Grandpa Han is in Critical Condition

When she entered the examination room, Han Xiang unexpectedly found Yan Fei in there too. She was seated not far from Han Xiang's upper left. 

Yan Fei naturally saw her as well. She greeted her with a smile and then sat down to read the materials given to them. 

Han Xiang, on the other hand, was feeling uneasy. No matter how many pep talks she tried to give herself, she could not calm down. 

When the papers were handed out, she browsed through the entire paper and then quickly finished answering it. Looking at the door, she had the urge to run out after she was done. However, she still patiently checked the paper over once. And then, according to her old habits, she would have to check it again. 

However, she was really not in a good mood today, so Han Xiang handed in the test paper and became the first person to hand in the test paper in this examination room. 

As soon as she left the examination room, the uneasiness in her heart grew stronger and stronger. She turned her phone on, only to find that Yang Su had called her five times, and then attached a message: Grandpa is in critical condition, provincial direct hospital ICU, come quickly. 

And the time when the message was sent was already half an hour ago. 

No, no, that's impossible. The old man was clearly playing chess with her last night. How could he be in critical condition?! 

According to the timeline, wouldn't Grandpa Han pass away in a few years. Why did it suddenly... 

Did she change the plot and the timeline? 

Her mind was in a mess. Han Xiang ran to hail a cab while thinking. 

After getting into the car, she kept urging the driver, "Mister, please, hurry up, hurry up..." 

When they reached the ward and saw the Han family standing at the door, they all looked in nervously and anxiously. At that moment, Han Xiang realized that she had been crying all along the way. 

Through the glass window, Grandpa Han was lying on the hospital bed. His body was attached to tubes of various colors and he did not move. The medical staff around him were trying their best to save Grandpa Han's last bit of hope. 

Han Zheng was called to sign the papers. Yang Su held onto Han Xiang and supported her body. She did not speak. 

Han Xiang kept looking at the old man on the hospital bed. She had a feeling that he would sit up in the next second and pull out the tubes on his body and then would scold the crowd by saying, "I'm not dead!" 

However, she could not face it. No matter how Han Xiang looked at him, he was lying quietly without a trace of life. 

Until the monitor next to the hospital bed emitted a rapid and sharp buzz, and the line representing life gradually stabilized... 

All the members of the Han family rushed to the glass, heartbroken, and called out to their family members inside. 

Han Xiang suddenly seemed to have lost all her strength, sliding to the ground. At this moment, she understood: although she had lived for more than twenty years, and had more choice than other people did in the decisions she made in life, this was the first time she faced death. This was the first time she actually realized how small and useless she truly was. 

When the uncontrollable wailing sound appeared, Han Xiang felt that the time around her had stopped. 

It was still the same electronic female voice. As she spoke, she showed Han Xiang something. 

[Miracle Medicine for Treating Pain, value: 9999 mission points] 

[This thing can save your grandfather's life. Will you decide to use it?]

"Use it, save my grandfather, please..." at this moment, Han Xiang seemed to have grabbed onto a life-saving straw as she pleaded to the system that suddenly appeared in her mind. 

[I'm currently processing the credit and loan process for you. Please wait a moment.] 

[Processing completed.] 

Then, Han Xiang's world gradually recovered its sound. She saw that the smooth lines on the heart monitor suddenly fluctuated... 

Then the machine started beeping faster and faster.

Everyone present widened their eyes as they looked at the miracle of life. 

The medical staff got busy again. After an unknown amount of time, the tears on Han Xiang's face had dried up. A doctor came out and announced, "The patient is out of danger and is currently receiving nutrient fluids. You don't have to worry. However, there can only be one family member accompanying him. Can you decide who will go?" 

"I'll go!" 

Han Zheng and Han Xiang spoke almost at the same time. Only then did Han Xiang realize that she should not cross the line. She took a step back and apologized in a fluster, "I'm sorry!" 

However, when Han Zheng heard this, he gave her a gentle look and agreed, "Okay, you go." 

"Ah? Can I really go?" Han Xiang was a little hesitant. 

"Grandfather's favorite child is you. He'll be happy if you go." Her eldest brother, Han Yuan, also encouraged her. 

Seeing the surrounding family members looking at her gently and firmly, Han Xiang's eyes became hazy again. At this moment, she felt the affirmation and love of the Han family members toward her, and she was instantly filled with courage. 

Grandpa Han was in the best ward of the Provincial Hospital. Medical staff would handle everything. Han Xiang did not need to do anything, she just needed to accompany Grandpa Han. 

Holding the old man's weak and wrinkly hands, Han Xiang felt relieved when she felt how warm they were. 

Only then did she have the time to look at the system panel in her mind. 

What exactly happened to the thing that suddenly appeared and saved her grandfather's life?