Chapter 57: Back to Academy

"No! This is a lie!" Nyanded grabbed its head with its paw as he stared at the . He had received the greatest shock of his life.

Leo had just told him about everything that had happened in the Academy, and also about the battle at the end of the month. And most importantly, the fact that he had watched all his monologues.

"You destroyed my years of hard work that I had put into creating my image-nya!" Nyanden laid down on the bed, extremely depressed. "And, not only that, you even saw my real face-nya!"

Nyanden was now officially the kitten's name. After all, it would be strange if he called it Aiden in front of people. They would think he had a screw loose. After all, who gives a pet their own name.

"What the hell was I supposed to do? I didn't know things well enough. Besides, I am not you." Leo shook his head as his body moved, and he threw his leg out.


He was practicing his kicks on the sand bag, while Nyanden sat on the bed looking at him.