Ali died in a car accident but was reborn in a world where witches and the church fight and demons are coming, but fortunately he was born with a technology tree
It's a wonderful novel and it has a future to thrive. I just hope the writer doesn't spoil it. It really is a golden gem. I hope the author continues to write.
4 years ago
Hello, I hope you like your opinion on my story My English is not good but I'm really trying to write I hope to see you all even if it's bad
It's a wonderful novel and it has a future to thrive. I just hope the writer doesn't spoil it. It really is a golden gem. I hope the author continues to write.
Hello, I hope you like your opinion on my story My English is not good but I'm really trying to write I hope to see you all even if it's bad
Excellent novel Excellent novel Excellent novel Excellent novel Excellent novel Excellent novel Excellent novel Excellent novel Excellent novel Excellent novel Excellent novel