Idle Storage

After supplying him with information about the upcoming lessons; what to expect in the following days as well as a professional tip on operating a Metadome, the flustered Janet left his room in a slight panic. She clearly got quite a fright when Aldrin suddenly pushed her down as he attempted to play along with her teasing. 

Aldrin watched her retreating back with an amused expression. In his guess, that elder sister of his, despite being a great teaser, was inexperienced at that department.

Either way, he brushed it off as he locked his door once again.

He's not a horny teenager anymore. There's a time and place for that as well as the right circumstances. Besides, even though he had just recently accepted his attraction to Renissa, their romantic plight had to be bottled up due to separation. He's not even clear if the girl felt the same for him and he hadn't confessed to her yet. All they had was that 'boy'friend-'girl'friend thing.