



While the King sit on his throne in stress, he blinks his eyes and in that time he see Takeshi who always where a hoodie standing in the center.

"Gho- Ghost! King Stefan, the Ghost he's here!" one of the knights shouted in distance while they pointed their spears onto him.

"It's all right, I'm expecting this since we did what he told us, lower your weapons," as they lowered their weapons the King ask a question while seeing his whole unemotional face as he found it annoying, "What's with your face?"

"Where is Yue Shan?", "That's... sigh, he's in the prison underground don't - Hey!" as King Stefan said that Takeshi walk towards in big left hallway on the throne's entrance "Where are you going?" one of the knights ask.

Takeshi just made a gesture in his hand on his back that said follow me, then in split second he disappeared, "Whe- where did he go?" and seconds pass a red alarm goes off.

"[Captain Dave the- there's a man here just in my front and ask where the prison cells are, i thought he had permission so i said where it is but he just dissapeared in my eyes, and i activated the alarm i will be there soon]

A voice of a woman in the communication earpiece said in Captain Dave who sit in a hydraulic chair, with his white uniform, golden mess hair and shaven beard, and in his 40's.

He get up in his chair and exits his dark office a light flashes in his eyes, he run slow on his left where hundreds of prisoners in their cells some of them are normal, quiet, loud, crazy.

An underground floor that has a foundation of cobblestone walls and pillars, hundreds of lights and blinking motion sensors on the ground and ceiling.

He reaches his earpiece in his left ear, "This is Captain Dave, is there any movements in -4 to -38 floor?", "[Nothing Captain but the alarm is turned on]"

"Be ready for an intruder, expect it to be High First-Grade, and bring Commander Ying here, Go!" "[Ye- Yes Sir!]", "(Why? for all days, my daughter's birthday is around, if i can't fix this my whole week is...)"

A sound of a creeking metal door is heard where Captain Dave was headed for, Takeshi stepped in, Captain Dave stop as he heard it in his front and sees Takeshi, he draw his sword in his right waist and a energy shield in his right arm.

"Identify yourself!" Captain Dave said.

"(Left-handed? It's the best that i killed Kiryuu in the lab.)" Takeshi approach him slowly, but a load bang on the door was heard and in the second bang the door fly straight in one's prisoner's gate.

A smoke occured and Commander Ying just thrust her sword forward out of the smoke toward Takeshi who's not looking what happens in his back but still evaded it simple.

Ying is out of the smoke and the force she made brought her in Captain Dave side, "What are you doing here?" Ying's question to Takeshi, "Commander who is this guy?" Captain Dave's question.

She grab her sword two hands and said, "The Ghost" as he heard that name and see's Ying uses two hands, Captain Dave's body trembles a bit and clenches his sword.

"(That's him? w- why he's here, is the Palace did something wrong, all of this days why now?)", "Where is Yue Shan?" as he questioned that a girl barged in a rush breathing heavily and sweating a lot

"Captai- You!", the girl draw her sword too, "Treya Don't!" Treya is in her early 20's has a dark brown eyes and hair and has a fierce look, "Why Captain!?"

Treya ask, "He is the Ghost." Captain Dave said that and Treya did what the Captain does when he heard he's name.

"Originals, good maybe your the last of your race after nine centuries." Takeshi said when he observed the girl's eye and hair color.

"Now where is Yue Shan?" Takeshi ask, "I will not let you any closer to the Ambassador." Ying's answer, the three take their stance Ying and Captain Dave in his front and Treya in his back.

As they charge to him, Takeshi lowered his head a little and evaded all attacks and advanced to Ying's back

"Not enough."

Two words who angered Ying and attack him, but Takeshi snapped her sword like a little piece of wood, "(Impossible thi- this is made from Solar Alloy and he snapped it like nothing?!)"

Ying stop and looked at her snapped sword like it was a important thing, Takeshi look at his hands where the blade is and looked to Ying's surprised face.

"It's a Crystal Alloy." Takeshi said

"Shut up!" Ying is annoyed and drop her simple designed snapped sword and wants to punch him but the aim is off and it destroy a large part of the wall.

