
It was a normal day at Drum Island people get sick and then die. But it was about to get crazy in here. A young boy who looked 16 woke up in the forest. He had weak skinny body, handsome face and no clothes.

He put his arms together signaling he was freezing. It worked I have finally reincarnated into one piece he said. He had been working on a Reincarnation Machine that would reincarnate him into one piece. He knew the one piece world was dangerous so he made sure to make a system.

Where is that damn system he said. The system was supposed to come in when he reincarnated but it must've malfunctioned. He sighed before remembering the system alternate activation method.

He had a smile on his face before walking to the nearest civilization. Everyone was looking at him before running.

Why won't anyone help me he yelled. Everyone he got close to hit him before running away. He wondered why but came to no answer. He kept on going to everyone and it kept on repeating until.

Young man you're freezing where are you're clothes a woman said. She looked like a hiking bear so he immediately bowed. Young man why are you bowing come with me I got some clothes.

He followed her into her home which she gave the most comfortable clothes ever. Thank you I never got you name I said.

Negikuma Marie is my name make yourself home what's your name. He didn't want to use his name from his life so he thought of one quick. Joker D Akira is my name he said with a smile on his face.


Akira huh I bet you have a lot of wisdom so why did you run away from your parents Marie said. Run away from my parents huh what is she thinking he thought. You had a fight with your parents and ran away thinking you could survive all on your own Marie said.

No you have th he was going to say but was cut off. If my two children ran away I would've looked for them your parents must be doing that right now.

Akira was looking at this person waiting for other words. What are you looking at I'm finished she said. Akira took a breath before lying I don't have parents. This completely took Marie off guard before saying I see.

My village was destroyed by pirates and they killed my parents before kidnapping me to sell me. But I found a escape because I was close to this island. Do you mind me asking where am I Akira said.

Of course your in Drum Island she said before going to the kitchen and giving him some soup. Here brink this soup it's delicious she said before going to her sons. She whispered something to they're ears before saying to Akira.

Hey Akira why don't you go play with my boys outside. Akira nodded and headed out with the two boys with warm clothes. So what are your names Akira said to the boys. My name is Asahi and his name is Akio.

Well what do you want to play the boys said in unison. How about we explore the island Akira purposed. That sounds boring both of them said. How about sneakily let's pretend to be ninjas Akira once again purposed.

They both agreed which made Akira job easier. Akira originally planned to go around the island and find a devil fruit alone. And you might ask why would he need a devil fruit other than its powers.

Because the system alternate activation method was to eat a devil fruit. He couldn't remember the system power but it would be enough for him to stay alive.

They all sneakily ran around the island avoiding all attention and even managed to get some information. The people of the island were talking about a legend where a beast was there guarding some sort of treasure.

Hey guys do you what they're talking about Akira said. It's the legend where one of the villagers was going on his daily walk when he spotted a beast. Which he then ran away and came telling everyone but no one believed him. So to prove himself he went to find the beast and never came back Asahi said.

But what does this have to do with a treasure Akira asked. Well his best friend who got worried that he didn't come back went out looking for him. Which he found him but he was torn in half holding a sword. He went to the village and brought everyone to the spot he found him.

They went to the place and saw nothing and everyone then made fun of him too. And he keeps on saying that the beast came back and stole the body and the sword. Which then people changed the legend to how the beast protects a treasure Asahi said.

Is the guy who found the body still alive Akira said. Yeah he's still alive he doesn't stop talking about it. Everyone got so annoyed by him that he became a loner Akio said.

You don't actually believe in a stupid legend people make up they both said. No it's just interesting to listen to legends Akira said. They all went back to Marie home after playing a bit more.

While everyone was sleeping Akira was thinking and out two things. How to get a devil fruit and the legend. The hardest thing was how to get a devil fruit but he also had to think what devil fruit would he get. He wanted a logia but things can't be guaranteed it would be a logia.

And then where do I get my devil fruit from. He thought he would get it from the black market but he doesn't have money. So the only way was to get a devil fruit was to explore the island.

Now the second thing the legend has to be true but it was never mentioned in anime or manga. But this is the one piece world things are unpredictable so it might be true. I will look for the beast and a devil fruit while exploring the island.

The next day Akira eat breakfast and thanked Marie before going to the woods and exploring.

