Gifts from the Gu Family

Gu Nan had been looking for her for more than ten years, and his hair had turned white. When he heard that Gu Yuan had found his daughter, he immediately brought his family to the Han family's residence. 

After Gu Nan complimented Han Xiang, he took out a card from the left pocket of his vest. This was a limited-edition "Dragon year commemorative lucky card" issued by the bank of Z Nation. It could be changed into a better card when the bank's savings reached ten million, the card that Gu Nan took out was a red dragon. There was at least twenty million in it. 

Gu Nan did not wait for Han Xiang to refuse. He quickly stuffed it into Han Xiang's pocket and pretended as if nothing had happened. "Xiang Xiang, the house has been redecorated according to your preferences. Come and take a look when you're free, okay?" 

Seeing the girl nod, Gu Nan watched her go to the old man with satisfaction. 

The old man only cared about looking at his granddaughter who was like a porcelain doll and giggled. He liked her very much. He stroked Han Xiang's head and pinched the young girl's palm. 

God knows how long it had been since a doll had appeared in the Gu family. Back then, when Han Xiang had been lost, Grandma Gu had been crying all day. Before she died, she had told everyone to find the child. Now, her long-cherished wish had come true, old Gu was so happy that he could not close his mouth. So, he took out another card from his pocket and stuffed it into Han Xiang's pocket. 

Han Xiang had taken so many cards and was already numb to it. She did not expect that one day, she, Han Xiang, would be able to see money as dirt. 

When it was the turn of Gu Yuan and Gu Ze, Gu Yuan said a little embarrassedly, "It happened so suddenly. I did not sleep last night and did not have time to prepare. I'll make it up next time." 

Then, he took out a necklace made of diamonds. Even under the dim natural light of the living room, it still shone brilliantly. 

When Gu Ze saw that his brother's so-called impromptu gift was actually like this, his eyes were wide open. When he saw Han Xiang coming over, he blushed and took out a lady's watch from his pocket. 

Compared to the gifts of the other members of the Gu family, he was really too unpresentable. 

However, Han Xiang was particularly fond of this small and exquisite lady's watch. She looked at it left and right. 

The watch lying in the small box was sparkling white. The pointer was a translucent and agile butterfly. It had the look of breaking out of its cocoon and becoming a butterfly. It also looked like it was about to fly. The side of the watch was inlaid with a ring of snow-white jade, surging with a warm luster, the strap was made of a material that was like silk but also very tough. It matched the simple and elegant dial of the watch. It was simply natural. 

"This watch is very nice. Thank you, my brother." Han Xiang smiled sweetly. She had a good impression of her brother who looked like her and was born a few minutes later. 

Being called her brother, Gu Ze, who had always been the youngest at home, felt his heart melt. He wished he could give her his heart. Seeing that Han Xiang liked it, he said shyly, "I designed it myself." 

"Wow, that's amazing." Han Xiang admired the watch in her hand. She felt that this design was even better than some of the big brands. 

"No, but it's my favorite work." 

"You can design these? Wow." 

Han Yang, who was at the side, saw Han Xiang and Gu Ze chatting happily and felt lonely in his heart. 

During the time when their relationship had been restored, he had never given Han Xiang a gift that she liked, but the opportunity to do so had been snatched by the second son of the Gu family. Gu Ze had even chatted so happily with Han Xiang. Sigh, it was all his fault for not knowing how to chat. 

At this moment, another person secretly made up his mind to treat Han Xiang better. 

After finally sending away the Gu family, who were reluctant to part with Han Xiang, everyone was relieved. 

Yang Su was always afraid that his precious daughter, Han Xiang, would be snatched away. She held onto Han Xiang's hand, but she did not know what to say. All she could do was sigh. 

No matter how reluctant she was, she could not stop Han Xiang from meeting her biological parents. Furthermore, they were so good to her. 

Han Zheng also sat beside Han Xiang. His emotions were very complicated. 

He had watched his daughter grow from a little girl with short legs and stubby arms to a slim and graceful figure. He had also watched Han Xiang transform from a rebellious and ignorant girl to a sensible, obedient, cute, and sweet girl. The sudden appearance of the Gu family... they wanted to snatch away his sweet little angel. It was really hard to accept. 

Han Xiang understood the complicated feelings of the two of them. She held Han Zheng's and Yang Su's hands and comforted them, "You will always be my parents. Don't worry. I will always be a member of the Han family." 

Hearing this, Yang Su's heart was finally relieved. Thinking that Han Xiang still had to go to school later, she said, "I am free for now. From now on, I will send you to school." 

Yang Su's move was actually to prevent the Gu family from taking advantage of the situation, especially the two pretty boys in the Gu family. Which girl didn't like pretty boys? Only Han Qi could compete with the two of them. 

At this moment, Han Qi was practicing his song in his room. The first round of the group competition would be recorded in two hours. He was a little nervous, but looking at himself in the mirror, he felt confident again. 

"If only I could contact my family. Achoo! Who's talking about me?"