32. I'm the Villain

After months of not knowing Kira location Rebecca grew depressed. She would sulk all day and skipped classes. It had gotten so badly that she would go clubbing every other night and would randomly hooked up with strange guys.

Her grades began to slipped, but she was always too intoxicated to function. A week before her graduation ceremony she was hospitalized for the over using of drugs.

The day of her graduation ceremony she was sprawled out on her couch. While doing drugs and drinking her sarrows away with her new friends.

Her drugs habit had gotten so bad that she started getting violent. She even went as far as threw hot coffee on a customer at the café. Rebecca became a ticking bomb. She would get into gang fights and heated arguments with Dickson her gangleader boyfriend.

Dickson became violent with her and would vent all his pent up anger on her. He became super possessive that he slapped her across the face just for taking to a guy at the club.

You might asked, why is Rebecca still with him?

Rebecca thought she was in love. When she was at her lowest he was by her side, supplying her with drugs to help her cope.

Rebecca was on her way to Dickson's house, but when she got there something was off. There were female clothes scattered all over his couch. Slowly, Rebecca turned on her heels and headed up the stairs, but the closer she got to Dickson's room she heard moans coming from the door.

She had been drinking earlier so it gave her the courage to pushed the door opened. Anger coursed through her veins at she stared at Dickson who was staring at her in shocked.

"Babe it's not what it looks like." Dickson started but Rebecca was already reaching for the baseball bat in the corner.

Her eyes traveled to the ginger red hair female who was clued to the corner. With the bed sheets wrapped tightly around her naked body.

"I'm going to make sure that my face will be the last thing you'll be seeing!" Rebecca spat as she charged at the female with the baseball bat.

If it wasn't for Dickson wrapping his hands around Rebecca's waist. She would have beaten the female to death.

"Get your hands off me!" Rebecca shouted.

"Stop this nonsense," Dickson growled, lifting Rebecca and tossing her on the bed.

"Nonsense?" Rebecca asked before throwing herself at the girl.

Rebecca tugged at her hair while she kicked and bit her, Rebecca went as far as to spat on her.

Having enough of Rebecca's rebellious behavior Dickson grabbed a handful of her hair. And pried her off the female.

"Leave!" He shouted at the female who scattered to her feet to leave the room.

"How could you!" Rebecca cried when Dickson tossed her on the bed.

"You weren't supposed to see that!" Dickson cursed as he smashed the furnitures.

"I'm leaving you!" Rebecca yelled, standing to her feet.

"Where do you think you're going?" Dickson grabbed her arm.

"Let go of me!" Rebecca tried pulling her arms away.

"You're not going anywhere!" Dickson growled, shoving her against the wall.

Rebecca stared into his cold eyes as tears streamed down her face. Dickson slammed his fist next to Rebecca face as he walked away.

After what felt like hours Rebecca gathered her strength, and made her way down the stairs. Where she saw Dickson sitting on the couch, his head leaned on the sofa with his eyes closed.

Rebecca went over and she saw what he was doing, then Dickson opened his eyes and they fell on Rebecca. His eyes were blood red and he smashed his lips against hers. Rebecca tried pushing him way but he wouldn't bludge. So she bit down hard on his tongue.

"You!" Dickson roared but before he could raised his hand she was already making her way to the door.

"Get back here!" Dickson growled like an federal animal but Rebecca didn't even spare him a glanced

Rebecca hurriedly rushed home and made sure her doors and windows were bolted shut. Then she went to her fridge and began searching for beers. She was beyond pissed and the only thing that could helped was alcohol and drugs. So she wouldn't broke and smashed things.

She was on her second bottle of beer when she heard a loud banging on her front door.

"Rebecca, opened the goddam door!" She heard Dickson's angry voice and tears streamed down her face. As the yelling and banging became louder.

She wanted nothing more than to ran in his arms and sobbed her heart out. But she knew what dates awaits her if she let Dickson in.

"Rebecca!" Dickson yelled and she began to whimpered as she covered her ears.

A minute passed followed by another and another without any yelling or banging at the front door. Rebecca picked up a knife as she slowly went to front door, she waited a minute before she unlocked the door.

"Dickson," She called in a meek voice but was only met with silence. She left out a deep breath as she stared into the silent night.


After Dickson made his way down Rebecca's porch he decided on going to the club to cool down. On his way to the club he felt as if he were being followed, his face contorted into a smirked.

Rebecca, he thought as he walked down a dark alleyway.

"I know you couldn't get enough of me," he said smugly but was only met with silence.

"Rebecca," he said through gritted teeth but again he was met with silence.

Having enough of her rebellious behavior he turned around but there was no one. "Rebecca, when I get my hands on you I'm going to teach you a valuable lesson!" Dickson growled clenching his fist.

"Who the hell are you?" Dickson asked the man who have stepped from the shadows.

But when he didn't replied, he spoke once again. "Did Rebecca send you?" But when the man didn't utter a word Dickson scoffed, "How pathetic."

"You never shut up, do you?" Jackson said in pour amusement. "I'm calculating your deaths in a million way."

"Do you have any idea of who you're dealing with!" Dickson growled like a wild animal.

Jackson sigh dramatically before he spoke. "A mere mortal, who believe he's superior."

"And you... You are just a fool who is determined to be the hero!" Dickson said with a smirked.

"Hero, I am not." Jackson stated as his teeth elongated and he took a threatening step forward.

"W-what a-are y-you?" Dickson asked as he took a step backwards.

"I'm the villain," Jackson flashes a sinister smiled before burning his fangs into his neck.