
[A/N: Thanks for someone telling me on how to improve my writing :) ]

"So to first wield a sword you need some foundation in your body". "So for the next month go and exercise" Dalton said. Akira nodded and took off his heavy clothes and wore light ones and then began running with the sword on him.

While Akira was running the boys noticed him. "Mom why is Akira running around with light clothes" Akio said. "I don't know that kid he might be crazy or something" Marie said. The boys looked at their mom then back at Akira.

"Mom can we go and watch Akira" they both said in unison. Marie paused before laughing. "Ha ha ha ha go to Akira if that's what you want" Marie said.

The boys went outside and went around Akira who has doing push ups. "Akira why are you doing this" Akio said. "It's obviously he wants to go slay the beast" Asahi said. "But why do you want to slay the beast" Akio said.

"Because I have to get stronger to kill those pirates that killed my parents" Akira said. "I need to become stronger and my first opponent will be the beast" Akira said. But actually he thought this. 'That beast is definitely guarding something not the sword or the body of the man from the legend'. 'But it is guarding something and I am gonna figure it out' Akira thought.

But the boys Asahi and Akio truly believed what he said. Akira looked at them as he did some curl ups. "What do you guys want to do in the future" Akira said. The boys looked at each other and shrugged.

"We don't know what we want to be in the future" they both said. Akira looked at them before saying "A man who has no dreams is no better than a dead man".

"Take your time your just kids but you need a dream in life" Akira said. The boys went silent as Akira kept on training. "Well are you guys gonna be silent the whole entire time why don't you join me on this run" Akira said.

The boys nodded and went on the run with Akira. Though they were all silent they shared a thousand words. Their bond grew and grew and they eventually both respected Akira. In dinner time the boys looked at each other before looking a Akira.

"Akira we know what we want to be in the future now" they both said in unison. "We want to be strong just like you and follow you no matter where" they said. Akira looked at them while Marie laughed her heart out.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ohh boy oh boy" Marie said. Marie stopped her laughing slowly and looked at her children before saying. "Why do you want to follow Akira" Marie said. They both looked at each other before saying. We don't really know but we have the feeling to follow him they said.

Akira smiled before saying "Well if you're gonna follow me than let's train together". After they finished eating they went to sleep. Akira slept peacefully having the best dream until he started thinking about Asahi and Akio.

He remembered a painful memory where he lost someone precious to him. It was the year 2029 and one piece has already ended. I was researching on how to reincarnate to go to one piece. Though I never made good progress I still kept trying.

My mom finally divorced my dad and married another person who had a 5 year old daughter. She was my step sister and we never talked to each other until one day. I was researching and rewatching one piece at the same time.

Then my step sister who's name I never knew came in. She looked at me holding a white bunny and said. "I'm Hungry" I looked at her before saying " if you've got energy to complain about being hungry you've got enough energy.

I (Borrowed) that quote form one piece but I think I messed it up a little at the end. She looked at me before crying and saying " wa wa wa but I'm hungry give me some food". I quickly replied "Geez quit crying I'll make food for you".

I went downstairs to the kitchen and she followed. I looked in the fridge before looking at her before saying "Looks like we ain't got groceries mom forgot it again". Though our mom didn't forget she simply didn't want to. The new man and her were having the time of their lives while we were forgotten.

I closed the fridge and said "Hey I never got your name". She looked at me and stayed silent "What you don't want to say it" I said. " My name is Ichika" she said. I stayed silent before saying "Let's go to the market and I'll show you around".

That day I showed her around the market and built a bond. It's seems like her father has been busy with my mom so she didn't get much attention or any. As the months went by we built a bond with each other. I showed her one piece and she got really into it and we bonded some more.

Though happy things never last forever do they. I got a call from the police saying Ichika has been hospitalized. I rushed over there and saw Ichika in a hospital bed with a tube up her nose. The police officer told me that my EX father found our address and broke in. He saw my mom and step father together once and has been tracking where they lived.

He broke In the home just wanting to do vandalism but then a chain of accident happened and Ichika got hurt. After I spent some time with Ichika my mom and step dad came. They were wearing fancy clothes like they were invited somewhere.

"Where were you guys" I said. "We we're doing groceries together and we got home to see all of that"my step father said.

I snapped and said to them "Lies I know you've both been going party's". " Why did you guys ignore me and Ichika". "Because of you guys going to parties and leaving Ichika alone now she got hurt" I said.

I stormed out and never talked to my mom or step dad ever again. Ichika never got better her health got worse every single day. She fought till like a champ but she couldn't anymore.

