22. Human-I-am-not

It had been four days since Rebecca last seen Kira and she had become restless. She had tried calling her multiple times but it went to her voicemail. She had leave countless messages but nothing.

What if something had happened to her? Or worse, what if she's...

No. No.

No, I can't think like that, Rebecca scolded herself.

Picking up her cellphone Rebecca dialed Jaquan's number.


"Have you heard from Kira?" Rebecca cut him off.

"No, is something wrong?"

"I haven't heard..." Rebecca was saying when her phone ding which meant she had a message.

'I'm at a friend, I'm fine.'

"I'll call you back," Rebecca mumbled.

"What's going on..." Jaquan was saying when Rebecca ended the call.

"Where are you?" Rebecca quickly typed and hit send.

Growing tired of waiting, she dialed Kira's number but it went to voicemail.

"You have a lot of explaining to do!" Rebecca yelled in the speaker before she ended the call.


Rebecca growled before tossing the cellphone on the couch.

After what felt like hours, Rebecca picked up her cellphone and jacket before she headed out the entrance.

"Ahh!" Rebecca screamed when she saw two man standing on her porch.

"You scared me," She declared, letting out a deep breath.

Clearing her throat, she spoke. "Can I help you?"

"Come with us," the blonde hair man spoke.

"Excuse me?" Rebecca asked. "I think you should leave before I called the police."

"We weren't asking," he said and it was like time had slow. One second Rebecca was dialing 911 and the next a syringe was plunged in her neck.


Faye was sitting on the couch going through one of Teresa's book about Witches. While replaying the words Lora had said. She knew Faye was a witch and yet Faye was the least bothered. She wasn't the least worried after all, she did threaten to burn her alive.

"How was the party?" Teresa asked soon as she entered into the living room.

"Fine." Faye answered, her eyes never leaving the book.

"I think you have done enough reading for one day." Teresa smiled at her before closing the book.

"Come have tea with me," Teresa urged as she made her way to the garden.

Letting out a sigh, Faye placed the book on the couch before joining Teresa outside.

"You don't seem happy to be here," Teresa mumbled, taking a sip from her tea.

"I'm not," Faye answered, inspecting  her nail polish.

"You don't talk to me anymore," Teresa said as she reached for Faye hand.

"I have nothing to talk to you about," Faye said, pulling her hand away as she stood to her feet.

"Why do you even bother..." Faye was saying when Teresa phone began to ring.

"I have to take this," Teresa muttered before standing to her feet and left the garden.

Faye was on her way to her room when a knock came from the front door.

Walking over to the door, she pulled it opened only to came face with Tyrese.

"You?" Faye questioned, "What are you doing here?"

"Hi," Tyrese smiled at her. Revealing his dimples that would make any girls melt but not Faye, she was immune to his charms.

"I noticed you don't have any friends so I wanted to invite you out."

"I'm busy," Faye replied bluntly.

"Oh, uh can I come in?" Tyrese asked.

"No." Faye answered, not even hiding the annoyance in her voice.

"Okay, if you ever change your mind..." Tyrese trailed off as he reached inside his wallet. "Here, call me." He handed her his card.

"I won't," Faye answered as she inspected the card.

"Okay," Tyrese chuckled before he turned and left.

Faye wanted so bad to accept his offer but instead she locked herself away, as  guilt and torment clawed at her.

Soon as Faye closed the door a tear slid down her cheeks followed by another and another until she fell to her knees. And as she cried for the loss of her parents and their betrayal rain began to pour.


Rebecca woke up with a stiff neck, her  neck felt sore and when she tried lifting her hands they were bound by chains.

"Hello?" Rebecca called as her eyes scanned the room.

Just then the door open with a creak and Jackson stepped inside.

"Hello, Rebecca."

"Who are you and what I'm I doing here?" Rebecca fired.

"I'm Jackson and your here to help me find your friend." Jackson answered, taking a step forward. "You see, Kira is  special and I desire her."

"I will never tell you anything." Rebecca spat.

"Silly girl." Jackson chuckled as he ran his fingers down Rebecca chin before roughly lifted her face. "I wasn't asking." He whispered before his eyes fell to her lips.

"And you think I was going to do what you say?" Rebecca asked.

"Oh, you will do what I say." Jackson stated as his eyes changed to ruby red ones and his teeth morphed into fangs.


Rebecca thrashed and screamed as tears rolled down her cheeks.

"Stay away from me!" Rebecca screamed as she closed her eyes tightly.

"I can't do that." Jackson whispered against her ears his hot breath send shivers down Rebecca spin.

"What are you?" Rebecca asked when Jackson licked her neck.

"Human? I am not." He answered before he sank his fangs into her neck.

A peircing screamed ripped through Rebecca's lips as the skin breaks soon after her whimpers turned into soft moans.

Jackson licked her wound dry before he made eyes contact with her. A sinister look was stretched out across his lips when he saw the looked of lust visible inside her eyes. And without any utterance he slammed his lips against Rebecca.

"Mine." He growled as his fangs pierced through his lips as Rebecca continued with their heated kiss.

As the Rebecca pulled away to catch her breath, Jackson use this opportunity to execute his plan.

He held her face close to his neither of them breaking eye contact as he compelled her.

"You will forget everything that happened and you will make it your mission to bring Kira to me."