"Treya, Dave!" Ying called the two to attack Takeshi.

Captain Dave push forward through the back of Ying and started to swing his sword endlessly, but like the all attack Takeshi evaded it.

"(This is useless, he's the Ghost, even Commander Ying can't stop him, how could i?)

Captain Dave stepped back to relinquish some stamina and he look back where he see Treya not moving due to shock just holding her sword shaking.

A loud speaker is suddenly heard in the whole prison room, "[This is King Stefan, Ghost is permitted to be here, so stop attacking him and what will he going to do there is permitted too.]" "(The King himself, why?) Captain Dave's mind circulate hundreds of question.

The angry face of Ying, the shocked face of Treya and Dave's confused mind is still there, Takeshi starts to walk and the three follows him and put their swords back.

A distant voice of singing is heard, "The cat died due to curiosity, the ~ rabbit falls in the trap and the... The man himself is here!" after the four got close, a man sitting on the ground in one of the cells stopped singing and shouted

"What brings you here? Ghost!" the cold eyes of Takeshi got even colder and he pulls hidden gun in the back of his waist, cock it and point it to the prisoner.

"Yue Shan you are gonna be sentenced to death, because of putting the 9th generation princess of the Siltrem Country almost into the grave last year, killing innocent and good citizens of Siltrem, helping Bethany Hajjari in giving resources in Aldlyn, and hiring Dark Traders to kill my Squad"

"(Squad? i thought he is a renegade in his profession himself)" Dave's thought, "Are you saying that this is a revenge, Ghost? Hahahahaha, you sure are loyal to your subordinates." the annoying reply of Yue Shan.

"Go ahead and kill me! We know what will happen next and you can't turn around this time, think of Moctezuma the-"

After Takeshi hears the name he triggered the energy gun that silently make a small hole into Yue Shan's head that made him flip dead in a split seconds, and a three blue colored energy barrier in the front of the cell appeared right after the shot in a broken state.

"You dare to say that name." the three is surprised of what happen but they remember the King's order and did not interfere ,and a question in their mind rose up, who owns the name, "Who is Moctezu-"

Takeshi pointed his gun to Ying when she question it, the two ready again to draw their sword shakingly, "(Hey, hey, hey! that's not an energy gun despite from it's plain same design that is not it, what, modified?!) Dave's thought

"The other two is surprised on the firepower dealt by the gun, and Ying just let it go, "What are you doing, protecting him? three layers?" Takeshi questioned that and put his gun back to it's previous place.

"What will you gonna do now?" Ying's question, Takeshi dissapeared again in a glimpse in that question, "Is he nuts?!" Ying finally release her angriness, Dave look again to Treya who is nervous amd sweating.

"Treya, go back to your quarter you must rest?" Dave's concerned advice to her and Treya nod her head and walk out through the broken door.

"It's what? the energy barrier was more advanced by 30 years of technology now, but that gun, a railgun can do that." Dave said to Ying while she look closely in the broken barrier.

*Screams* a scream is heard in all corners of the palace, "The Princess!" Ying stand up and run fast to the princess room, "I thought he leave, but he come next for the princess!"

Dave said while running fast next in Ying who is so fast that Dave's speed is considered slow even if he can run up to forty miles per hour due to the serums of the palace who brought him into Second-Grade.

Ying approach the door and entered the room, "You piece of wart, stay away from the... What!!" Ying is stopped after she draw her sword and is surprised s001|eeing Sachi and Takeshi shake hands

Showing the satisfied face of Sachi and the tired like face of Takeshi, "Well i promised this deal, all of your request is been completed", "except for Yue Shan but i'll make an exception for you Sachi."

"Hey, 'Princess Sachi' do you have manners?" Takeshi didn't look, "Hey! I'm here you maggot!"

"From now on you are the part of our strongest forces, our strongest shadow."

"But if you, all of you do something out of my vocabulary i will annihilate all of you myself."

"Oh yeah, that's why your alias is Ghost, ghosts always make a threat"

The little chitchat of the two makes the atmosphere for Ying annoying and for Dave too that is newly arrived while breathing heavily.