Akira woke up in the morning before everyone else. He looked at Asahi and Akio and thought 'I'll protect them they remind me a lot like Ichika". He got up and went outside to do some extra excercise.

Later in the day Asahi and Akio came to Akira to exercise. Though they got tired after 3 push ups they didn't stop trying. The month was over and Dalton came to visit. He was surprised to see Akira with body builder body. And the kids also grew some muscle and kept on boasting about it.

[A/N: Body Builder IMAGE]

"Get your sword I'll teach you the basics of One Sword Style" Dalton said. Akira got the sword and did what Dalton told him. Asahi, Akio and Marie were watching Akira practice.

"First what you're gonna do is swing your sword 500 times". "But you have to do it with pure concentration and all your strength to your attack" Dalton said. Akira nodded and start doing it with pure concentration and all my strength into the swing.

After doing 100 swings his body started to hurt. After 300 swings he felt so weak but he kept on going. When he was done he was out of breath and tried to do anything. Dalton picked him him up and said "Good job Akira I've seen how you put pure concentration and strength into your attacks".

"A swordsman must be concentration to the fullest one mistake could mean death". "You must put strength into your attack otherwise your opponent would overwhelm you". "You must overwhelm them before they could do you". "Take a rest I'll teach you next where to attack on the body".

During Akira rest Marie and Dalton were talking. They had laughs and laughs until Marie asked "Why does Akira want to learn how to use a sword". Asahi and Akio looked at each other before both of them saying "It's because he wants to get strong enough so he can kill his parents murderer".

Marie looked shocked and Dalton just paused before saying "It's understandable I've seen this before". "They get overwhelmed with revenge but they never get revenge".

After that they decided to change the subject and waited for Akira to finish his rest. Akira woke up and they started the next lesson. The next lesson involved Dalton having his weapon out.

"Where do you think a swordsman should attack first" Dalton said. Akira thought for a moment and said. 'It couldn't have been the head the question would be easy'. He thought some more before saying "It has to be the midsection of the body.".

"Wrong you don't attack the opponent unless you have tired them out". "You can attack any body part and it would be fine if you've got a plan on where to strike". "Now let's fight I'll not attack you and only be on defense". "Your job is gonna be to tire me out and find a opening to attack." Dalton said.


I rushed toward him and I attacked first. He blocked my attack and our swords crossed. I kept on throwing attacks to tire him out. It didn't work he wasn't getting tired at all. 'Well he is a zoan user he is stronger and has more stamina' I thought.

I kept on attacking and he kept on blocking. I was planning on where to attack every time I strike him. I was getting really tired and it's only been 30 minutes.

"Hey if you get a good hit on me with the sword I'll teach you a move" Dalton said. I became more determined to win by what he said. I got more and more aggressive and began to attack faster.

As the the fight was going on people were gathering around them. "Hey this kid is fighting Dalton he's gonna get hurt" a random man said. "We all know Dalton is going to win give up kid" some one yelled.

As Asahi and Akio heard this they wanted to hit that guy. But Marie restrained them saying "The only thing you can do is cheer him on". They understood Marie's words so they began cheering "Hey Akira just beat him already you can win" both of them said.

Hearing they're words Akira became more aggressive to win. He became faster and faster until, he got Dalton overwhelmed. He found an opportunity ti attack and he took it. Akira sliced the right side of Dalton and finally got him on the ground where he held the sword to his neck.

Dalton smirked and said "You think the battle is over so you let your guard down". He then tripped Akira and he fell on his back. Dalton then got up and then offered a hand to Akira which he took.

You got a good one on me I'll teach you only one move of One Sword Style.

After Akira learned the move from Dalton he went to Tyoki home to meet the old man.

"He's here make it brief he is really sick" Tyoki said. "What kind of sickness does he have" Akira said. "We don't know the king holds all the doctor and he would have to beg which he can't" Tyoki replied.

Akira got in and sat on a small stool and said "Hey old man I'm going to go and fight the beast". "Ohh thank you but make sure to be safe when fighting it" the old man said. The old man paused before saying "If it won't be to much trouble can you go and get my friends sword".

"Not at all I'll go get and bring to you" Akira replied. The old man and Akira talked for hours before the old man had to take a nap. Akira left Tyoki home and went toward the place where the cave was following the map he drew.

"At last I've found it the cave where the beast is". "I'm coming for that thing you're guarding" Akira said. Before going inside the cave Akira unsheathed his sword and began exploring.


A/N: Hello everyone did you like the training chapter. I hope you guys liked today's chapter I got really tired writing it. Give me any tips on how to improve on this chapter.

Can you guys guess what move Akira learned from Dalton. Find out next on Dragon Ba… I mean One Piece: Blood Demon System.