8. Hero, I am not

Jennifer entered the hospital with Jason next to her and made her way towards Kira's room.

"Excuse me, Mam visiting hours are over," a nurse called, stopping Jennifer in her tracks.

"You will forget that I was ever here," Jennifer compelled the nurse as she commenced walking away.

Upon entering Kira's room, an audible gasp escaped Jennifer parted lips. Kira was connected to a bunch of machinery, with two IV drops connected to her arms.

And before Jason could stop himself, he was already making his way towards her. As if his body had a mind of it's own, his hand was already outstretched. Removing a strand of hair that had fallen in her face.

Jennifer watched with wide eyes as Jason brought his wrist to his mouth and the next thing he was breaking the flesh. He then lifted Kira's head and planted his bloody wrist to her mouth.

"Let me," Jennifer offered, wiping away the blood that had drip to the side of Kira's mouth.

"We should go," Jason spoke.

"Don't you-"

"Now!" Jason interrupted, heading for the room door.

Jennifer and Jason made their way out of the hospital unaware of both presences that lurk in the shadows.

"What was that?" Jennifer questioned, looking at the road ahead.

"What was what?" Jason asked, leaning his head on the headrest, and closed his eyes.

"Back at the hospital," Jennifer prompted.

"It was nothing," Jason mumbled.

"It was," Jennifer insisted.

"Hmm," Jason hummed, clenching and unclenching his jaw.

"You care for her," Jennifer stated, as she shut the engine off.

"She could have died for all I care," Jason answered, making his way out of the car.

"Then why did you save her?" The question flew out of Jennifer's lip before she could stop herself.

"To save me," Jason spat, disappearing with the wind.

Shortly after Jennifer and Jason had left the hospital Jaquan arrived. He made his way to Kira's room, just as her eyes fluttered opened.

Kira woke up with a groan, fluttering her eyes open. Her head was pounding, it felt as if she had been hit over the head.

"Hey," came a husky male voice.

"Jay?" Kira questioned, turning to the voice.

"How are you feeling?" He spoke meekly.

"You're not real," Kira mumbled, "It's only a dream."

"No, you're not dreaming," Jaquan shoots to his feet.

"It's all in my head," Kira chanted. Closing her eyes as tears rolled down her cheek.

"Hey, don't cry," He cooed, wiping away the tears.

"No!" Kira shouted and started thrashing, "You're not real, get out of my head!" She cried, just as the doctors burst through the door.

"You can't be in here," the nurse from earlier said as she led Jaquan out.

"Can I see her?" Jaquan asked the nurse who made her way from the room.

"She's been sedated, it's better if you visit tomorrow." The nurse answered, strolling away.

With a sigh, Jaquan made his way out of the hospital just then his phone rang.

"What now," He cursed looking at the caller ID.

"Hello mother," He answered.

"Hello son," the person on the next line greeted. "You don't call home." She argued.

"I'm sorry mother, but I've been busy," Jaquan answered with a frown.

"That is no excuse!" His mother shouted.

"I have to go," Jaquan let out.

"Don't end this call!" She argued, but Jaquan ended the call.

His parents wanted him to come back to Mexico, get married and take over the family business.

With a groan, he headed for the bus stop, but the sound of the trash can tumbling down caught his attention.

"Hello!" He called, stopping in his tracks, "Is someone there?" But when no ones answered, he proceeded to the bus.

Jaquan unlocked the door to his apartment and went inside. Tossing his keys on the coffee table, he went to his kitchen.

But when he opens his fridge there wasn't much except for a strawberry yogurt.

"I suppose I have to go grocery shopping," He mumbled.

But he picked up the yogurt and went to his cupboard for a clean spoon. Flopping down on one of the chairs, he began devouring his yogurt.

Soon after, he made his way to his room, and after a quick shower, he lay back on his bed. With his face covered in the crook of his arms, Jaquan fell asleep.


Groaning, Kira woke up to the steady patter of rain upon the hospital window. The rising sun still a long way from scattering its rays. Sitting up she looked out the window, but the gloomy sky seems to have bad news.

Shortly, a knock came from the door and Rebecca walked into the room, a huge smile plastered on her face.

"Hey," She greeted, embracing Kira in a bear hug.

"Hey," Kira manages to get out.

"What happened?" Rebecca asked, taking a seat beside her friend.

"I'm not sure," Kira mumbled. "But I can't seem to differentiate the real world from the dream world." Kira chuckled without humor.

"Hey," Rebecca whispered, shifting Kira's body to face hers. "You're safe, this is real." She finishes, with a hug.

Kira smiled at her but it didn't quite reach her eyes.

After signing the discharge paper, Kira and Rebecca were on their way home.

"So, what do you think of Jaquan?" Rebecca asked.

"He's alright," Kira answered.

"He's single you know," Rebecca let out.

"Stop the car!" Kira shouted, and the car came to an unexpected halt.

In the middle of the road stood a man, wearing a black cloak on his head was two horns and he had wings.

"What was that?" Rebecca asked frightened, trying to calm her pounding heart.

But Kira didn't answer, she unlocked the door and went out in the rain.

"Kira!" Rebecca called, "Get back inside."

Upon seeing that Kira wasn't listening, Rebecca went after her friend.

"Let's go," Rebecca tugged at her friend's arm.

"Didn't you see that?" Kira asked, but her gaze was staring at the spot.

"See what?" Rebecca questioned, making her way inside.

"That man," Kira mumbled.

"What man?" Rebecca prompted with a frown, as she starts the engine.

"The man who stood in the middle of the road," Kira spoke.

"There wasn't anyone there," Rebecca uttered.

The rest of the car ride was filled with silence, no one dared to say a word. The car came to a stop and both girls exited the vehicle and hurriedly made their way up the front porch in silence.

"Are you alright?" Rebecca asked, taking off her wet coat.

"I'm fine," Kira answered, but she couldn't stop thinking about the man.

Where did he come from? Where did he go? And why didn't Rebecca saw him?

"I'm going to get some rest," Kira said, turning on her heels.

"Okay, I'll get started on lunch," Rebecca let out.

"Okay," Kira nodded, making her way up the stairs.

After a well-needed shower, that put Kira's mind at rest she strolled lazily to her bed. Letting out a groan, she climbed under her covers and welcome the darkness. But something happened, Kira had a dream.

Kira woke up to the sight of thick white fog, there was nothing except for trees. I was in a forest but how did I end here? She thought.

When she saw a little girl wandering through the bushes as if she was playing hide and seek. The girl looked no older than ten with her hair hang in a ponytail and bangs covered her forehead.

"Come play with me," She called.

"Who are you?" Kira asked, taking a step towards the child.

But she giggled and turned away deeper into the woods.

Kira chased after her, but she giggled and made a left turn behind a big oak tree. But when Kira approached the tree, she was gone like the dust in the wind.

Kira was no longer in the forest but was standing in a bedroom.

"Come with me," the child called.

So Kira pushed the door open, and the child was already running down the stairs.

"Please, wait!" Kira shouted, but the child only giggled while running ahead.

Kira dashed towards her but was shoved down the stairs and hit her head. She laid unconscious when the child shouted.

"Get up, it's time."

When she opened her eyes, she was wearing a white wedding gown while standing behind a door. Unexpectedly, the door open and there at the altar was a red-eye creature.

Forever and always

She woke up sweating profusely, and though it was only a nightmare. Kira felt goosebumps climb to her arms.