19. Clinging to darkness

Kira opened her eyes gradually, letting them adapt to the light. Her head throbbed, and her eyelids felt heavy, and her neck was sore. It had become difficult to keep her eyelids open, her stomach churned thinking what Jason was going to do to her.

Please save me! She begged as her head spun and she fell into a fathomless abyss.

Later when she woke, she found herself in the same gloomy room. She needed to escape.

Kira's eyes scanned the room. It had no windows but the door was open. First she would need a weapon if she was going to escape through the door. He could be anywhere and he needed to protect herself.

As she rose from the bed to find something sharp, her head spun. She was still weak from the loss of blood.

Carefully, trying not to lose her balance, she searched the room.

"There is no use in trying to escape." A man stood in the door, holding a first aid kit and a basket in the other.

He looked to be in his early thirties, with jet black hair that was tied in a ponytail. His thick eyebrow complimented his foxy eyes. That twinkled like sapphire blue crystal stones. They were memorizing. His sharply carved jawline and hallow cheeks gave him a predatory look.

Walking in, the man put the basket aside and then walked up to Kira. The man put his hands on Kira shoulder and led her towards the bed. "He will cut off your leg." He warned.

"Are you like him?" She asked.

"If by him you mean if I'm a Vampire, then yes."

Oh, no. She was in trouble. What would happen to her now?

Kira didn't knew she began hyperventilating until a hand was placed on the small of her back.

"I won't hurt you," He assured her as he reached into his medical kit.

"Why?" Kira asked but it came out only a whisper.

"Because I'm a doctor," came his short answer as he began to cleaned Kira's wound.

"What's your name?"

"Marcus," He answered with a smile.

"I'm K..." Kira began but he cut her off.

"I Know who you are." He said.

"Why I'm I here? What happened to Jennifer, did Jason killed her? And what does he want from me?" Kira fired one question after the other.

"Slow down," Marcus chuckled as he applied bandaid over to wound.

"What happened to Jennifer, did Jason killed her?"

"No, Jason didn't killed her, she was already dead when he found her." Marcus whispered. "She died saving you."

Kira head started to swirled as her chest tighten. Her heart was beating too slow, that it was painful to breathe. Blood rushes to her ears as tears rolled down her cheeks.

Jennifer died because of her, she remembered the night Jennifer saved her.

"I.. I'm so sorry, if I knew I would have done something." Kira choked.

Marcus nodded and went to bring the basket. "Here. They are newly baked." He said giving her a loaf of bread from the basket and a bottle water.

Kira looked at the bread for a while, it smelled good and her stomach growled loudly. So she took it despite wanting to refuse.

"Eat," Marcus encouraged.

Kira took a bite from the bread. She chew fast and frustrated until the fresh taste made her pause and then chew slower. Her eyes widened and she sighed. The bread was delicious. When was the last time she ate freshly made bread? Maybe never.

A smile lit up Marcus's face. "I know it's delicious."

Kira nodded. "It is." She admitted, taking a second bite.

Marcus watched Kira the whole time she ate. Kira was aware of it but she was hungry so she kept eating.

"I should leave," Marcus finally spoke, picking up his medical kit.

"Wait," Kira called. "Will you ever come back?"

Marcus only nodded at her before he left, leaving Kira to the comfort of her sobs.

Kira was startled when the door opened with a bang and Jason walked in. Her body froze, her gaze refusing to look at him.

The man sister he had killed and now he was planning to do the same with her.

Jason slowly walked over to Kira before standing right in front of the bed where she sat. Kira shrieked inside in a panic.

"You were tough this morning. Why are you not looking at me now?" He asked.

Kira slowly looked up to meet his gaze. His hazel green eyes held her in place, and she couldn't look away. But it wasn't only out of fascination but also fear.

"You were crying." He pointed without sounding concerned. "I have done nothing yet."

He reached for her face, wiping a tear away with his thump. Kira was surprised. Was this a trick?

"I didn't know that Jennifer was protecting me," She whimpered.

Jason let his hand traveled to her chin then he wrapped his fingers around her throat. Squeezing tightly as Kira began to struggle for air.

"You should have leave town when I've given you the chance." Jason muttered as Kira eyes welled up in tears.

Jason released Kira's as her eyes began to rolled back into her head. Kira erupted in a mass coughing fit as she struggled to normalised her breathing. Tears stream down her face as she shuddered in fear.

"I'm going to inflict the same pain as you inflicted on my sister." Jason spat before leaving the room.


Jason stalked out of the room in pour anger. He knew Jennifer wouldn't approve of what he was doing to Kira, but this was her doing. She hadn't just woke him from fathomless sleep, but she took his sister. His only family.

"Jennifer would want you to live," Marcus spoke as Jason entered the room. "Stop clinging to the darkness."

"Jennifer is no more!" Jason voice boom against the walls.

"She knew the risk, yet still she didn't abandoned the girl." Marcus spoke his voice void of all emotions.

"I think your sadistic behavior towards the girl is for your own twisted pleasure." Marcus spoke before he walked away leaving Jason in his misery.