A trip to John's workshop part 1

Ali woke up early in the morning and put his thoughts in order and drew a diagram of the tools for making beanbags. Then he went to the shower and when he finished he went to the dining room to eat with his two brothers.

The servant opened the door and Ali entered the dining room

"Hello, how was your morning?" Laila asked

"Good morning, my lord lord. I don't know how I was able to take responsibility for the city of Celani." Ryan laughed, jokingly kindly.

"Yes, he is really fine. As for you, Ryan, I will lead this city to its prosperity." He sat down at the table and ate. Fortunately, he learned some Arabic recipes, such as falafel, kabsa, and grilled rice, and brought them to this world. These foods were liked by his brothers and will also be shun, so they did not refuse to eat them once or twice a week

"I hope so, brother," Ryan replied

"Hear me, Ryan, I want you to go with me to the iron shop in the city center after breakfast. I have something to do. Believe me, you will like it."

Before Ryan could reply, Layla actually asked, "What is that thing?"

"It's a secret girl, I'll tell you later." He replied with a sly smile

"Okay, I'll go with you." Ryan agreed

"Take this, you will like it." He handed me a sheet of paper with drawings of the Bismar engine tools for making pure steel, as well as the tools needed to make chairs and tables.

"Read it after breakfast," Ali Ryan commanded

"Okay, but I hope it's something important," Ryan replied with a bored expression

"Okay, finish your breakfast, you fools." Ali said to his two brothers and inserted his spoon into the rice.


Ali and Rayan used to go to the iron workshop in the city center to manufacture materials for the Bismar engine, as well as tools for cutting and leveling wood to make chairs and tables.

Chairs and tables were an expensive thing at that time because of the difficulty of making them, but by means of machines, he would easily make them and make a fortune from them that would help him strengthen his army and his city.

After they reached the workshop, Ali and Rayan got out of her car, along with their bodyguards and the butler, and they headed to the workshop.

A terrified boy entered the workshop and said to the workshop master Jun

"My master, the city lord and his brother are coming to the workshop."

"What, but what does the city lord want from our workshop? If he wants a weapon, he can directly ask the servants to bring it to him." John was puzzled by the master's behavior

"You idiots, come out and show respect to the city lord Ali quickly." John commanded his aides and apprentices.

As Ali approached the door, all the workers came out of the workshop and knelt down and shouted aloud to Ali

Long live Lord Ali and his brother Ryan

Ali looked at them in shock and said, "Stand up, my people, you don't have to kneel to anyone, stand up now."

After I ordered everyone to stop immediately

"I want to meet the owner of this workshop now." I order the workshop workers

A middle-sized and aged man walked out of the crowd and said softly, "Sir, City Master, my name is John, and I am the master of this workshop."

"Okay, John, I want you alone so I can talk to you about something." Ali said softly

When John heard this, he ordered the workers, "Quickly prepare the back room for Mr. Ali and his brother."