6. Dark abyss

Kira snuggled under the warmth of the blanket, then her eyes flew open. She was still on the couch, but there wasn't any sign of Jaquan.

He must have left.


The doorbell rang, and she was shuffling to her feet when a muffled noise came from the floor.

She peeped over and saw Jayquan sprawled out on the floor.

"I'm so sorry," She said, "I didn't know you slept on the floor."

"It was too late, after the movie, and I was pretty tired." He explained, pushing himself off the floor.

"Why didn't you wake me?" Kira asked, "You could have slept on the couch."

"You looked so peaceful," Jaquan smiled at her, showing his dimples.

"Oh, how could I forget?" Kira mumbled, darting to the door.

She's cute,

Jaquan thought as he began scrolling through his phone.

Upon opening the door, there wasn't a sign of anyone, but a white envelope with the name Kira Black written in bold.

With shaky hands, she picked up the letter, just then Jaquan appeared behind her.

"What are you doing?"

"Holy hell!" Kira screamed, resting her hand over her chest. "You could have given me a heart attack," She exaggerated.

"I'm sorry," Jaquan chuckled. "I didn't mean to scare you."

"It's fine," Kira mumbled, standing upwards.

"Your phone was ringing, the caller ID showed it was Jennifer," Jaquan let out.

"She's my doctor," Kira answered, "You can use the bathroom to freshen up, it's the second door."

"Thanks," He answered, turning on his heels.

Kira went over to the couch, and she began opening the letter with trembling hands.

You're going to pay, consequences be damned.

Those were the words written inside the envelope, in red bold writings.

Is this some kind of sick joke? Kira thought, soon followed by a stray tear.

"Hey, are you okay?" Came Jaquan voice.

"Yes, I'm fine," Kira sniffed, wping her nose with her sweatshirt sleeves. "Will you be staying for breakfast?" She asked, tucking the envelope away, standing to her feet.

"I would love to. But I have to go," Jaquan answered.

"Oh," Kira answered, disappointingly.

"I'm sorry," He frowned.

"It's fine, besides I'll see you later, right?" She asked, hopefully.

"Definitely." He grinned at her, before slinging his bag over his shoulder.

"Let me walk you out," Kira offered, pushing a strand of hair behind her eyes.

Soon after, they exchange goodbyes, Kira headed inside when her phone started to ring. But there was nothing, no caller ID, but it showed it was ringing.

"Hello?" She breathes into the speaker, but only the sound of static could be heard.

"Who is this?" She asked, but the line went dead.

Weird, she thought before climbing the stairs. But before she could make it to the second step, the house phone rang.

We don't have a house phone, Kira thought as she slowly turned around.

 So, she went over and picked it up.

"Hello?" She whispered, but like before, there was only the sound of static.

"What do you want?" She asked in a meek voice, then a loud squeak came from the speakers.

"Ahh!" She cried, removing the phone from her ears.

But when she turned her hand to looked at the phone, there was nothing, her hand was empty. Suddenly, she was gasping for air, as tears welled up in her eyes and everything became a blur.

Kira was in deep sleep as she repeated the endless cycle.




Swords. Faye thought the moment she  heard those sounds, and the next moment, realization hit.


Two group of soldiers arrayed against each other, one side clad in purple while the other group was in red. Faye felt like her soul had teleported in the middle of a cruel slaughter. The soldiers were charging at each other, fighting mercilessly with their swords.

The bright moonlight allowed her to see everything clearly. But before she could get the gist of the situation, a soldier marched towards her with a murder intent.

Can he even see me? She panicked and shut her eyes on reflex.

Far away, standing by the window of her bed chamber, Faye gripped her dress. As she prepared to feel the pain of the sword slash with her eyes shut tightly. But before the sword could reach me, another blade whizzed by.

Hearing the scream of the soldier she opened her eyes. Only to see a tall man in a perfectly fitted long black robe. Standing in front of her as his broad back faced her. All she could see was her savior's sword piercing the soldier stomach. Thrusted deep enough the blade went all the way through his back.

The tall man retrieved his sword from the soldier's body and was ready to kill more. Pushing the dead soldier aside, he continued his slaughter. Swinging his blades with precision.

Faye observed from behind, she could guess he was not an ordinary man. His perfect fitted robe was embroided in gold threads in what appeared to be a royal crest. And his long black hair was tied in a pony with a gold accessory at the back of his head.

Her gaze traveled to the left side of his neck, which was visible whenever he turned slightly to one side.

A tattoo.

Faye couldn't see it clearly. He was so fast that it was difficult to see even the side of his face.

Her vision followed his every movement the quick footsteps and his skilled swordsmanship. As his knotted hair kept dancing before his eyes. It felt like he was protecting her by killing the soldiers that kept surrounding me.

No. It's impossible, Faye narrowed her eyes at him. How can he protect me when I'm not here physically?

Can he see me?

Faye reached her hands out to touch him just then Teresa spoke. "It's time to sleep."

The images in front of her dispelled and she couldn't see the man anymore. Feeling disappointed she turned to looked at the middle-aged woman. Who had entered her chamber.

"In time, grandmother." Faye replied continued, staying by the window.

She focused her inner vision again towards the far away mountain range. As the bright moon light shone on her, but to her dismay, she couldn't see the scene of the war again.

"The bed is ready," Teresa called as she stepped towards Faye.

"Mhm," She nodded lightly as she walked towards the bed.

"Goodnight, dear." Teresa smiled at her.

"Goodnight," Faye mumbled as she  closed her eyes.

As she fell asleep her head was filled with curious thoughts about the man she had seen earlier.

Who was he?