29. Great mistake

That night before Kira went to bed she kept replaying Marcus words. She knew too well what it is like to feel alone and she couldn't help but felt pity for Jason.

Her anger had vanished and was now replaced with confusion and pity.

Before she drift off to sleep she decided she was going to confront Jason the following morning.

That night Kira dreamt of a little girl, she looks to be no older than five years old. With dark brown hair that fall past her waist and green eyes. With high cheekbones, perfect eyebrows, strong jawline, and full lips. She had pale skin, which had a blush to it, pink rosy cheeks, shell-pink lips, pale lavender eyelids, and pink palms.

She was beautiful, playing in the snow while catching snowflakes. There was a man with her, his black hair damp and messy because of the snow and hung over his eyes. The man look as ordinary as any person, smiling at the little girl but there was something about her. She could float in air.

"Bo!" The man called, and the little girl turned around.

A smile lit up her face and the wind blew back her hair.

"Look a snowflake." She whispered, showing the man her palm who was crouched to her level.

"It's beautiful, why don't you go get another one." The man smiled at her.

Kira woke up with a dreaded feeling settling in her stomach, her dream didn't felt like a dream but a memory.

But how could it be a memory?

As she lay in bed, staring at the ceiling her eyelids began to fell, when she shot up as if the bad had burned her.

Her eyes travel to the clock and they bulge when she saw that it was already noon. Wasting anymore time Kira dashed to the bathroom and began to removed her clothes. But stopped when she saw her reflection in the mirror.

There was a bandage wrapped around her forehead and she looked paler than normal. She looked as if she had lost a few pounds, her eyes had sulken and her hair had grown a few inches. It fell over her chest and looked like a birdnest on her head while her brown eyes were lifeless. Feeling disgusted by her appearance she turned away and stepped into the shower.

After her quick shower she wore a robe and went back her room. Her wet hair fell below her shoulders as water droplets fall from the ends.

There was a suit of clothes laying on her bed. And without waiting time she stripped from her bathrobe and got dressed. She throw her hair in a messy bun, with a few escaping from the sides.

A yawn escaped her lips just as she made her way out of the room. On her way down on the grand staircase she halt in her tracks. Her breathing became rapid when her eyes landed on Jason.  He was sitting on the couch with one foot draped over the other with a book in his hand. And like a coward, she wanted to turned on her heels and sprinted back up the stairs.

But Jason had already lifted his head and his eyes locked with hers. He cursed inwardly before his eyes fell to the book he was reading.

Kira gulped and wiped her sweaty palm against her jeans.

"Breakfast will be serve." A servant announced and Jason followed her to the dinning hall.

Breakfast? Kira questioned, but isn't it already noon?

But instead of voicing her thoughts she trailed behind the two. All her confidence had disappeared when she saw Jason sitting on the couch. After they both had seated Kira could felt eyes burning in the side of her head.

Dub! Dub!

Her heart began to beat loudly against her ribcage that she could hear the beating in her ears. Kira palm began to sweat as beds of sweat form on her forehead. Her hand trembled as she reached for her spoon when a chair was scraped against the floor.

"Lydia!" Jason called irritation latched in his voice. "I'll have my lunch inside my room."

Immediately after, the kind maid whose name was Lydia picked up Jason's food tray and left.

Kira wanted to cry from embarrassment but she will herself not to show any emotions. She picked up the spoon as she took slow gulps from her soup, even though she had lost her appetite.

Just as Kira pushed away the remaining of her lunch Lydia walked by with the tray in her hand.

"He didn't eat?" Kira asked but the maid only nodded with a sad smile.

"May I?" Kira offered with a small smile.

"I'm not sure that would be a wise decision," Lydia mumbled. "I apologized, didn't mean to offend you, Miss." Lydia said after seeing Kira's sadden expression.

"You didn't," Kira smiled she knew Lydia was right. "And please call me Kira."

"Okay. Mis... um Kira." Lydia corrected herself.

"So since I'm struck here, I might as well get comfortable," Kira spoke with a frown.

"Let me introduce you to everyone." Lydia said excitedly as she dragged Kira to the luxurious kitchen.

Kira was busy staring at the kitchen she hadn't realized that everyone had been gawking at her.

"Ahem," Lydia cleared her throat and Kira cheek turned a crimson red.

"Everyone meet Kira," Lydia announced with a smile. "This is Haley," Lydia pointed at a young girl her black hair was in a pixie cut. "She's a maid like myself.

"And this is Troy," she pointed at a young man with dirty blonde hair. "Him, Rose and Jonathon." She pointed at a female with red hair and a guy with curly brown hair.

"That is Carlos," she guestured towards the chef, he had black low hair. "And you had already met madam Francine. She's the head maid." Lydia explained.

"Hello..." Kira waved with a small smile and she received a bunch of hello with a polite smile.

That night Kira was the only one who was presented at the dinner table. Jason had requested his dinner to be served in his room. Taking this has her chance Kira asked to be the one to bring Jason's dinner to him.

The Lydia was reluctant at first but later agreed with Kira for her to bring the food to him. Kira hurriedly had her dinner then picked up the tray that had Jason's dinner.

Kira heart pounded against her chest as she climbed the last step of the grand staircase. She stood outside Jason's door and let out a breath she didn't know she was holding and knocked on his door.

Kira didn't hear anything only shuffling from the otherside of the door. So she pushed the double doors opened and went inside. The only light that shone in the room was from the moonlight. Kira began to scanned the room for Jason but there wasn't any sign of him.

Kira was on her way out when she crashed into something or rather someone.