11. Words of a fortune teller

Jennifer stared at her brother as if he had gone insane, he had a sadistic grinned on his face. With a glass of wine in his hand as he took a sip, the smug looked never disappeared from his face.

"Was that your great plan to get me to wine and dine with these weaklings?" Jason chuckled, "You have grown quite fund, it's pathetic, dear sister."

"What is pathetic, dear brother is how lonely and broken you truly are!" Jennifer yelled, "You are the strongest being among all others, and yet you are broken beyond repair."

Jason stared at his sister a frown etched across his face, and there was something else. You could see guilt and remorse swimming in his blue eyes before they disappeared.

"What happened to the brother I used to know?" Rebecca asked with tear filled eyes.

"He died." Jason spoke in a cold voice before he disappeared with the wind.


He was here. Again, hiding in the shadows. But Faye didn't have to see him, to know that he was there. She could feel his presence. Whenever he arrived, the room would turn cold until his touch inflamed her.

Faye felt the other side of the mattress sink. He was getting into her bed.


She lay still, she could neither speak nor move. Her body, her breathing, her heartbeat, everything stilled.

Suddenly, cold fingertips brushed her arm. Faye cringed inside in disgust. She wanted to move away from him, but she couldn't. Her body refused to listen.

As his icy fingers trailed down her arm, Faye shut her eyes tightly, praying for this nightmare to end. Suddenly, he grabbed her harshly and turned her around so she was laying on her back. He hovered over her

"Open your eyes." He commanded.

Faye's eyes fluttered open, only to find herself staring into flaming blue and red eyes. But it wasn't the first time she had seen them. He had been here many nights before.

At first, he would only watch her from a distance. Not because he wanted to, but it felt as though there was a barrier between them. Keeping him from getting close to her. But slowly he broke through the barrier, and that was when she began to see him.

His hair fell over his face as he leaned over. Wait! What was he about to do?

"Kiss you," He smirked.

No! No!

As his lips came closer, Faye opened her mouth. She was screaming, but no sound was being heard.

No! Stop!

"Stop!!" Her voice echoed in the entire room, while her eyes shot open. Her hands flew to her throat as she sat up.

A moment later, Teresa barged into her room, almost breaking the door.

"Hey, are you alright?"

"Yes, I'm fine." She assured.

"Are you certain?" Teresa prompted.

"Yes, it was only a nightmare, you can leave."

"Okay," Teresa nodded, "Goodnight."

Faye put her hand over her chest, her heart was pounding so hard. She dreamed of him again. Why?

Faye was getting concerned. She used to disregard her fear with the explanation that it was only a dream. But now things were different, every night that he came he was getting closer to her and that scared her.

After getting dressed she made her way to the garden. Most mornings she would have breakfast with Teresa there. And today was one of those mornings. When she arrived, her grandmother was already seated and was sipping tea.

"Good morning," Faye greeted.

"Good morning," Her grandmother smiled as she looked up from her cup of tea.

As Faye got seated, she could feel her grandmother's heated gaze watching her closely.

"Is everything alright?"

"I'm fine," Faye spoke as she grabbed an apple from the table.

"It looks as if you're not getting much sleep." Her grandmother commented.

"I said, I'm fine," She replied before taking a bite.

"You may think that I don't care about you, but you're wrong. I know what it's like to have your life stripped away from you because of other people's bad decisions." Her grandmother argued.

"I have to go," Faye rushes to her feet, leaving Teresa in her own misery.


Meanwhile, Kira woke up to the sun rays on her face which result in her groaning in frustration. She didn't want to wake up, so she shut her eyes tightly and tried to go back to sleep.

Just then Rebecca stormed through the door, which caused Kira to pry her eyes open. "We're going to the beach!" She chirped as she left the room.

"This cannot be happening," Kira groaned, yanking the covers from her body.

Thereafter, both girls were already on their way to the beach. Fully dressed in their swimsuits. They chatted about random things and would sing to the music, blasting from the stereo system.

On their way, they stopped at McDonald's to grab a bite. After collecting their orders at the drive-through, they were off.

"Isn't it beautiful?" Rebecca asked, getting out of the driver's seat.

"Hmm," Kira hummed, taking in the warmth of the sun rays on her face. "But it's a bit crowded though," Kira pointed out as they began to spread their towels.

"It's a beach, after all, Kira," Rebecca spoke.

While Kira was sunbathing, Rebecca was already making her way to the water.

"You should take a swim, the water is so nice," Rebecca told her, blocking the sunlight.

"I don't want to," Kira groaned.

"Come on, it will be fun," Rebecca encourages her, as she walked away.

Letting out a sigh, Kira stood to her feet and made a beeline for the water. But walked into someone and she saw flashes of images.

"Watch where you're going!" Faye yelled before she stormed off.

What was that?

For the rest of the day, Kira was distracted. She would try to let herself be happy but somehow she couldn't. She couldn't stop thinking about the girl and those images she saw. They were horrified.

And before she knew it, they were already on their way back to the apartment. When Kira saw a spooky-looking shop. But it wasn't any shop, it was a Crystal-gazer shop.

"I want to check out that shop," Kira pointed at the small shop.

"Really?" Rebecca questioned in disbelief.

"I want to get my palm read." Kira shrugged, "What's wrong with that?"

"Okay," Rebecca agreed. And they both exited the car and made their way to the entrance of the shop.

"Hello?" Kira called, as they ventured around the shop.

"I don't think anyone is here," Rebecca spoke. But jumped to her feet when someone spoke.

"How can I help you, ladies?" A lady who looks to be in her late 50s emerges from the shadows.

"I want to get my palm rid," Kira spoke, taking a step forward.

"I see," the lady spoke, "Come this way."

Kira followed behind the lady with Rebecca trailing not far behind.

"Have a seat," the lady pointed at the cushions.

After doing so she reached for her Crystal ball and began to chant, "Give me your hand."

She clasped Kira's hand in hers as images began flashing through her mind. And as if she had been burned she pulled her hand away hastily.

"What did you see?" Kira demanded.

"Your fate is sealed," She Mumbled, standing to her feet. "There is nothing that I can tell you."

"What does that mean?" Kira shouted, shuffling to her feet.

"Drink deep but beware, what you broke is past repair. All your oaths you betrayed, Your sacred vows you sever. As you fulfilled your fate, you will bore the beast that is yet to come."