12. A harvest of sin

Kira shot her eyes open. She looked around quickly, taking observations of her surrounding. As she realized that she was inside her room, she soothed.

How did I reach home?

And why didn't I remember?

The last thing I remember was the fortune teller saying something bizarre.

But why don't I remember? Everything else is just one big blur.

Suddenly, she rolled out of bed and ran towards Rebecca's room. And without knocking, she burst through the door. Where she found Rebecca sprawled out with half of her body covered.

"Rebecca?" Kira called, inching towards her body.

"What." She groaned, burying her face deep inside the pillow.

"What happened last night? I don't remember, everything is just one big blur."

"Really?" Rebecca asked in disbelief, sitting up facing Kira. "This is why you woke me up because you don't remember how you got home?"

Upon hearing the irritation in Rebecca's voice, Kira asked. "Are you going to tell me or continue looking at me as if I'm crazy?"

"I brought you home."

"But why don't I remember?"

"Really?" Rebecca scoffed.

"What?" Kira demanded.

"After the incident at the fortune teller shop, you blacked out," Rebecca explained.

Upon noticing Kira's puzzled expression, Rebecca placed her hands on her shoulder.

"You have nothing to worry about, she was most likely messing with you." Rebecca gave her an assuring smile before she made a beeline to the bathroom.

Kira wanted to believe her friend's every word but it was just too bizarre. Why would she say her fate was sealed? And what did she meant by it?

So many questions swirled around her brain that she could feel her temple began to ache.

On her way back to her room, she found a white envelope lying at her doorway.

How did this end here?

Frantically, Kira scanned the hallway but there wasn't sign of anyone. So she picked up the envelope and returned to her room. Where she placed it on her nightstand and prepared to get ready for her shift at the café.

Kira was stepping out of the shower when Rebecca came into her room. "I can't find my makeup kit, I think I might leave it in here." Rebecca called, digging around Kira's dresser.

"Okay," Kira mumbled, "You should check my nightstand.

"Did you find it?" She asked, stepping out of the bathroom.

"What is this?" Rebecca asked, showing the envelope to Kira.

And before Kira could get a word out, Rebecca mumbled. "Is someone threatening you?"

"It's nothing," Kira whispered.

"How is this nothing?" Rebecca asked, throwing her hands up in the air dramatically.

"They mean nothing," She blurted out before she could stop herself.

"They?" Rebecca questioned, "How long have you been receiving death treat?"

"A while," Kira murmured.

"We should go to the police, Kira your life could be in danger for crying out loud!"

"I'm fine," She confessed, "We should get to work." She stopped the feud, walking towards her vanity table.

"Fine," Rebecca mumbled, dropping the paper on the floor, as she walked away.

"Death offers more peace than you deserve." Kira read the words that were written on the paper.


Thereafter, getting dressed Kira proceeded downstairs. Where she saw Rebecca eating a Bowl of Cereal. Soon as Rebecca's gaze fell on her, she hurriedly chugged down her cereal and ran out of the house.

"Rebecca, wait?" Kira called but she was already out the door.

Without squandering any longer, she grabbed her keys, locked up, and began her journey to the café.

Shortly after, she had arrived at the café she saw Tyrese leaning over the counter. While Rebecca was taking orders.

"Hey, Kira, your right on time, it's a bit busy in here." He spoke, tossing her an apron.

"Hey," She spoke, tying the apron around her waist, "Do you need me in the kitchen, or should I serve?"

"Serve," Tyrese said with a smile, handing her a notepad and pencil.

Tucking the pencil behind her ear, Kira spun around and got to work.  Tyrese was right; it was busier than usual. Probably because the rain has driven some people inside. So it took Kira a while to get around and get everyone's order. In the end, whether it was conscious or not the last table that was left was the blonde hair guy.

Kira didn't know what it was about him that made her heart, beat just a little bit faster as she neared the table.

"Hey," She said, putting on her brightest waitress smile. Her voice was a few octaves higher in what Rebecca called her working voice. "What can I get you?"

"I'll have some of the carrot cake," He answered, looking up and when their eyes met, her breath hitched.

"You're Jason, Jennifer's brother," She stated.

"And you're the girl my sister cannot shut up about," He spoke in an uninterested voice.

Embarrassed by his response Kira's eyes lowered to her notepad, "Anything to drink?"

"Mhm... Do you have any recommendations?"

Kira finally looked up at that, to find Jason watching her with attentive blue eyes. "I really like the apple cinnamon tea, especially during fall."

Jason nodded, "Sounds good, thank you."

Kira nodded, glad that she could finally break eye contact. "It'll just be a moment." She turned around and hastily wound her way through the tables.

After his order was ready, she grabbed her tray and loaded it with Jason's carrot cake and apple cinnamon tea.

Kira was placing the content before him when he spoke. "Sit with me," He motioned for her to sit down on the chair opposite of his.

She could feel his dark aura surrounding her. Her brain was sending her warning signals. She couldn't understand why but something about him screamed danger.

She was debating whether she should lie or not, but he can't harm me seeing that the café was crowded? Besides he did bring me home.

"You have nothing to be afraid of, Kira," Jason spoke. "All I want is to have a conversation with you." He assured her.

His voice was so smooth and soothing that she nodded at him and did what she was told.

For some reason, Kira thought his icy blue eyes were gleaming and then he leaned closer. Trapping her with his eyes.

"Tell me, Kira, what are you?" He asked.

To anyone, it would look like a romantic setting, where the guy was about to peck his partner on her lips. But it was anything but a romantic gesture.

Kira felt a strange pull, a compulsion to speak the truth. "I am a woman," She replied.

Then she felt as if she was being released by some invincible chains, as Jason leaned back with a smirk. "I see that."

"What is it you want to talk to me about?" Kira asked, curiosity visible in her dark brown eyes.

"You listen very carefully," Jason leaned closer to her ears, which cause a shiver to run down her spine. "I told my sister that I would do my very best to spare the lives of the humans. You leave this place now and I will do my very best to honor that. But if you stay the situation becomes certainly disturbed."