17. Red revenge

"I'm h-here t-to s-see J-Jennifer," Kira stuttered.

"You should leave while you can," Jason ordered.

"I'm not leaving until I see Jennifer," Kira said bravely.

"Leave!" He simply stated before turning his back to her.

"No! Not until I talk to Jennifer, what had you done to her?" Kira demanded, grabbing his shoulder to make him turn around. But instead, he grasped her hand, turned her over and pinned her against the wall. His hands wrapped around her throat, squeezing enough to let her know he could strangled her to death. His angry eyes pierced into hers.

Kira didn't know what took her breath away. Was it his hands around her throat or his resentful gaze?

"The only thing that is keeping me from killing you is the thought of torturing you for eternity." He spat.

"Please..." She croaked before he released her and she fell to her knees. She started coughing and gasping for air.

"I want to see Jennifer. Please, I must talk to her." Kira begged.

Jason chuckled darkly as he made his way to a chair and sat down. He swung one leg over the other. "Stand up!" He ordered.

Jason's gaze traveled down and up her body before lingering on her face. He just stared at her quietly for a moment. Then lifting his finger, he signaled for her to come closer. Kira's heart raced to her throat as she slowly walked closer to him. But at the last step she stumbled and fell right in front of his feet.

She was about to apologize and get up when his hand went under his chin and lifted her gaze to his. He studied her with those curious eyes. Kira realized every time he looked at her it was with hatred or with curiosity.

What was he curious about?

Then he roughly dragged her by her arm leading down the dark hallway.

"Where are you taking me?" Kira asked as she stumbled.

And without uttering another word. Jason roughly shoved her inside a room that was lit with many candles.

"Where is..." Kira began but the rest of  her words died in her throat as her gaze fell on Jennifer.

"Jennifer?" Kira whispered meekly as tears gathered in her eyes as she stumbled towards the bed.

Jennifer lay lifeless in a red dress while her wavy blonde hair was sprawled out on the pillow.

"I'm so sorry," Kira sobbed as she ran her fingers through her hair.

"I'm so sorry," Kira admitted, turning to Jason.

His gaze hardened. "Me too."

He took a step forward as his teeth morphed into fangs and he grabbed her wrist making her unable to escaped. Removing the hair from her neck before he leaned in and sank his fangs into her flesh.

Kira whimpered in pain, but she couldn't move. He was drinking her blood and he wasn't stopping.

Kira began to feel weak and light headed. Her legs became weak, unable to hold her and before anything else could happen Kira fell into a dark abyss.


Faye was sitting on her balcony with feet dangling over the column when Teresa barged into her room.

"You have a guest," Teresa smiled at her.


"Lora," Teresa answered.

"Invite her inside while I come down,"

She nodded and left.

Looking at her reflection in the mirror, she went downstairs to meet her.

"Hi," She greeted with a smile as she approached Lora.

"Hi," She replied, "I'm sorry to drop by an announce."

"It's fine," Faye assured her.

Lora responded to her with a smile only.

"Your home is beautiful," Lora spoke as she scanned the room.

"It's not my house," Faye admitted, "So why are you here?"

"I'm inviting you to a party, tonight." Lora replied, handing her a card.

"Thanks. But I already have plans." Faye lied, she would rather lock herself away and worked on her spells.

"Nonsense," Teresa intertwined.

"I'm not up for a party," Faye mumbled through grit teeth.

"She's going," Teresa smiled, "What time is the party?"

"At eight o'clock," Lora replied.

"She will be there," Teresa assured as she and Lora stood to their feet.

"Great!" Lora beam, "I'll take my leave then."

"Let me walk you out," Teresa suggested as she led Lora to the door.

"Why'd you do that?" Faye yelled as Teresa entered the living room.

"You'll thank me later," was all Teresa said before walking out of the room.

Faye made her way to her room and shut the door behind her, and threw opened her closet door. Flicking through the clothing hangers while muttering curse words.

She pulled out a pair of black tights and a black dress off its hanger. It shimmered like a midnight sky, the golden suns and moons embroided on it sparkling in the dim.

Everything about the garment screamed Witch, which was something that Faye appreciated. Certain other people probably wouldn't. But that was half the fun-one would never know they would end up running into, after all.


The party took place at one of the basketball player's house-off campus. Muffled music and loud voice poured out of the front door and into the lawn. Where little groups of people were sitting on the porch and in the grass.

Faye swiftly step aside when two drunk girls stumbled past her. "Whoa," she chuckled.

As faye made her way inside, she was immediately engulfed by loud music. Stuffy air, body heat and overwhelming smell of alcohol.

"Hey," Lora smiled at Faye, "I'm glad you could make it."

Not knowing what to say Faye only nodded in response.

"I like your outfit," Lora said before whispering, "It screamed Witch."

And before Faye could get a word out Lora burst into a fit of laughter. "Lets get you something to drink," she tugged at Faye arm, dragging her to the kitchen.

In there was a few quieter, only a few guys playing some kind of drinking game at the kitchen table.

At the counter with the drinks, Lora poured them both a cup of the cheap red wine. To Faye surprise, it tasted by far not as bad as she had expected from anything that came in a plastic bag.

She had just taken a few sips when she got distracted by the boy in her peripheral vision, who was approaching her.

"Hey, new girl," Tyrese grinned at her.

"Go away," Faye dismissed with a wave of her hand.

Leaning closer to Lora's ear, Tyrese murmured, "I don't think she like me."

"I know," Lora whispered before she tugged at Faye arm.

Tyrese watched as Lora and Faye strolled out of the kitchen before turning to Conner.

"Where are we going?" Faye asked as Lora led her out the backyard.

"Somewhere private," came Lora's short reply.

Lora stopped at a tall meadow that bordered on the edge of the woods.

"I Know what you are," Lora spoke as she stared into the pitch black night.

"Oh for God's sake, spit it out!" Faye urged the least bothered.

"Witch." She smirk as she turned to met Faye stare.