiad Math Competition's preliminaries. 

Han Xiang would never have thought that this competition, which she thought was a small exam, would actually change the long-term direction of her struggle.