Small Insect Colony's Hegemons

While Aldrin was at the training camp, the Terrorhawk Eggs he bought finally arrived at their doorstep.

"Go on and eat it. We boiled it properly. Your brother told us to let you eat this once at the end of each day. His instructor told him that it's effective this way." Their mother had a wide smile plastered on her lips as she presented the hard-boiled Terrorhawk Egg to Althea.

However, one look and Althea was instantly frightened at the egg in front of her.

"Mom... you know how small my appetite is. This egg, it's almost half my height!" She scrutinized the tall egg in front of her and wondered if a terrifying monster or just a large bird would hatch if they let it grow.

"Stop complaining, go and eat that. It's not your normal egg. It'll melt easily. Imagine you're eating a tub of pudding."

"How did you know?"

"... Burp."

"You ate one..." Althea's face fell listening to that extremely satisfied burp of her mother.