I’m Doing Very Well in the Han Family

Seeing Han Xiang's indifferent attitude, the Gu family felt sad and blamed themselves. 

"Xiang Xiang, I know that you..." Gu Yuan wanted to explain and untie the knot in Han Xiang's heart that made her think that she had been abandoned, by saying that the Gu family would make up for the debt they owed Han Xiang. 

However, Han Xiang interrupted Gu Yuan's words and took the place of the original host, Han Xiang, and she replied seriously, "No, I'm not blaming the Gu family. Ever since I was five years old, I have never experienced hardship. The Han family has given me a very good and happy family. It's my fortune to be able to meet the Han family and be adopted by the Han family. I cherish my current life very much. Although I'm very happy and touched to be able to find my biological parents, I still want to continue my life in the Han family. I don't want to leave." 

This was the first time Han Xiang had expressed her feelings for the Han family since she transmigrated to this book's world. Everyone in the Han family was moved when they heard such a sincere and firm confession. 

Even the usually stubborn Grandpa Han's eyes turned red as he muttered to himself, "Good granddaughter, good granddaughter..." 

The members of the Gu family also understood and didn't know what to say for a moment. 

They were very excited and happy to find the Gu family's daughter who had been lost for many years. When they learned that Han Xiang had been adopted by the Han family and that she had always been doted on, they were worried that the Han family would not give in and "return" her to them as the Gu family's daughter. 

Therefore, the Gu family decided to act first and report later. A large family came directly to the Han family's residence to show the Gu family's determination and prudence. Before the Han family could react, they would take the Gu family's daughter home so that the two families would not fight over her. 

Even if Han Xiang resented the Gu family, the Gu family was willing to offer her everything just so that Han Xiang could understand and accept the Gu family. 

However, they did not expect that after Han Xiang met her biological parents, not only did she not resent the Gu family, but she even calmly expressed her understanding of the Gu family's mistakes in the past. She did not cry, be angry, or be resentful as the Gu family had imagined. 

The young girl just stood quietly in front of everyone and calmly told them that she was very good with staying with the Han family and did not want to go back. 

He Qiao looked at Han Xiang and started crying again. She felt sorry for Han Xiang for the grievances she had suffered after leaving her parents for so many years. 

However, how could the original host Han Xiang not feel sad about her identity as an "adopted daughter"? 

The three brothers of the Han family were all very outstanding. Han Xiang was always compared to them by others, proving that the adopted children were different from the biological children. 

Under this pressure and Han Xiang's inferiority complex, the original host could only become more and more rebellious, proving that she was loved by the Han family by causing trouble for the Han family and being unique. 

However, after Han Xiang came, she tried a gentler and more rational way, and found that the Han family had always been warm to the original host, Han Xiang, but the original host did not discover their kinship. 

If she had always been loved, then there would be nothing to complain about, so Han Xiang said that it did not matter. 

Grandpa Gu, who had been looking at Han Xiang with heartache, said, "Since Xiang Xiang does not want to go home, then listen to her. But the Gu family must give Xiang Xiang everything. We will definitely let Xiang Xiang see the sincerity of the Gu family." 

Since the Gu family was willing to give in, the rest of the matters would be easier to discuss. 

The Gu family said that they would hold a large-scale banquet on Thursday, the day after tomorrow to celebrate the recovery of their daughter, Han Xiang, who had been lost for 12 years, and inform the public. 

As for the matter of wanting Han Xiang to go back to the Gu family, the Gu family felt that they had to be patient in this matter. 

There was no reason for the Han family not to agree to this matter of giving Han Xiang status with them. However, they requested the two families to hold a joint event together to show how much they valued Han Xiang. 

After everything was settled, Han Zheng pulled Han Xiang over and said to her in a low voice, "The Gu family... is your biological family after all. It hasn't been easy to find you all these years. If you're willing, you can introduce yourself to them." 

Then, the members of the Gu family looked at the young girl who had remained calm all this while. She walked up to the Gu family and greeted each and every one of them. 

"Mom," Han Xiang was the first to walk up to He Qiao and said to the woman who was crying her eyes out. 

Seeing that He Qiao's tears, which she had tried so hard to stop, began to fall again, Han Xiang comforted her gently, "Don't cry. Didn't you find me again? You should be happy." 

It should be like this. She had finally found her daughter whom she had been looking for, for more than ten years. She should be happy. 

Thus, He Qiao teared up and laughed softly. 

Yang Su stared at Han Xiang's hand that was gently stroking He Qiao's shoulder to express comfort. She was jealous and actually wanted to cry. This way, Han Xiang would not pay so much attention to the other "mother.". 

Under He Qiao's tears, Yang Su lost the second round. 

On the other side, the two women were still secretly fighting over who was the better mother. On this side, Han Xiang came in front of her biological father, Gu Nan, and called out, "Daddy.". 

Gu Nan looked at his daughter in front of him with great happiness. The girl was well-behaved and sweet. Her facial features were exquisitely carved. Her features resembled He Qiao's, but her nose was a little like his. And he had been looking forward to having a caring little girl to take care of for a long time.