Chapter 56: A Partner In the Same Boat

"Why do you have my body-nya?" The little kitten stared at Leo, with shock in its big watery eyes.

It would have been pretty cute if people saw a little tiny creature staring at them like that, but that was not true for Leo here. He was dumbfounded by its words.

"What are you talking about?" He asked, looking at it with a frown.

"I am asking you why do you have my body? And, why the hell am I a kitten now-nya?" The little thing asked while staring at its own paw in disbelief.

"You mean this body is yours?" Leo asked nervously while pointing his finger towards his body.

"Yes! It's mine. I am Aiden Silver-nya!" The Little kitten screamed in anger, and the fact that it was aware of that name really left Leo blank. He had no idea what to do.

He had been praying all along to meet Aiden, but definitely not like this.

Was this really Aiden?