21. What time can't erase

The day after the entire city know about their wedding. Shutting down all the gossip that circulated, Jason sent carriages and servants with gold and expensive fabrics to her home. Now people started to gossip how lucky she was instead.

"You didn't have to send all this." She told him.

"I want to." He smiled and planted his lips on her forehead.

She smiled at him, this time looking into his eyes. There was no avoid looking at each other now that they were getting married. She looked happy and so was he, except for the one thing that bothered him. He was a demon hybrid, and she didn't know. She deserved to know, but he was afraid of losing her.

"Marian, would you love me no matter what?" He asked

"As long as you don't hurt me, I will love you for eternity." She said.

"I need to tell you something." He began. "What ever I tell you, I want you to know that it doesn't change who I am or how I feel about you."

She nodded. "You can tell me anything."

"I'm a demon hybrid." He said.

She looked at him for a long moment, it felt like forever before she laughed. "You are funny." She said, hitting him jokingly.

"I'm serious." He told her.

"Alright." She said, but he could tell she didn't believe him.

He would have to show her, so he morphed his teeth into fangs and looked at her with blood red eyes.

"I sort of knew, but I didn't quite believed." She said. "There are rumors that you aren't a man, but a beast."

Jason was surprised. She knew this hold time yet she didn't run away.

She took a step forward. "Jason, would you ever hurt me?" She asked.

"May I never see the daylight again if I ever hurt you."

"Don't say such a thing." She scolded. "May you have a long life."

He smiled at her. "You are not afraid of me?"

"No, I can't be afraid of my future husband." She smiled back.

And so they got married, and he gave her the love bite, strengthening their bond. But someone was not happy about their marriage and it was none other than an elder witch.

A few months after their marriage, Jason went away to find a solution for dealing with the witches. Upon returning home with good news, he found his wife slaughtered. Her lifeless body lying in a pool of blood.

Jason felt to his knees, his vision darkening, his head spinning. He had the urge to vomit from the way his inside twisted in pain. Crawling to her body, he pulled her into his arms and held her close while he cried, a silent stifled sound.

When he could finally breathe, he screamed, cursed, begged, but nothing changed the fact that she was gone.

Who had done this?! They would pay for this dearly.

It had to be someone who didn't know about him, otherwise they would never dare. Maybe some humans who didn't know what they were dealing with, but he was wrong. These beings knew exactly what they were doing.

When Jennifer came home she was horrified at what she found.

"Jason." She hurried to his side then stopped. He could see the horror on her face as she looked at the dead body of his wife.

"I'm so sorry." She said.

After Jason buried his wife. He had sworn to avenge her first, but now his plan would take much longer cause he wanted her to find peace soon. His vengeance would be nothing short. He would teach everyone what it meant to anger an demon hybrid.

The horror of his action spread fast, and witches started to hide. He burn down and buried every witch village he knew. Until they themselves brought to him the one responsible for his wife death. Only to end the terror.

Jason thought of all the most gruesome ways to torture and kill them. He never enjoyed watching suffering as much as he did that day. But then only emptiness followed.

Once he executed his revenge, there was nothing else to do. Together with his wife, he had buried apart of himself that they. Now only the pain remained.

He had wandered around for years destroying and causing havoc until he met a warlock. Who struck a deal with Jason to not just spare his life but his family in return he put him in deep sleep.

Jason agreed not knowing the warlock had his own intentions. Jennifer had warned him about the warlock but he discarded his sister's warning.

On the day when Jason went to meet the warlock he had given him freshly baked breads that his wife had made. Sometimes after, he began feeling extreme pain. It felt like someone was stabbing and twisting his organs. He felt sick and vomited.

It was blood.

What was happening to him? It felt something was eating him from the inside, like his body was corroding away.

Blood ran from his nose.

"What... What did you do to me?" He growled at the warlock.

He would kill him!

"This poison is deadly. Well, for humans anyway. It eat at your organs one by one. So while one heals another one rottens. My wife also add some magic to make it more effective."

The warlock crouched down and his lips began to move. He was speaking but he couldn't hear him. Soon he couldn't see him either. Darkness was swallowing him slowly until he drowned in it.

When he opened his eyes, he was already inside the coffin. He tried everything in his power to get out of it but nothing help. He hope the warlock would released him, but he didn't.

Years went by and he spent them in anger and agony. The darkness, the loneliness, the helplessness, it tortured him, tore him apart, ate at his heart until it was filled with nothing but darkness. Sometimes he felt as if he was losing his sanity.

After enduring years of torture, Jason decided to fall into a deep slumber. With revenge carved in his soul.