9. In a villain's defense

Faye Keeler was putting her black shoulder-length hair in a high ponytail. When a knock came from her door and Teresa entered her room.

"Breakfast is ready," She said, smiling at her granddaughter.

"I'll be down in a second, grandma," Faye spoke, in her thick Australian accent.

"Okay," Teresa said, closing the door behind her.

Faye let out a sigh, before snatching her backpack and went downstairs.

Faye is the adoptive granddaughter of Teresa. She had no memories of her parents all she knew was that they betrayed their clan. They allied with demons and started a massacre against the clan members.

"What is that you're wearing?" Teresa asked shortly as Faye entered the kitchen.

"This is the new trend," Faye answered, you could almost mistake her accent for British.

But Teresa only shook her head with a smile forming on her lips.

"Have your breakfast before it gets cold," Teresa suggested.

"Are you still having nightmares?" Teresa asked, concerned for her granddaughter's health.

"No," Faye answered, shuffling to her feet. "Can we go already, I want to avoid being late on my first day?" Faye snatched her backpack and strode off.

With a sigh, Teresa began clearing the table before picking up her car key and went outside.

They drove in silence, but Teresa would sometimes raise a question. But Faye would give a  brief yes or no, or she would give a shrugged.

Teresa pulled up at the campus and immediately Faye exited the vehicle, muttering a small bye.

Teresa watched as Faye made her way up the stairs and through the mass crowd of students. Feeling quite satisfied she pulled out of the school ground and drove off.

Faye was on her way to class when she walked into someone.

"Why don't you watch where you're going!" Came a high-pitched voice.

"Sorry," Faye muttered, walking away when someone grabbed her arms.

"I've never seen you before?" The blonde hair female stated but it sounded more like a question.

"Take your Goddam hands off me, or I'll do it for you!" Faye threatened in a meek whisper.

"I don't know-

But before she could get a word out she began scratching at her throat, and Faye took this opportunity to walk away.

After handing her slip to the lecture teacher Faye took her seat in the far back. There was nothing Faye hated at the time, other than sitting in that stupid classroom.

There were better things she would rather be doing, like performing spells and rituals. But her grandmother thought it would be a good idea to enroll her in a school.

How pathetic. She scoffed, rolling her eyes, and when she thought no one was watching she chanted.

"Forbearnan firgenholt"

And then the wooden pointer stick the professor was holding went up in flames.

Faye watched with pour amusement as the students erupted in massive gasps.


Lora stared at Faye intensely, her stiff smile was replaced with a frowned one that meant danger. Lora was about to introduce herself when she began whispering to herself, and then massive gasps erupted in the classroom.

Lora stared in horror as the pointer the professor once held was now going up in flames. Then her attention fell on Faye Keeler. whose golden eyes were glistening with mischief and amusement.

When class dismissed Faye was the first to leave, without sparing a glance. Lora hurried after her but there was no sign of her when she made it out the dood. So she continued down the hallway.

Until she saw her at the cashier in the cafeteria, wasting no time she went over.

"Hi, I'm Lora Moore," She introduced as she smiled at her.

"I'm Faye," She answered, before striding off.


Faye headed outside under a big oak tree, she was about to take a bite from her apple but was interrupted.

"Are you just going to stare at me?" Faye asked, taking a bite from her apple.

Seeing that the person wasn't planning on answering the question anytime soon, Faye began.

"What do you want?" She asked irritated, by the person lack of words

"Darkness looms around you, you lived in darkness." Came an angelic voice.

"I don't live in darkness," Faye chuckled bitterly, "Darkness lives in me."

"Is she talking to herself?" A girl asked, staring at Faye with disgust.

"Isn't she the new girl?" Another girl whispered.

"I thought she was hot, but she's a real nut job," a boy joked with his friends.

"If I were you, I'd steer clear of her," another one spoke.

Having enough of the student's criticism an odd stare, Faye picked up her tray and took off.

Lora gawked at the scene, she wanted to follow Faye but didn't want to hover. But later shook the thought away and chased after her.

She found Faye standing at her locker and was about to went over when Tyrese approached her.

"Faye, the new girl right?" Tyrese asked even though he knew.

"And who might you be?" Faye asked without sparing the boy a glance.

"Tyrese," He answered.

"Stay away from me Tyrese," Faye warned as she slammed her locker shut.

And before she could take a step forward the boy spoke, "Are what?"

Faye didn't find him amusing but yet a chuckle left her lips, and she turned and walked up to him.

"Are you'll get burned," She whispered, all trace of amusement gone from her voice.

And with that said she made her way through the double doors, with a smirk.

"We'll see about that," Tyrese muttered, before heading in the opposite direction.

Lora watched their whole encounter and knew Faye Keeler wasn't one to be crossed or trampled with. Anyone with brains knew Faye screamed danger, she was a lone wolf but yet she wanted.


Meanwhile, Kira was sitting in the passenger seat of Rebecca's car. She was on her way to the hospital to removed her cast.

She was a nerve wreck from the sleepless nights she had been having. She can't seem to differentiate what's real anymore.

"Hey, are you okay? You have been awfully quiet." Rebecca asked, even knowing that she wasn't and she hated how helpless she felt.

"I'm fine," Kira smiled, "I'm just a little nervous and excited that I'm getting out of this cast."

Not knowing what to say, Rebecca smiled at her. Shortly after, they arrived at the hospital and made their way inside. Where the receptionist directs Kira to the third floor where she'll be given a number by the Secretary.

After thanking her, both girls headed to the elevator and made their way to the third floor.

"Hi, I'm Kira Quinn, I'm supposed to get my cast removed today," Kira explained to the Secretary.

"Hi, Ms. Quinn, You have a seat the doctor will see you shortly." The Secretary smiled at Kira, before making a note.

"Thank you," Kira smiled at her and made her way to one of the chairs.

Kira was humming to a tune when Rebecca flopped down beside her.

"What are you doing?" Rebecca asked, her face contoured in a frown.

"Humming," Kira answered in a duh tone.

"I know," Rebecca answered, rolling her eyes, "You don't hum, I've known you for five years and you never hum."

Kira was about to answer but when she glanced at Rebecca she wasn't there. She was no longer in a hospital room but a coffin.

"Hello?" Kira called as she began panicking. Her chest began tightening as her breathing became rapid.

"In the end, we're left infinitely and utterly alone." Came a husky voice before the coffin was closed with a loud thud.

Kira felt suffocated, her lungs began to burn from the lack of air. She would bang her hand against the sides but it was of no avail.

It was when her breathing began to slow and her eyes were closing she heard Rebecca's panicked voice.

"Kira! You're having a panic attack, open your eyes."

Slowly Kira pried her eyes open only to be met with Rebecca's blue eyes.