28. Untold story

Kira woke up to the growling of her stomach, she hadn't eaten anything since breakfast and it was already a new day. Suddenly there was a knock on her door and a maid walked in with a tray in her hand.

"Good morning, miss," she bowed with a polite smile. "The master had request your breakfast be served in bed."

"How thoughtful," Kira grunted unlady like with her arms folded against her chest.

But the maid only smiled, setting the tray on the other side of the bed carefully.

Kira stomach began to growled and she covered her face in embarrassment. Her red ears showed how red her face currently is.

The maid bowed and turned on her heels.

"Wait!" Kira called, her hand in mid air as she lifted the cover on the tray.

"Is there something wrong with the food, miss?" The maid asked politely.

"No," Kira blurted. "Why do you work for Jason?" She asked with a frown.

"Master is a good man," the maid smiled and left the room.

"Good man my ass," Kira grumbled, taking a bite from her pancake.

After devouring her breakfast she set the tray aside and immediately sprang up out of bed. And dashed towards the bathroom. When she was done, she fixed her bed before leaving the room.

Kira descended the large staircase quietly in hopes of avoiding Jason. She let out a sighed of relief upon noticing that the majestic living room was empty. Wasting no time she began to searched frantically for a telephone.

When her eyes landed on a cordless telephone near the couch. Her lips form into a smile as she picked up the phone and began to dialed Rebecca's number.

Blingbring! Blingbring!

"Rebec..." Kira was saying when the phone was tugged out of her hand.

"Hello..? Kira is that you...? Hell..."


"Tsk... tsk..." Jason shook his head disappointingly as he disconnected the call.

"You...!" Kira fumed, she wanted to spat at him.

"Take her to her room," Jason told the headmaid.

"Don't you dare touch me!" Kira slapped her hand away.

"Don't make me," Jason warned as he reached for Kira's arm.


Kira slapped him across his face with such force that it left a mark on Jason's left cheek.

Jason's eyes changed to black as he stared at Kira. Unknowingly he picked Kira up and tossed her into the wall. She was slammed into a glass painting that thudded heavily on the floor as she fell down flat on her stomach.

Blood tickled down her arms as she tried sitting up.

"If it wasn't for my sister, I would have kill you that night at the café."

Kira stared at Jason in incredulity, her ear started buzzing as her head began to spun.

Jason was the one who had attacked her. The words replay in her head until her vision became blurry and she past out.

"Take her to her room," Jason instructed as he began to dial Marcus number.

"I'm assuming you have unleashed your dark side and the girl is badly hurt." Marcus spoke as he answered the call.

"I might went a little over board," Jason admitted, his eyes back to their hazel green.

What did you do this time, Jason heard Marcus grumbled.

"I'll be over shortly," Marcus said as he disconnected the call.

"What I'm I going to do with you," Jason mumbled as the maids had already began to cleaned the mess.

Just as Marcus had said. He arrived shortly and without any utterance he headed up the grand staircase.

Marcus entered Kira room and a frown made his way to his lips. The girl looked troubled from the frown line that was visible on her forehead. Sweat tickled down her face and there was small cuts and bruises on her arms.

He began to clean her wound when she stirred in her sleep and she blinked groggily. Startled, she hurriedly sat up but groan in pain.

"Not so fast," Marcus spoke as he wrapped a bandage around her head.

"My head hurt so bad," Kira mumbled with her face in her palm.

"Take this," Marcus handed her a painkiller with a glass of water.

Kira was reluctant but she nodded and took the pill and glass from his hand.

"You'll be fine," Marcus assured her, rising to his feet.

"Why are you friends with him?" Kira ask with tear filled eyes.

"He's a good man," Marcus answered.

"He's a monster!" Kira yelled as tears rolled down her cheeks. His eyes were like obsidian—black, shiny, impenetrable. He's a monster!" Kira continued to yelled.

Marcus sighed as he sat down.

"He have had a hard time." Marcus whispered. "Apparently, he still seems to be having a hard time."

"What do you mean?" Kira asked in a meek voice.

"Jason was harassed and abused by his father."

"Why?" Kira questioned." Why did his father abused him?"

"Jason was different and he had a different father from Jennifer. He always felt like an outsider because of that." Marcus answered in a sad voice. "Later on he found out he's a hybrid an abomination."

"A hybrid?" Kira asked with a puzzled expression.

"He was born a demon and then turned into a vampire," Marcus explained.

"What about his mother?"

Marcus shoulder fell as he sighed. "She went against him," he mumbled, looking at Kira with an intense gaze.

"Jason had always felt lonely, and it's this loneliness that he channels into rage. It enables him to take people lives or torture them without feeling remorse."

Marcus explained. "He never had any reason to feel until..."

"Until what?" Kira urged.

She wanted to know more, she needed to know more. So she can left this god forbidden palce.

"Jason will tell you when he's ready." Marcus answered with a strained smile his eyes never leaving Kira's face.


Meanwhile Jason was in his studio in the basement finishing his painting. He moved gracefully has he painted the portrait. Every stroke he made with the paintbrush was perfectly done.

He was lost in the moment as he painted the picture of Jennifer. She was wearing a red dress and her blonde hair was draped over her shoulders. She was beautiful with a smile playing on her lips.

Jason was so obstinate in the desire of getting revenge, he hadn't even allowed himself to grief. It darkened his heart and his love for human lives.

"You should be more gentle with the lady..." Marcus spoke soon as he entered the room.

Jason only ignored him while he continued staring at the portrait. It was a work of art.

"She's no lady... she's an abomination," Jason mocked.

"You, my dear friend, was once an abomination." Marcus spoke his eyes never leaving Jennifer's face.