26. Waltzing wind

"Grandma," Faye called as she ventured into the kitchen.

"Yes, dear." Teresa answered, her eyes never leaving the herbs that she was stirring.

"What was my father like?" Faye asked taking a seat at the counter before taking a bite from her Apple.

Teresa's shoulder stiffen. "Your father was a very mysterious man." She answered.

"Mysterious how?" Faye inquired.

"He would kept to himself," Teresa answered.

"What was his name?" Faye blurted.

"Abraham," Teresa lied, "Why all these questions, dear?" Sitting down beside Faye.

"I know nothing of my parents, other than that they were traitors." Faye answered, she could feel a boil forming in the back of her throat.

"Camille was wonderful..." Teresa trailed off, looking at Faye. "She was everything a daughter would want for a mom."

"Then why did she betrayed the clan!?" Faye snapped. "I know you said for power but why didn't dad do something!"

"Your father was so in love with your mother that he chose to side with her. Through all of her chaos." Teresa fabricated with a frown.

Faye wanted to ask more. But the dinging of the doorbell interrupted their conversation.


"Could you get that?" Teresa asked, picking up her wooden spoon and began adding some spices to the pot.

"Sure," Faye answered, rising to her feet.

When Faye pulled the door opened she came face to face with Lora.

"What are you doing here, Lora?" Faye asked with a raise brow.

"I need your help," Lora answered.

"Okay," Faye nodded closing the door behind her as she stepped on the porch.

"I want..." Lora was still saying when phone cutter her off.

"Not here," She sighed. "Let's go for a walk." She suggested.

"Okay," Lora nodded.

"Grandma! I'm going for a walk!" Faye shouted and without waiting for a reply she walked down the porch.

"Sooo...?" Faye stretches, her hand deep inside of her hoodie pocket as she walked down the street.

"I need you to help me find someone," Lora blurted.

"You're not insinuating that I use magic, right?" Faye asked.

"Your a Witch and I desperately need to find someone." Lora spoke, looking straight ahead.

"Even if I want to help you, I can't."

"Why not?" Lora stopped in her tracks.

"Long story," Faye shrugged like it was nothing.

"What about your grandmother?" Lora asked with a raise brow. "I assumed that she's a Witch." Lora said.

"No!" Faye blurted. "She can't know." Faye warned sternly.

"Why?" Lora questioned.

"She's not my grandmother," Faye answered with clench jaw before she walked away.

"Wait!" Lora called but Faye only ignored her with a scowl.

"I'm sorry," Lora mumbled, steading her breathing.

"Whatever," Faye ignored her, staring straight ahead.

"Do you want to grab something to eat?" Lora asked. "It's on me." She quickly say but Faye only shrugged.

Both girls walked in silence both trapped in their own thoughts. Lora was curious about Faye, the girl was a mystery. While Faye was thinking about what she would ordered.

Both girls came to a stopped at June's café. Lora was the first to push the door open and walked inside, Faye followed right after.

Lora took a seat next to the window and smiled at Faye as she always took a seat apposite her.

"Is there something on my face?" Faye asked never looking up from the menu that was in her hand.

"You intrigue me," Lora spoke, staring at Faye intensely.

"Hmm," Faye hummed before setting her menu on the table.

"Tyrese is looking at you," Lora whispered. "He's coming this way."

An audible sighed left Faye lips.

"Ladies," Tyrese smiled his eyes lingering on Faye. "What can I get you?" Tyrese asked Lora.

"Coffee and a Cinnamon rolls," Lora answered with a smile.

Tyrese nodded as he wrote it inside his notepad before turning to Faye. "What can I get you?"

"Strawberry milkshake," Faye answered.

"Okay. Your orders will only be a second," Tyrese mumbled before walking off.

"What was that?" Lora asked well more like demanded.

"What was what?" Faye asked nonchantly.

"I can feel some sort of tension between you two,"

"He asked me out and I turn him down," Faye shrugged like she was talking about the weather.

"Why? Tyrese is one of the good guys." Lora muttered, looking at Tyrese who was taking a customer order.

"I'm not interested in dating," Faye declared, looking out the window.

Lora wanted to pressed more on the matter but Tyrese interrupted.

"Here is your coffee and cinnamon rolls," he handed Lora her order before turning to Faye. "And here is your strawberry milkshake."

Just as he was about to walked away Lora spoke.


"Yeah?"Tyrese asked.

"I was wondering if you would like to hangout sometimes."

"Sure," Tyrese smiled at her showing off his dimples.

"Great," Lora beam as Tyrese walked away.

"Did you seriously have to do that?" Faye gauged.

Lora shrugged enjoying the sweet taste of her cinnamon rolls.

Faye glanced over at Tyrese a few times. "I should go." Faye mumbled, rising to her feet.

Lora only nodded as Faye turned on her heels. Tyrese eyes lingered on her never leaving until she disappeared through the door.

Faye didn't know where she was going but she just wanted to get away. She didn't want to go back to Teresa's neither did she wanted to spend another minute at the café.

Faye came to a halt at a park and she walked over to a small swing. Suddenly there was a strong wind that had the trees swaying and the fallen leaves to scattered.

The swing next to her started to moved at a slow pace. Startled, Faye turned her head swiftly to the other side and a note was on the swing.

"Huh... a note?" Faye asked looking around confusedly. "When did this got here."

Is this some kind of sorcery?

Nevertheless, Faye picked up the note and turned the cover to looked inside. Her breath hitch as she re-read the neat hand writing.

You seek answers