30. Inevitable

"What are you doing here?" Jason asked with clenched jaw.

"I brought you your dinner," Kira replied in a meek voice.

"I never asked you to," Jason spat.

"I know," Kira mumbled. "I offered to take it."

Jason scoffed. "Leave!"

"No," Kira whispered.

"What?" Jason asked stunned by her boldness.

"I said no," Kira spoke a little louder and with more confidence.

"Stupid like girl," Jason mumbled with his eyes close.

"Marcus told me what had happened to you," Kira spoke. "I know what you are and I'm not afraid."

And to Kira's surprised Jason burst out laughing a full blown laugh, his laugh was beautiful.

"You think because Marcus told you some sappy story, you know me?" Jason mocked before he tightened his hold on Kira arm.

Kira flinched at his tight hold before she said. "I forgive you..." Kira mumbled as tears tickled down her cheeks. "I'm not angry at you..." she continued.

"What did Marcus tell you?" Jason questioned and Kira began to tell him everything. "Leave!" Jason ordered.

"Is that the reason why you're keeping me here because your lonely?"

"I said leave!" Jason voice boomed across the walls.

Kira began to panicked but remained rooted in her spot.

"You dare to defy me!" Jason growled and before Kira could react he pressed her body against his and sank his fangs in her neck.

"Ahhhhhh!!!" A priecing screamed ripped through her lips as tears rolled down her cheeks. "I don't believe you're evil, just broken..." That was the last thing Kira muttered before she fell into a deep abyss.

Jason was so lost in the moment that he hadn't realized the girl pulse had began to slow. Suddenly the girl's body slumped in his arms and Jason heart sank as he pulled away. In the spur of the moment Jason hastily picked her up in bridal style and hurriedly brought her over to his bed.

He took up his cellphone off the nightstand as he frantically dialed Marcus number.

"Please, pick up the phone." He urged, as he tap his foot impatiently.

"I'm already on my way," Marcus answered on the other line.

"Okay." Jason nodded before ending the call, switching his gaze to the female laying on his bed.

Kira's breathing was slow and shallow as her chest heaved. Jason paced back and forth until his door was pushed opened and Marcus entered.

After what felt like hours Marcus finally broke the silence. "She's fine, just a little blood loss but she'll be fine with plenty of rest."

Jason nodded before storming out of the room, her scent lingering in the air was too much to bear.

Marcus watched his retreating figure and shook his head before he also left the room. He found Jason in his art studio down in the basement, starin out the window.

"I suggest that the girl be under my care," Marcus spoke from the door frame.

"The girl stays," Jason answered in a flat tone.

"Until you lost self-controlled and drained her of her blood?" Marcus questioned. "You cannot avoid the inevitable, you're just prolonging it."

Jason spun around to meet Marcus glare but he was already long gone. He teleported inside of his room, he sighed silently with relief.

Kira was safe in his bed, her wet hair tangled like seaweed across the pillow. She was curled into a small ball with the covers stretched around her shoulders. She shivered in her sleep, and her lips trembled.


Teleporting to the linen closet he selected the thickest blanket and took it back to his room. He cautiously spread the blanket over her; she didn't react to the added weight. He then returned to the couch in the dark corner of the room and watch Kira slept.


It was at the break of dawn when Kira began to stirred in her sleep was when Jason teleported from the room.

Kira gogrily opened her eyes and scanned the room for Jason but there wasn't any sign of him. She had this weird dream that Jason had been inside her room, watching her sleep. Upon realizing that it was only a mere dream, Kira immediately sank back in her bed.

When it suddenly dawned on her that this wasn't her room, but was in fact a Jason's room.

Them memories of last night event flooded her memory, as she removed the blanket and slipped out of bed.

But immediately after taking a step, her vision darkened and she lose her balance and fell. knocking over a glass picture frame from the bedside table, it landed with a loud crash.

"Kira," Lydia rushed to her side, placing the breakfast tray on the bedside table and helped her to her feet. "Are you okay?" She asked worriedly, when Kira was seated on the bed.

"I'm fine," Kira forced a smile.

"Let me," Lydia suggested, removing the bandage from Kira's neck.

Kira sighed. "How bad is it?"

"Not bad," Lydia mumbled, wiping away the dried blood.

Kira shoulders dropped as she let out another deep breath.

"I've seen worst," Lydia said bringing another bandage to Kira's neck.

"Leave it."

"Are you sure?" Lydia asked but Kira only nodded her eyes never leaving the bowl of soup.

"Okay. Do you need help getting in the shower?" Lydia asked picking up the broken glasses.

Kira halt her hand in midair, her eyebrows knitted together before she finally spoke. "Would you help me getting back to my room?"

"Sure," Lydia answered with a warm smiled. "If that is what you want, of course."

With Lydia's help Kira returned to her room,

"Do you want me to run you a bath?" Lydia asked.

"Thank you," Kira mumbled, staring off into the distance.

Shorty after, preparing Kira's bath Lydia returned to her duties.

Kira went to the bathroom and stripped from yesterday's clothes. Subconsciously her fingers traveled to the holes on her neck. And she flinched as tears rolled down her cheeks.

Jason watched Kira as she carefully made her way inside the bathtub. Her once perky smiled was long gone, and was replaced with a sad frown. His eyes then fell to her neck and he gritted his teeth before teleporting from the room.