27. Bitter sweet love

Faye paced back and fourth inside her room, pondering over the note.

She knew it got there by magic but what she had no clue was who wrote it.

"Faye, dinner is ready!" Teresa called.

"Coming grandma," Faye answered, hiding the note under her pillow.

"Something smells magical," Faye spoke as she entered the living room.

"It's the herbs," Teresa smiled.

Faye only nodded as she got seated, they ate in silence until Teresa spoke.

"Is there something wrong?"

Faye wondered if she should tell Teresa about the note but that night at the shed still haunted her.

"I was at the park when there was a wind and next thing I received a note." She answered.

"A note?" Teresa asked setting her fork on the table.

"Hmm," Faye hummed.

"What did it say?" Teresa inquired.

Faye ignored her question. "That night inside the shed, why were you talking a warlock?"

"He was a messenger sent from the clan," Teresa answered smoothly.

"What was it about?"

"It's confidential," Teresa answered. "Now what did the note said?"

"It said... you're not to blamed yourself for your mother's sin."Faye answered and Teresa's lip curled.

"Who wrote it?"

"I don't know," Faye answered. "But whoever they are, I think they knew me."

Teresa smiled but she wanted nothing more than to go find the letter Faye mentioned.

That night when Teresa was certain that Faye was sound asleep she snucked into her room.

She walked over to Faye nightstand where she saw the note. Eagerly, she went over and picked up the note. And just as Faye as said those were the words that was written.

After reading the note Teresa turned on her heels with the note in her hand. She wanted to make sure her secrets remained buried along with her past.

So she went to her room and performed a spell that would revealed the person behind the note. But there was nothing leaving Teresa frustrated. She tried a few more times but nothing.

Teresa was an elder and not just any elder, one who is filled with dark magic. So it was nearly impossible for a anyone to hid from her. Unless, the person was no longer of this world.

Teresa returned the note and went back to her room. She decided it was best to put a barrier spell around Faye. One that would keep all supernatural away without her knowledge.

The next morning when Faye strolled into the kitchen she saw Teresa sipping tea.

"Good morning," Faye greeted fighting back the yawn that threatened.

"Good morning dear," Teresa handed her a cup of tea. "Here, drink up."

"What is this?" Faye asked taking a sip.

"Herbs," Teresa answered with a smile. "It will help you to relax."

"Thanks," Faye smiled, taking another sip of the warm liquid.


"I love you," He whispered against her lips.

"I love you too," She whispered, capturing his lips with her mouth.

Rebecca woke up sweating profusely she had been having these dreams for many nights. She would dream of a man with messy black hair and brown eyes.

In her dream he would bit her and she would woke up covered in sweat.

Who was he?

Rebecca tossed the blanket off her body and reached for her phone off the nightstand. It was three minute after five and she knew she wouldn't be able to fall back sleep. So she went to Kira's room and everything was just how she had left it that dreadful morning.

A teardrop rolled down Rebecca cheek before she burst out sobbing.

"Kira, where are you?" She asked between sobs.

Rebecca saw a photo of Kira and her on her nightstand and another sobbed escaped her lips. Rebecca went back to her room and got dress in denim jeans and her hoodie. She was going to look for her friend and she wouldn't stopped until she was home.

Rebecca stepped out on her porch and was greeted by the cold wind that made her shiver. Pulling her hood over her head she jogged down the porch steps.

Rebecca didn't know where she was going but she just had to find her. Her feet began to hurt after walking for good knows how long. She seat down on the pavement as a tear rolled down her chin.

Picking up her phone she dialed Kira's number but after two ring it went to her voicemail.

"I'm not at the phone, but leave a message and I'll get back to you."

She heard Kira's voice and she whispered.

"Hey, I miss you so much..." She started and a sobbed escaped from her mouth. "You're a horrible best friend to leave and not call. I wanted to make sure your okay... call me." She ended the call and let the tears fell.

"Where are you goddammit!" Rebecca screamed but only thing that could be heard was the dogs barking.

It was sunrise when Rebecca decided to go home, as she walked down the street all she could think of was Kira.

When Rebecca arrived home she slowly made her way up her porch. After, unlocking her front door she stepped inside and her heart went wild inside her chest.

"You!" She exclaimed. "I've seen you before... I've dreamt of you..." She pointed. Taking slow strides towards the man just to make sure she wasn't hallucinating.

"Who are you?" Rebecca asked when she was only a inch away.

"You have dreamed of me?" He whispered against Rebecca's earlobe. His hot breath sent goosebumps up her arms.

"H-how d-did..." Rebecca stuttered. "You were standing right before me."

"What happened in your dreams?" He asked his voice hoarse. "Did I kissed you?" He kissed and sucked on her neck.

"Hmm." Rebecca hummed with her eyes closed as his hands traveled up her inner thighs.

"Do you like it?" He whispered in Rebecca ears his hand caressing her inner thighs.

Rebecca spun around and planted a kiss against his soft pink lips, they exchanged kisses. Until he pulled away and began to trail kisses down her neck. Licking and sucking until his fangs elongated and he sank them inside her neck.

Pleasure erupted throughout Rebecca's body and she began moaning. Until her eyelids became heavy unable to keep her eyes open she succumbed to the darkness.