
Oblivious King

"Ghost, i'm a Zero-Grade"

As the three hears it, they are in shock: The King because of his alias and his Grade, The princess and Ying because of the zero-grade.

The twenty knights in the circular throne room is alerted as he says that and pointed their spears in him.

"Oh Ilona, Mathis your here." Ilona is the one who has braided purple hair and Mathis is the one who has slicked purple hair

"We're walking right to here, but we run as we heard Ghost name

and is it right what we heard? a Zero-grade!" as Mathis talks in front of Ying he see a guy with black clothings, "Is that Ghost? Ilona!" Mathis takes a white beam saber in his left waist and turn it on

"I'm always ready!" Ilona takes her white beam saber too after she said, but Sachi stop them and said "All of you stop it put your weapons down!" "b-but he's Ghost we all know what he can do and a Zero-grade, unbelievable!" Mathis said.

Takeshi turn around and gaze to Mathis and Ilona while bending his neck, Mathis and Ilona are scared and shaking, for them Takeshi is emitting a vast dark aura that ready to devour them anytime.

"(He is Ghost, I-i don't know what will happen to us if we fight him. Fourth-Grade is like a begginer rank, Third-Grade is novice,

Second-Grade is expert like me and my sister Ilona, First-Grade is professional rank where Commander Ying is, but Zero-Grade i heard of it, thinking that it is the lowest of all grades, but after hearing it to the Ghost himself, who is he, Death?"

Ying ordered them too to stop and relax and said to the king "My King don't worry, Ghost is here for a deal made by the princess." Takeshi raise his hands to show that he will not do anything.

"I-is that so? Knights lower your weapons and go back to your positions." as the king said, the knights get back to their positions, Mathis and Ilona turn their beam sabers off but held it in their hand because of their suspicion of what's happening

"As Commander Ying spoke about, I've made a deal between the notorious mercenary of all time. A deal where he will be a Sovereign Sentry, one of our knights, and the the mightiest blade of ours. in return of clearing all of his records and a doubled paycheck. how is it father?"

the long gaze of Takeshi in the sibling ends as Sachi speaks,

"What about the officials and innocent people he killed?" Sachi can't answer the King's question, then Takeshi speaks.

"Innocent? you're a good king but has bad ears and eyes, even you are the king you can't order or trust another because you have the high grounds. question, who thinks you are a king if you can't see what's happening in your very own palace?"

"Hey, do you know what are you saying to the King! that is absurd!" Ying said while having an angry face "Sh*t up you clueless!" Takeshi shut her mouth and his dissapointed face is displayed to them.

"I have one more wish to the king if you want my service, I will say some names in your palace and i want you *Takeshi pointed his finger to the king* to put a death sentences in them" Takeshi's request in his bad manners in front of the King.

"You! how dare you say that to the King" Ying said ready to unsheath her sword, the other knights, Mathis and Ilona want to attack is angered and wants to attack him.

"Even if your a First-Grade, you might want to reconsider your actions, you will not win." Takeshi said to Ying.

"Are you saying that their is traitors among us?" Sachi's confused question, and Takeshi start to say names

"Firstly, Ambassador Yue Shan, Gear Master Gerasim Kuzmin, Bethany Hajjari your very own assistant, and the whole S3 Company especially Commander Zang Huifang"

All of them are in shock when they heard the names, Mathis said "What! our Dad?!" "your Step-father specifically" Takeshi's answer.

"Unbelievable, you want Yue Shan to be sentenced in death, Why?!" The king is angry about the added request "You are blinded by his fake good deeds in the Siltrem, especially by saving your daughter in her fake illness" Takeshi continuously say evindences.

"Fake illness? are you saying that the princess faked her illness?" Ying is more confused "I said sh*t up clueless" Takeshi removed his watch, and reach the King closely, Ying approach "Don't come near -" "It's fine Commander Ying." Ying stops, and clench her sword because of frustration

Takeshi finally reach the king and give the watch, "analyze it, on you own. they have more sides than you know." while Takeshi is referring to the names he said, he walk out.

"Hey where are you going?!" Ying is ready to follow him. "Deal is a deal right, i'll come back if you put sentences to those names. if not, i will deal it myself"

Takeshi said while he walk out through Grand hallway exiting the throne room to the main gate and return to the shadows. "Hey old man! come back here!" Ying says as she run through the main gate

Ying sees nothing but the several moon's light, two big white fountains in the side of the gate, some high trees and four guards in the front of the gate "Hey! you didn't see a man walking here?" Ying's shouted at them in a distance.

"I- i'm sorry Commander Ying but we didn't see any man." Ying is so angry but she came back to the throne room already calmed.

"He's gone, this is absurd we shouldn't trust or make a deal with them especially Ghost" while she show gestures of stress.

"(What should i do? i'm the King here, why i didn't knew all of this. Ghost made threats back then about killing officials, nobles, and other important person and we always failed to protect them, even Commander Ying can't.)" The King is stressed too about what he says.

Sachi is their with Mathis and Ilona and they are scared of what will happen from now on.

In a building near the quiet Palace, Takeshi stands on the top of it as the wind blows

"The Oblivious King with his trusted Sword, how far will this go?"