Target: Ant Queen Lair

[Used 6250 IDLE Points]

[Tank's Weapon (R) has leveled up to 5]

[A Skill's prerequisite was met (Level 5 Shield)]

[Unlocked Skill: Blast]

[Used 5000 IDLE Points]

[You leveled up Blast]

[Tank can now use Blast]

[Used 6250 IDLE Points]

[Hitter's Weapon (R) has leveled up to 5]

[A Skill's prerequisite was met (Level 5 Long-range Weapon)]

[Unlocked Skill: Barrage]

[Used 5000 IDLE Points]

[You leveled up Barrage]

[Hitter can now use Barrage]

Aldrin watched as his more than 23109 IDLE Points were reduced to a mere 609.

It fell short of the 660 for the multipliers but Aldrin didn't mind it. Since there's only a few hundred difference between the estimated income of 50 and 75 Small Merchants, he intentionally chose the lower one. 50 Small Merchants only cost him 1800 IDLE Points converted to Federation Credits compared to 8000 IDLE Points for 75 Small Merchants.