He was exploring for hours and he mapped it as well. I guess I only did 1/2 of the forest. I better be going back to Marie's home Akira thought.

As he was going back he heard from the villagers about a monster who looked human but was hairy. Looks like Chopper appeared I think I should befriend him Akira thought.

He went back to Marie's house but before he could get inside he heard. Dalton you gotta help me with Akira he lost his parents but he acts like he doesn't care. And I feel like he's hiding something he went into the woods today Marie said.

Well I'm sorry there is nothing I can do he's naturally grieving the loss of his parents in his own way Dalton said. Well is there anything you can do for him Marie said. I think their is but I'm a little bit busy Wapol needs me Dalton said before leaving.

Akira ran and hid away before coming back to Marie home. Hey Marie I'm back I explored the woods a little bit today.

Oh good you're back I made some dinner for all of us come join us Marie said. Akira came in sat down and ate with everyone it felt like a family. Tomorrow he would complete the woods but if he didn't get a devil fruit he might be doomed.

When Akira was sleeping he had a dream for the first time he got to one piece world. It was rather a memory of his past than a dream. He was watching one piece on the floor while his father has drinking.

What the hell is this cartoon you're watching give the remote I'm watching sports now. He gave the remote to his father and sat back on the floor. Honey the food is ready said by my mom who had a bruised eye holding a tray filled with dinner.

Just as my mom was giving my dad the food she tripped and spilled everything. My dad got up and untied his belt before saying you bitch I'll teach you a lesson. He hit her while I ran away and hid in the closet.

When things like this happened I went to my happy place thinking about the straw hats and how they went through so much but always had a smile. I always thought I'll be just like them after this and I'll be strong.

Akira woke up sweating and it was morning he dressed up ate breakfast said goodbye and left for the woods. Using the map he drew he was able to make it to his spot last time. He continued looking everywhere for any strange looking fruit. He continued till he finished the whole woods he was going to head back in disappointment but he heard something.

A sort of big stomp and another one like a big animal was walking. He went to the noise and saw a beast. It was to dark to make out what animal it was but it was heading inside a cave. How did I miss that cave Akira thought. I'll just map it and come at a later time when the beast isn't there.

He went back to Marie house and did the usual thing before sleeping. He didn't have a dream tonight so it was peaceful. Akira woke and took Asahi and Akio with him around the village because Marie said and I quote. If you're gonna be living here with us do some chores for me and take the boys with you.

Asahi and Akio were singing with Akira as they did the chores. When they were done Akira said to the boys. Hey do you guys know where the best friend of the man in the legend lives. Yeah he's famous for still talking about the legend to people but he's really old.

The boys lead Akira to the old man house which Akira knocked on the door. The door opened and revealed a young women who looks 20 years old. She looked stunning that it made Akira forget what he was doing here.

Uhh hello I'm here to talk to the old man from the legend Akira said. Ohh boy fanboys are here again she said.

Oh we're not fan but he was cut off. Look my grandpa is really sick he doesn't have time to talk to fanboys. She was about to close the door but Akira said I saw the beast from the legend. She was looked at Akira and then said come in.

She guided them to the old man who was laying on a bed. The old man took a deep breath in before saying. Who are these gentleman Tyoki the old man said. He claims to have seen the beast Tyoki said.

The old mans eyes opened wide and he said you say the beast where was it. It was at the woods and it went into a cave Akira said. The old man stayed silent and then said boy are you after the beast.

Yes I just came here to tell you that Akira said. Just as he was going to leave he heard from the old man. Boy if you're going after the beast you might need this. Tyoki went and grabbed a sword and gave it to Akira. I bought the sword from a traveling merchant to kill the beast that took my best friend. But I never found the beast so take it to kill the beast the old man said.

[A/N: Sword IMAGE]

Akira took it and left with the boys which were talking about how Akira was crazy thinking the legend was true. Akira brought back the boys to their home and Dalton was there.

Dalton looked at the sword and said where did you get it. Someone gave it to me Akira said. Do you know how to use a sword Dalton said. No Akira said with no hesitation. How about I teach you how to use the sword Dalton said. Sure no problem let me eat dinner first Akira said.


A/N: How did you guys like the chapter. The next chapter will be Akira training to use a sword from Dalton. And also newbie author but give me tips. Anyway thank you for reading and see you the next chapter.