31. Dinner

A week had past and there hadn't been a sign of Jason. Kira once asked Lydia if he was away for work, but was left gaping at her words.

"No." Kira answered, "He doesn't left the basement."

"Oh," Kira answered with a force smile, before turning on her heels.

[2 months later]

Jason continued to avoid Kira and she wasn't even allowed to go to her graduation ceremony. She grew depressed, for weeks she locked herself away in her room. Refusing to eat or to see anyone.

Marcus grew worried each passing day. He even confronted Jason and they ended having a heated argument. He wanted Kira to have freedom but Jason had refused without batting an eyelid.

After Marcus stormed away furiously Jason returned to his portrait, it was a field by a lake. He became distracted by Marcus words so he teleported to the kitchen.

"Have Kira down for dinner." He instructed Lydia, turning on his heels, only to stopped in his tracks before turning to meet her gaze. "... And make sure she's properly dress, I plan on enjoying my meal. Oh and if she refuse I'll have dinner be moved to her room."

"Yes, Master," Lydia answered with a small smile.

After returning to his room, Jason went and stood by his window, with his hand behind his back.

Lydia beamed in excitement as she hurriedly made her way to Kira's room. Unable to contained her excitement. She knocked once before pushing the double doors opened.

Kira was laying on her side, facing the window her gaze never waver.

"You won't believe what just happened...?" Lydia started in a sing song voice.

"The boy you have been crushing on finally asked you out...?" Kira asked with a small smile while leaning her head on the bed rest.

"No," Lydia answered with a frown before she shook her head. "That's not it." She stated taking a seat beside Kira.

"Then what is it?" Kira asked nonchantly.

"Jason had request you dine with him." Lydia said like a love struck teenager and all the colors drained from Kira's face.

"I'm not feeling well," Kira quickly lied.

"He said if you refused, he'll have dinner moved to your room," Lydia mumbled before meeting Kira's gaze.

Kira scoffed with her arms crossed against her chest. "How dare him?" She asked angrily.

"Dinner will be served in an hour and he had asked you look presentable." Lydia said, looking everywhere but at Kira's face.

"What?" Kira asked in disbelief but Lydia only shrugged with a toothy grin.

Then her stomach began to growled and her face burn red from embarrassment. Reluctantly she removed the covers and followed Lydia to the bathroom.

After a well-needed shower she went back inside her room with a pout.

"Let me," Lydia offered with a hairbrush in her hand.

Kira nodded and went to took her seat in front of the vanity table. As Lydia began, to brush and untangled the knot from her wet hair. After getting ridden of the knots Lydia began to curl Kira's hair.

"Now let's get you dress," Lydia chirped after apply makeup to Kira's face.

"Okay," Kira nodded as Lydia began rampaging through the walk-in closet.

"Here," she tossed Kira a spaghetti strap white knee length dress and white flats.

Kira looked at the dress in disbelief before her eyes traveled to lydia's face.

"I'm not wearing a dress for him," Kira stated sternly her gaze never waver.

"Please," Lydia pleaded with her big puppy eyes.

Kira let out a puff. "Fine, but only this once." She said stubbornly with a raise eyebrow which Lydia nodded and push the dress towards her.

Kira let out a sigh as she took the dress and went to her bathroom, moments later she stepped inside the room.

"Wow! You look amazing," Lydia said looking at Kira in awe.

"Thanks," Kira blushed just then Lydia tugged on her arm.

"We're late and I doubt you would want dinner be moved to your room." Lydia mumbled as she and Kira made their way down the grand staircase.

Upon entering the dinning hall Lydia bowed when she saw Jason sitting at the head of the table.

"You're late," Jason stated sternly. "I was just about to ask the servants to have dinner be moved to Kira's room."

"I'm sorry, Master," Lydia apologized.

Then his eyes traveled to Kira's face and without knowing his lips formed into a smirk.

"You may leave," he gestured towards Lydia. And without wasting time she sent Kira an encouraging smile before she left the room.

Kira lifted her head and her eyes locked with a pair of hazel green ones and she gulped nervously. Slowly, Kira moved towards the table just then she heard a scrapping sound and she lifted her head.

"Sit," Jason instructed, patting the chair next to his.

Kira froze in her tracks at first with her eye brows knitted together when Jason spoke.

"Or would you rather be seated on my lap?" He asked with a smirked.

Kira quickly shook her head with a frown as she got seated, just then the servants began serving dinner.

"Eat. You looked starved." His voice woke Kira from her trance, and she stared at the array if dishes in front of her. 

"Listen to me and do what I say. Or do you want me to feed you?" He smirked and Kira pressed her lips into a thin line.

"I-I'll eat," she replied, picking her her cutlery and started eating.

The more he stayed with her the more he found many differences her and Cassey. Cassey was cheerful, her smile was captivating. And her laughter melted the strongest of hearts. Jason blinked as he tried to stop himself from thinking about her. What was he doing?

How could fate intertwined their destiny?

She was half witch and he detested their kind. Slowly, Jason's finger tightened around his cutlery.

He opened his lips to asked her to leave but when he looked at the girl beside him, he closed his eyes and leaned on the chair.

Kira looked up and stared intently at his face. She wanted to reached out and touched his face but she quickly shook that thought away.

As if sensing someone penetrating stare. Jason opened his eyes only to met with deep chocolate brown ones.

There was sauce on the corner of Kira's mouth and instinctly, Jason hand flew to the side of her mouth.  The two of them sit still as they was frozen in time and just stared at each other.

Jason was speechless while Kira was holding her breath.