4. Night creatures

Jason stared at the small girl who was walking towards the bar with his sister. He cursed a string of profanities when he saw Jackson making his way to the bar.

"Jennifer," Jackson said. "What a lovely surprise."

"Jackson," Jennifer sent him a smile, one that didn't reach her eyes.

"Well, what do you have here?" His dark eyes landed on Kira, and Jennifer took a protective stance.

"Where is Jason?" Jennifer asked, ignoring his earlier question.

And as if Jason had heard his name being called, he stood to his feet and made a beeline for the bar.

"What are you doing here, Jen?" Jason asked, staring at his sister as if they were communicating telepathically.

"I'm I not allowed to be here?" Jennifer asked with a frown and before Jason could responded Jackson spoke.

"Who is your friend?" His eyes closed as he inhaled her intoxicating scent.

"She's off-limits," Jennifer spoke, knowing exactly what Jackson's motives were.

"Don't be rude, Jen," Kira scowled. "Hi, I'm Kira." She extended her hand towards Jackson, for a handshake.

"We should leave," Jason interrupted.

Which cause Kira to looked at him and her heart started to pound rapidly against her chest.

"We just got here," Jackson frowned before it was replaced with a smile. "Besides, I would love to get to know Kira."

Jason was fuming with anger at the mention of Kira's name. And as if Jennifer had sensed it, she placed her hand on his shoulder.

"It will be fine," She smiled at him, but only received a blank stare from Jason.

"Shall we?" Jackson spoke, directing them towards the couch they had occupied earlier.

Jason made his way to the couch with a frown and took the left side, and the others followed after. Kira wanted to avoid him at all cause so she took the seat beside Jackson. As Jennifer took the seat beside her.

"I'm going to get us something to drink, will you be okay?" Jennifer asked Kira, while he shot Jackson a look.

"She's in good hands," Jackson answered before Kira could get a word out.

Jennifer was reluctant on leaving Kira with Jackson, but Kira nodded at her.

"Don't go anywhere," Jennifer smiled at Kira.

"You have a beautiful name," Jackson said. Which earned a smile from Kira and a scoff from Jason.

Jackson was handsome, with black messy hair and brown eyes. He gave off the bad boy aura. But there was something about him that made her feel unease.

But the guy that caught her attention was Jason he sent goosebumps down her arms. There was something about him that caused her body to react differently.

In the corner of her eyes, Kira looked at Jason, and he was already looking at her with annoyance and disgust

Jackson looked at Kira with pure curiosity, there was more to her than she was letting on. He thought, just then Jennifer returned and handed Kira a glass.

"It's Coke," Jennifer mumbled as Kira eyed the liquid.

"Thanks," Kira smiled at her, but she still felt unease.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to eat you," Jackson whispered. But the look in his eyes says otherwise.

Kira finished her Coke in one gulped,

"What is that scar on your wrist?" Jackson asked.

And as she removed the glass from her mouth, a shiver runs up her spine.

"I'm not sure," Kira answered. As her eyes traveled to her wrist and the truth dawns on her.

The attacker did take something.

My blood.

There have been countless animals attacked over the news, they would suck their victims dry. And she stiffened in her seat.

An animal had attacked me but she was sure it wasn't. Instead, it was a man.

Would it be that a man was the one attacking and killing people?

"Are you alright?" Jennifer asked as she felt her stiffen beside her.

"Can we leave," she whispered.

"Sure," Jennifer answered. "Jason can you take Kira home?" She turned to Jason, who was already staring at the girl.

Jennifer thought this could get her brother to somewhat like the girl.

"I'll take her," Jackson insisted, with a sincere smile. However, his sincerity wasn't genuine, after all he was a night creature.

"I'll take her," Jason cut in as he got to his feet, and Kira shuffled to hers.

"You're in good hands my brother will never harm you," Jennifer assured Kira. As she embraced her in a hug, which Kira returned.

"There is more to the girl than you're letting on," Jackson spoke. As he watched the two disappeared behind the doors.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Jennifer answered as she took a sip from her liquor.

"How did you two met?" Jackson asked.

"She works at a Café," came Jennifer's short reply.

"She has a broken leg," Jackson prompted. "And the scar on her hand, it looks a lot like teeth marks."

"She's off-limits," Jennifer spoke in a low, dangerous voice before she strolled away.

Jackson smiled at himself as he stood to his feet, he was on his way out when he felt someone following him.

Humming to himself like the sadistic he was, he fastens his pace with his vampire speed.

The person who trailed behind him rushed outside, but there wasn't any sign of Jackson.

"Why are you following me?" Jackson appeared behind the cloaked figure.


Meanwhile, on the way to Kira's apartment Jason sense that they were  being followed. So instead of continuing, he took a different route.

"You're going the wrong way," Kira said.

"Could you shut up," Jason let out, swirling the car on a dirt path road.

"Where are you taking me," Kira asked, as she started to panic.

"We're being followed," Jason mumbled, as he switched the car off near an old warehouse.

"Get out," Jason demanded.

Seeing that she was taking too long, Jason helped her out. Lifting her in a bridal style, he continued to the torn-down door, which led into the warehouse.

"Wait here," Jason told her, as he set her down.

"Please don't leave me here," Kira whispered, as her eyes welled up with tears.

"I won't." Jason mumbled, as he turned and walked away.

Jason waited for the car to come to a halt, and soon as it did, a man emerged from the car.

"Why are you following me?" Jason asked in a cold, inhumane voice.

"You'll find out soon enough," the man spat. As a fireball appeared in his hands, and he threw it at Jason.

"Demon." Jason Whispered as he easily evaded the fireball.

And with inhumae speed he appeared behind the man and punched him in the jaw that sent him flying to the side of the warehouse.

The man flew through the broken walls at full speed with a mace in his hand. And Jason charged at him in full speed, and as the man swings his mace. Jason stopped it with his hand and sent an uppercut punch under his chin.

Kira was startled by the loud noise that had crashed into the walls. But what frightened her the most was the man, who emerged from the wall.

With the adrenaline rush that she was having, she stood to her feet and went outside. She stared from the broken-down doorway as Jason picked up a mace. And in the blink of an eye, he was standing over the man.

She stared in horror as they began exchanging words, and as Jason raised the mace in the man's direction. Suddenly the mace vanished and the man was no longer laying on the dirt path.

Kira wanted to scream as Jason's blood-red eyes fell on her. And she remembered the night she was attacked.

Those eyes.

"You," She choked as she backed away.

"I told you to stay inside." Jason said in a cold deadly voice as he appeared before her.

Kira wanted to run, but Jason grabbed both her arms, forcing her to stay still.

"Please don't hurt me," Kira plead as she stared into his cold red eyes.

"You will forget everything you saw," Jason compelled her. "After we left the club I took you home, you had a light snack bar and went to bed."

After Jason compelled her, Kira world became black, and she fainted.