14. Midnight

"Did you happen to see my..."

Rebecca was saying, but the words died in her throat when she saw blood dripping from Kira's wall.

"Who could do such monstrous thing!" Rebecca raged, "I've had enough, I'm calling the cops." She began dialing state police when Kira placed her hands on top of Rebecca's.

"We can't just do anything," She shouted. "Someone broke into our apartment and wiped, blood on your wall!"

"I Know," Kira whispered meekly.

"We should do something," Rebecca urges.

"I'm going to but can we just get this off the wall first?" Kira plead.

"Okay," Rebecca agreed before getting the cleaning supplies.

It was midnight when Kira had successfully cleaned the blood off the wall with Rebecca's help. Who later brought Kira to her room, not wanting her to stay in a room that was just vandalized.

"What's going on?" She asked, clearly aware that something wasn't right.

Kira contemplated whether to tell her about Jason's threat, the images, and hallucinations.

In the end, she decided on sharing her worries and get some of the weight off her shoulders. And so she began to tell her everything from being in a paralyzed dream state to being locked in a coffin.

"I know something was wrong but this was nothing like I'd imagined," Rebecca mumbled. Pulling her friend in her embrace.

"We're going to get through this," She smooth as darkness clouded Kira's vision.

Kira woke up to the scent of fresh brew coffee as a yawn escaped her parted lips.

"We should do something." Rebecca spoke as she stare out the window, sipping her coffee.

"I will." Kira responded, sitting up. "But there's somethings I need to figure out."

"Like what!" Rebecca snapped.

"Like what is going on with me."

"What is going on with you?" Rebecca scoffed. "You're receiving death threats that is what is going on!"

"It's more than just death threats." Kira tried reasoning. "There is more but I need time."

"I won't stand by and watch you throw away your life like this." Rebecca spoke before walking out of the room.


Faye woke up covered in sweat while her heart was beating rapidly against her ribcage.

She had no idea what time it was but judging by the darkness that filled the room. So thick that she could barely make out her hands before her eyes, dawn was still a few hours away. Her headache in the way it always did when she was startled out of the deepest sleep.

With a groan, she squeezed her eyes shut again and turned on her other side. When she heard the squeaking of the floorboards.

Faye abruptly sat up. That was what had woken her, she realized the sound of the door opening a few seconds or minutes ago.

Now as she squinted into the pitch-black room she realized that it was ajar. With a sinking feeling, Faye pushed the sheets off of her and swung her feet over the edge of the bed.

She wasted no time putting on her robe over her nightdress before stepping out into the hallway. Somehow her heart raced as she walked towards the stairs, trying to avoid the board from making a sound.

When she reached the living room it was to the sight of the front door standing wide open. Leaves tumbling across the hardwood floor as the wind blew them inside. It was colder than it had been, a chill creeping through her clothes soon as she stumbled out the front door.

She came to a halt at her grandmother's shed. A violet light was seeping through the cracks which meant she was performing magic. Faye inched closer and squatted on her knees, as she brought her eye to the keyhole.

"It is being done," Teresa confirmed.

What is she doing with a Warlock, one that is filled with dark magic?

And what is being done and to whom?

Faye wanted to know more but Teresa was already heading for the door. And with a quick spell, Faye was standing in her room.

"What are you up to grandmother?" Faye whispered as she looked out the window.


Jaquan woke up with the sun in his face and a distinct feeling of regret. His head felt like someone was crushing it between their hands. His stomach was nauseous - not like he was about to throw up but also not like he wanted something to eat anytime soon.

He didn't mean to get so drunk. But his colleagues were good at mixing drinks. And Selene was good at roping others into drinking games.

Upon realizing the time he forced himself in a sitting position and swung his feet over the bed.

"I'm going to be late," He grumbled.

As he managed to grab a few clothes and stepped out into the corridor towards the bathroom.

There, he quickly brushed his teeth and had a shower. That was cut short when the water turned from lukewarm to freezing. A few moments later, he stepped out of the bathroom wearing a button-front shirt with a tie and work pants.

As he made his way down the stairs, avoiding stepping on Ginger, the chubby cat that was curled up on one of the steps. As he got to the kitchen he poured himself a cup of coffee before picking up his bag and keys and headed through the door.

Throughout the day all he could think about was Kira. He couldn't focus on anything else: not his patients, not his parents, not even his colleagues. Instead, images of Kira fogged up every inch of his brain. Rendering every other thought blurry and hard to grasp.

He hasn't seen her since she got out of the hospital and he felt guilty that he hasn't visited or bother to call. So he had decided to give Rebecca a call where he found out Kira is in University. So he decided to surprise her at the school.

It was a quarter to three when Jaquan had left the hospital to bring Kira out on a lunch date. In no time he arrived on campus. Where students were sprawled out on the lane while others occupied the parking lot.

Jaquan had just reached for his phone to called Rebecca when he noticed Kira making her way down the steps.

She was easily recognizable, she was like a Goddess walking through the crowd of students. Her dark hair being streaming in the breeze of her.

Jaquan wasted no time and trotted towards her with a boyish grin showing his dimples.

"Kira, hey," He called as he neared her.

"Hi," Kira mumbled, never slowing her pace. "What brought you here?" She asked in an indifferent tone.

"I'm sorry, I hadn't visited since you got out of the hospital. I've just been busy with work."

"It's fine," Kira mumbled.

"No it's not," Jaquan pouted, "I should have called."

Kira came to a halt before she turned and met his stare. "It's fine," She assured him with a warm smile.

"Will you let me make it up to you?" Jaquan asked, almost pleading.

"I-I um..." Kira stuttered.

"Please, let me take you for lunch," Jaquan pleaded as he batted his eyelashes.

"Okay, fine," Kira agreed, "But only if you promised not to ever do not, again." She warned but broke out in laughter.