Reducing the influence of Ronv

Ronf was a very bribed person and was a thief as he only cared about his own interest, but in secret the city judge was helping him in his thefts so it was easy for him to take the money

"You foolish maid, how can you pour juice into my clothes, my clothes are more expensive than you?" Ronf shouted at a teenage maid in front of him.

The maid was trembling, "Sir, I'm sorry, sir, I'm sorry." The maid was called Mia

"Come here for your punishment," Ronf shouted angrily at the little maid and smiled an evil smile.

"Please, sir, don't punish me." The poor maid was crying in remorse. She herself didn't mean to spill wine on Ronf's clothes, but slipped on the floor by mistake.

"It doesn't matter, you should be punished…" Before Ronf could finish speaking, he heard a knock on the door


"Come in," Ronv shouted

A knight entered Ronf's room, "Sir Ronf, the city lord, Ali, is asking for your presence now." The knight said calmly

'Huh, what does this bastard want after lowering my salary and reducing my influence,' Ronf thought in his head

"Tell him, OK, I'll come now," Ronf said with a smile that hides the features of malice

After getting dressed, Ronav went out to meet Ali in his office.

After he arrived, he knocked on the door


"Come in Ronaf." Ali called Ronaf to enter his office

Ronef entered the office, "Sit in the chair, I have something to tell you, Ronef." He told me this with a sly smile.

"Okay, sir." Ronf sat quietly

"From today, I have decided to reduce the farmland that you manage by half, and also reduce your management of river fish by one third, and I will manage it myself until I find an excellent person," Ali said calmly at his command.

Ronv looked shocked at Ali, "Why sir, I am a good person at managing money, surely you will be excellent with me managing it." Ronv said slightly angrily.

"It doesn't matter, that's really my business, get out now, do you understand, or do I repeat my words?" Ali smiled as he played with the pen in his office.

"But, my lord," Ronav shouted, but two knights stretched out their swords, and one of them said to Ronav

"Ali said something and you must do it, Ronav, or I will cut off your head." Ronav was frightened and pulled himself out

"Okay, okay, I'll go out." Ronv immediately withdrew from the office and went back to his room with great sadness and hatred for Ali


"Oh right, Ibrahim, you should take all the maids from Ronf's ward. He's a filthy guy. He replace his maids with old ladies, and tell him it's Ali's orders." He laughed at me with a wonderful smile.

"Sure, sir." Ibrahim smiled softly. He too hated Ronef to a great extent, and Ibrahim was the current army commander after the death of the former army commander with Murad


I really hope that you will write your opinions about the novel by the author Ali Aom