Late Night Visit

"Guardian Ant Core?"

Confused because it's the first time something else dropped from the insects, Aldrin took some time mull over it.

However, without any access to the Idle Storage at the moment, he soon dropped it for later.

"I have a rough idea what a 'Core' is. It's a common loot drop. Wait, it's not that common in a game, but generally, most games have them. They're usually rare materials that could be used to upgrade or craft. Furthermore, from what I read through the books I bought and general information provided by the Association, Rift Monsters also dropped them albeit rarer than in games."

The Rift Monster Cores was a rare commodity. As for its uses... the official information mentioned that it was akin to an Energy Refiner's Energy Quintessence. It contained condensed Dimensional Energy mixed with the Rift Monster's Essence.

However, only those Extraordinary Rank or above had the chance to drop them.