



"Takeshi! come here take a look!" Alle said in a room full of double deck beds as she watches the news in the corner, "That must be importa-" As Takeshi enters the room his eyebrows goes up as he sees the news.

In a voice of a woman reporter while the view is panning in a snowy quite plaza surrounded by tall flashy buildings in a great distance.

[Live today, in the Norgate's snowy Plaza, we are here today to watch the sentencing of the traitors in the Royal Palace itself, and it will be done by burning them alive]

"What, Traitors in the Palace?" Alle said while eating snack

[King Stefan is there walking to the stage with her daughter Princess Sachi and his invincible sword Commander Ying the strongest woman in the Siltrem behind them is their knights]

"Ehhh, Princess Sachi is so beautiful in the news what if i met her in person, ohhh that'll be so awesome! right Takeshi?" When Alle look into all direction in the room for Takeshi, there is no sign of him.

"He's gone, again like a bubble, like a ghost precisely! speaking of ghost, when will they capture that criminal? *crunch*"

[Behind them is the three traitors] their head is covered in sack and they wear worn out shirts and pants with no shoes or anything in the feet, their hands and toes are tied.

[oh, the audience is here, the people of Norgate with some nobles invited, First-Grade 1-star Rail is here the Guildmaster of North Guards.] The camera pans and zoom at important persons in the event.

Rail, the guy in the front of one of the pit a red haired and red eyed guy, muscular, flashy red uniform with white linings, with his serious look he took the vacant seat.

[Tziling Kuzmin is here too, a famous young noble in the Polargate, ugh he's so handsome!] Tziling, a grey haired guy and has a yellow eyes, he wear elegant dress of a noble in the color of green.

With his arrogant face he sit in the chair in the side of the pit in a great distance

"This should be interesting, i come in here from my place. to be invited by my fiancee herself in a video message, but in such event"

Tziling said while crossing both of his arms and legs,

"(Why the Ambassador and Hajjari is not in the side nor behind King Stefan. must be at work that cannot be dismissed.)"

Then more nobles and other officials came in the spot and sat in their chairs. The King now sit in the chair in the center of the stage, Ying stand beside him, Sachi didn't take her seat beside her father and move forward to the stage.

"Sachi, my daughter, start it." the King said as he lay down to the chair.

In the voice of Princess Sachi she caught the attention of the people in there nearby or not.

"People of Norgate and in the whole Siltrem country, my father, King Stefan reviewed an anonymous tip that in the insides of palace there are traitors, and we proven that the anonymous tip is true."

The voice of Sachi attract many people in the plaza, loud muttering of the people are heard as Sachi continues her talk "Of course you want to know who they are," three white knight walk towards the traitors, and removed the sack that covers their head.

The citizens are in shock, Tziling stand-up in shock, "Father!!" Tziling wants to approach his father Gerasim Kuzmin in the right side of the three, but the knights held him. he cried as he like care for him.

Tziling wants to hug his father but the knights will not allow him even one step.

"Why?! King Stefan release my father please, i beg you, what ever has he done to you or in the country Please!!" he just calmed down and said while bowing for forgiveness.

A big hologram video appeared in the front of the people and the nobles, as it shows Rail say "I thought you were protecting them with your rules"

"Gerasim Kuzmin the Talented Weapon Scientist is founded selling advanced weaponry of ours to our enemies, to the Aldlyn Country in the West of Saturn."

Sachi stop talking, he looked down to Gerasim, who is so quiet yet sweating from nervousness because he is standing in front of his death.

She look front and continue her talk "Bethany Hajjari the Royal Assistant and Adviser of King Stefan is charged of Identity Theft and for killing Tyra Macheleon who once rumored as a enemy helper"

"But proven that it is fabricated and Hajjari planned to kill Macheleon in order to completely shut his mouth, Tyra Macheleon is one of the trusted Adviser and the assistant of the King."

"The one who help the Aldlyn soldiers in and out here is Bethany Hajjari."

Hajjari is a beauty in her 30's and has a black curly hairs and dark brown eyes.

She turn back and beg the King "No, No, No, I didn't do it! I-it's not me! my King please release me here, i didn't do anything like that" after she says that the video switch in her.

with a disturbed static noise but understandable the people watch the video.

In a dark street one of the unfinished building on the top sits the camera and sees Hajjari walk towards in the four armed soldier with a familiar black-red uniform in the eyes of the people and in their front is a bruised man with fatal wounds all around his body.

A man with a purple beard and messy purple hair with a white robe uniform sitting in there, Mathis and Ilona are in the side of the king who is just in their teenage years, watching the video with a grudge, clenching their fist like it will bleed from the pressure, they can't maintain their unemotional face for the publoc so they just hold each other hands.

