7. Endless night

Jason woke up covered in sweat, with both hands clutching his pounding head. The pain was so intense, an inhuman growl left his parted lips.

He hasn't felt pain like this in decades, he wanted to rip his skull open.

Meanwhile, Jason was tearing and destroying his room. Kira couldn't seem to wake from her nightmare.


Kira snuggled under the warmth of the blanket, then her eyes flew open. She was still on the couch, but there wasn't any sign of Jaquan.

He must have left.


The doorbell rang, and she was shuffling to her feet when a muffled noise came from the floor.

She peeped over and saw Jayquan sprawled out on the floor.

"I'm so sorry," She said, "I didn't know you slept on the floor."

"It was too late, after the movie, and I was pretty tired." He explained, pushing himself off the floor.

"Why didn't you wake me?" Kira asked, "You could have slept on the couch."

"You looked so peaceful," Jaquan smiled at her, showing his dimples.

"Oh, how could I forget?" Kira mumbled, darting to the door.

She's cute,

Jaquan thought as he began scrolling through his phone.

Upon opening the door, there wasn't a sign of anyone, but a white envelope with the name Kira Black written in bold.

With shaky hands, she picked up the letter, just then Jaquan appeared behind her.

"What are you doing?"

"Holy hell!" Kira screamed, resting her hand over her chest. "You could have given me a heart attack," She exaggerated.

"I'm sorry," Jaquan chuckled, "I didn't mean to scare you."

"It's fine," Kira mumbled, standing upwards.

"Your phone was ringing, the caller ID showed it was Jennifer," Jaquan let out.

"She's my doctor," Kira answered, "You can use the bathroom to freshen up, it's the second door."

"Thanks," He answered, turning on his heels.

Kira went over to the couch, and she began opening the letter with trembling hands.

You're going to pay, consequences be damned.

Those were the words written inside the envelope, in red bold writings.

Is this some kind of sick joke? Kira thought, soon followed by a stray tear.

"Hey, are you okay?" Came Jayquan voice.

"Yes, I'm fine," Kira sniffed, wiping her nose with her sweatshirt sleeves. "Will you be staying for breakfast?" She asked, tucking the envelope away, standing to her feet.

"I would love to. But I have to go," Jayquan answered.

"Oh," Kira answered, disappointingly.

"I'm sorry," He frowned.

"It's fine, besides I'll see you later, right?" She asked, hopefully.

"Definitely," He grinned at her, before slinging his bag over his shoulder.

"Let me walk you out," Kira offered, pushing a strand of hair behind her eyes.

Soon after, they exchange goodbyes, Kira headed inside when her phone started to ring. But there was nothing, no caller ID, but it showed it was ringing.

"Hello?" She breathes into the speaker, but only the sound of static could be heard.

"Who is this?" She asked, but the line went dead.

Weird, she thought before climbing the stairs. But before she could make it to the second step, the house phone rang.

We don't have a house phone, Kira thought as she slowly turned around.

So, she went over and picked it up.

"Hello?" She whispered, but like before, there was only the sound of static.

"What do you want?" She asked in a meek voice, then a loud squeak came from the speakers.

"Ahh!" She cried, removing the phone from her ears.

But when she turned her hand to looked at the phone, there was nothing, her hand was empty. Suddenly, she was gasping for air, as tears welled up in her eyes and everything became a blur.

Kira twists and turned, not able to sleep, while beads of sweat form on her forehead. She so desperately wanted to wake from her night sleep, but she felt trapped.

She began to groan in pain that woke the boy who was fast asleep on the floor next to her.

"Kira!" He shook her, but it was of no use.

"You're burning up," He mumbled. Scattering to his feet, to the kitchen for a wet towel.

"Kira!" He called as he began to wipe away the sweats.

Just then she started to tremble as If she was going into shock. Not knowing what to do, Jaquan reached for his phone and called for an ambulance.

Somewhere in the woods stood a figure, wearing a black cloak that was sweeping the ground.  Watching as Kira was being wheeled into the back of the ambulance before they vanished into thin air.


Jason was groaning from the excruciating pain when Jennifer burst through the door.

"Make it stop!" Jason growled, and the mansion shook.

"What's happening?" Jennifer questioned, supporting her brother's body weight.

"Someone or something is trying to get inside my head!" Jason answered before a growled ripped from his throat.

"How is that possible?" Jennifer asked, guiding him to his bed.

"They are powerful," Jason chuckled without humor.

And before Jennifer could speak a word, a female entered the room. She had curly brown hair that would be mistaken for black. She looks to be in her early 40s and wore a flower pattern dress.

"Teresa," Jennifer breathed, "He said something or someone is trying to get inside his mind."

"Let me," Teresa spoke as she walked over to Jason, who was squirming in agony.

"There is something," She said, as she placed both her hands on his temples. "But it's not his mind, they seek to invade."

"What are you saying?" Jennifer asked.

"The pain he's suffering isn't his own," Teresa said, as she opened her eyes.

"Kira," Jason muttered to himself.

"Who is Kira?" Teresa asked, studying Jason.

"A female, he's bounded to her," Jennifer answered in a mere whisper.

"I feared your friend Kira's life is being threatened," Teresa spoke.

"Can you save her?" Jennifer begged.

"Yes, there is a way," Teresa admitted.

"How?" Jennifer prompted.

"Jason's blood..." She answered, before trailing off. "She should drink Jason's blood, but there will be side effects." She finished, holding Jennifer's gaze.