Mathis and Ilona too arrived in the scene, confused of what's happening.

"You seven, keep my Identity secret." , "Seven?" confused question of Sachi, "Ying, the King, Sachi, the purpled haired sibling, Captain Dave, and the Original girl" Takeshi said.

"Oh", Sachi clears her mind "And report Ghost dead turned into ash by the Flame bender in the Eastern part of Mars", Takeshi said surprisingly, "So you want a new life?" Sachi's question.

"Ahhh, your just scheming the Princess." Ying said who want to slice Takeshi in half, "By the way that watch you gave in my father worth a lot, and finding them in their true nature is worth it" Sachi said by her gentle voice.

"Don't thank me, even if it is your trash, keep it all silent, i'll be in your care tomorrow, Commander Ying." Takeshi dissapeared again after he said that.

"Why are we making an alliance to that guy, our Princess?" Dave's question, "Nope, not an alliance, i hired him." Sachi's answer.

"Why in my branch" The question of Ying.

"(Whaaaat, she hired that demon? is he the one who gave the tip and the vulgar things about other nobles?)"


"I feel much better now, you'll do the experiments to me again?" like a child, the one who attack Takeshi ask while opening her bright orange eyes, touching her slant scar on the cheek, with her slim body that only wear a patient's robe, sitting in a big metal chair and above it, is wires and a big cylindrical tube apparatus all in a small room.

a speaker rumble on the top right corner, and a gentle voice of a man comes out, "[Don't worry, you want to be strong. strong that anyone can't defeat you right? hang in there, you will be a Zero-Grade in no time.]" he turned off the microphone and said, "Run the test, make sure that it will work."

Her tired face becomes serious, the scientist that will conduct the experiments entered the room, bright lights covered the room, and the door closes.

"Just you wait Kiriha, i will kill you in my own hands," the girl clenches her fist and relaxed it, she lay down and closes her eyes.


The kids are playing in the courtyard, some is just swinging, some is just chasing each other with a smile and some are hovering into an air board that floats and can carry two kids.

Takeshi and Alle is having an argument in the corner while Alle put her hands in the waist, tapping continuously her feet, while Takeshi just stand there like a statue with no pose.

"You can be a guard in a bank or in a pharmacy! Why the Palace in all of the places?! what, your boasting your Second-Grade rank?!" Alle said while pouting again in angriness.

Takeshi answered her , "Look, my true goal after my resignation of being a caregiver is to guard a bank, but luckily -" but Alle interupted him.

"Luckily?! guarding a bank is lucky for you, pharmacy is more lucky for your safetiness!"

"Some of the White knights piqued their interest in my resume and it can't be helped, the Palace needs help and we are the citizens of the Siltrem, it's not bad if i protect it, if i will be a knight their i will be proud of it." Takeshi said.

"If you come here injured i will never heal you" Takeshi's eyebrows goes up again when she said that, "I will pick the orphanage over the Palace, because your the most important to me and the kids too also."

Alle blushed a little bit after he said that while looking to him and she turns around heading to the main lobby of the Orphanage with a fast walk, "Shut up, you old man!" Alle said.

"(I'm not good at this things)" while scratching his head he follows Alle and his tired eyes raised again.



The Sentry school that teaches the future knights of the Siltrem, where all uniforms is white, vast stadium that is use for competitions and training.

Dozens of robot dummies all standing in the side turned off next to it, a grand hallway with sparkly ceilings and pictures of students that achieve the highest, one of them is Rail in his 20's with a big smile.

Leading to big school rooms that only fits thirty to forty students each, countless quarters for the students, the school's color is mostly white with the linings of green

and a symbol of Siltrem in the entrance, a compass symbol and a hexagon shape in the center, and the last three rings of the Saturn wrapped around the compass.

One of the rooms starts the class and their teacher enters and the students in white pay respects to the teacher.

"Good Morning Ma'am" the students said while standing, "Good morning too, take your seats" their teacher reach the table in the front and said

"First-years, this is your first day in the Sentry school, unlike the other school across the Siltrem, this School will hone your skills to be the next generation knights in the Siltrem. I am Treya Catrina your teacher in this year, let's start!"