And shots is heard in the audio of the video, the sibling just closed their eyes and the people are shock in that video and the loud murmuring of the people continued, the video switch again for the other traitor.

"No! No i didn't do it, my King, Princess, i - i cannot do that he's my senior, di- did you know that i'm threatened by the Aldlyn soldiers too i-"

"Stop it, face the consequences, you will bring your own death to you because of what you've done."

Hajjari just kneel to the ground while murmuring something.

"Zang Huifang, the Captain of S3 Company of the Siltrem Force

is seen with the Dark Traders, one of the dangerous Guild in the outside, helping them like Kuzmin does. the whole S3 company is helping them, giving human subjects for the Dark Traders experiment."

Zang Huifang the man on the left is in his 50's, messy white hair and beard, his eyes that is closed as he looked down to the ground because of what he does is revealed and what will happen to him now.

Sachi look to Rail and ask a question "Guildmaster Rail, you know about this but you didn't say anything, am i right?"

With Rail's husky voice.

"I have many things to do, and if i report to your untrusty secretary or anyone that can help this country to fall will be useless because the King is deaf and blind, besides our Guild is made to protect the North of Siltrem from outside not inside"

"You, can't talk like that in the front of King Ste-" Ying is angry again and warned Rail, but the King stop their conversation "Ying stand down, it's all right."

"The Palace sometimes must solve their own tangled system, and not rely on us because we are just weak." Rail end his serious talk, Sachi is annoyed in him while she look to him, she look forward again to the citizens and continue her talk.

"Now we will burn these traitors to be a great example to the ones who will betray the King, Knights, begin."

The four knights grabbed them and pull them to the pit "No! no, no, don't do this to me please!" "King Stefan, Spare my father, ju- just put him in the prison, Please!" all of them can hear the wailing of Hajjari and Tziling who is being held by knights.

"Tziling, your father accepted it and ready to take his mistakes in his death you must accept this too, and by the way our marriage is cancelled forever"

Sachi walk towards her chair beside the King and sit, the knights tied them, Hajjari isn't done at yelling but the two seems

accepted what will gonna happen to them in a mere seconds

A torch lit up in the hands of a knights that walk slowly in thier left, while the people smelled the suffocating gas beneath the pit, Tziling is screaming until the knight lowered the torch for the pit of Huifang.

A fire who is fast to be followed by the eye starts to gobble Huifang, next is Hajjari who hasn't has enough voice to scream for the pain brought by the fire, Gerasim's pit is lit but he's voice

is not there, he looked in the eyes of his son and nods with a smile.

Tziling cries and cries while being held by the knights.

The three received an alive cremation because of their mistakes.

In a black tower in the outside of the Siltrem where massive and strong golden colored storms happens.

A soldier with black and red linings uniform, opens a wide door from the outside of the room with no any furnitures around it on the top floor and say a news in a guy in a wide rectangle black table who is sitting and drinking a wine, while looking at the golden storms in a massive thick glass.

"What about Yue Shan, is there a news about him?" He's wearing a black coat with red linings, he turn around in the soldier "There is no news about him Chief" "What about the anonymous tip?", "We're working on it"

"(They were all burned up just because of some proven tip from someone else), what about the girl who failed and the guy who almost kill her?"

"The Doctor is just have some trouble because of her injuries, and the guy who injured her is registered as a caregiver in the Snowston, the name is Kise Kiriha that's what the facial recognition results from the records of Siltrem"

"A Caregiver that easily deals major injuries in a First-Grade 1-Star? HOW COULD THAT BE POSSIBLE!!" the guy throws the glass wine into the soldier and throws the wide table like a piece of wood and flew to the ceiling.

Almost an hour pass and the sun set, the black smoke of the fire starts to fade and the smell of the fire and the bodies are scattered, there wasn't a single fragment of bone, the strong fire gobbled it up.

The King came back to the Palace and sit again on the throne "My King, are you sure that just prisoning Yue Shan is enough?"

"I- i don't know, just rest for now Ying, we'll gonna plan for further."

"Hey, where are you when the news was happening, huh Takeshi?" pouting Alle said when Takeshi arrived at the gate of the orphanage "I received a call from my interview." "New job huh, It's dangerous Takeshi"

"Did i said that call me Kiriha hundred times." "Takeshi is more suitable for you, and it is unique that i was the only one who call you Takeshi, right? oh by the way what happen to your interview call?"

"Accepted." "Heh you will be a guard for who?"

"Alle, Kiriha the dinner is ready" the two headed to the center room while walking in the spacious courtyard.

"No answers? Fine."

Takeshi opened the door, and a table filled with foods is there and the children can't stop their chatting while eating, the two sit and starts to eat.

"(Yue Shan, how special you are for the King, guess i'll do it my self *bite*)"

"A stew, i love stew"